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Fimfiction Advanced 4.0, Nosey Hound 2.0, and Interactive Ponies 2.0: The Sleek & Sexy Update · 4:35pm Jun 7th, 2017

Barring some minor electrical difficulties, I’m proud to present the greatest leap into the future of tiny-colourful-horse-fiction-reading since the advent crayons:

We’re baaack! :D

FimFiction Advance, Interactive Ponies, and Nosey Hound are all updated and available for the latest, greatest version of fimfiction. I spent a long time (real time, not valve [1] time) going through and making sure everything works.

Changes after the break!

[1] Sometimes referred to as knighty time.

FimFiction Advanced 4.0

As you’ve already seen, the biggest change of all is in the banner. It’s been completely redesigned to feel at home among the new aesthetics of the site, something that the previous design was starting to lack as knigggy changed directions.

Unfortunately, with this version the logo had to be disabled. It didn’t have any place and only served to crowd out the clean look, especially on user and story pages. The custom logo image may come back in another form sometime later, though.

Together with that, the “hide banner” option has been more aptly renamed to “compact banner” and will simply make the banner smaller for people who want to save on space.

As for new features:
We have the Lightbox blocker, which does exactly what it says.

I never liked lightboxes (those weird pop-ups that cover the page when you click on an image). I think they’re tacky and don’t really add much to the site (lightbox images even show up smaller on my phone’s screen! D:). I will forever associate them with holes like Twitter, Facebook, and KYM. So, of course, I had to add a way to disable them.

On by default, the Lightbox Blocker will disable the lightboxes across the entire site, except for the few (1) places where they made sense: profile avatars.

Along with this is also a lot of visual tweaks to knighty’s... questionable design choices. The resizing or youtube videos has been removed, since the site does that itself now, kind of.

I’ve completely (mostly) redone the styling for youtube embed previews to make them more consistent with the rest of the site. The white border around them is also go, which helps to save some space on top of enhancing the appearance.

The awful green/yellow on the sidebar is gone, replaced with shade slightly easier on the eyes:

I have no idea why he picked that.

The featured stories box got some changes reverted, which actually fixes the problem of fonts looking weird despite me not touching them:

Finally, I slightly changed the appearance of source links on story covers to make them consistent with the site:

...aaand I fixed up the button positioning on user cards:

I did consider making them dark as well, but the white actually stands out nicely.

Nosey Hound works, and Interactive Ponies works. A lot of stuff has changed though, so there might be some bugs.

Updated to 4.0.1 to fix gradients not working. It turns out that Chrome doesn’t support the #rgba model (yet). Also disabled Tab bar Side for now.

Edit2: Also removed the snowflakes from horizontal rules. Did I mention that? I thought I mentioned that.

Script download pages:

Comments ( 40 )

Tab bar side doesn’t work properly, and the lightbox thing seems to interfere with show mature.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

Ah, I knew I’d forgotten something. I intended to remove tab bar side.

I don’t have any issues with show mature though. Is it just that you can’t click on the toggle?

4563283 I click the toggle, but then the popup won’t pop up.

Also, it messes with the sommenter script...

Hm... are you running any other script?

Sommenter has not been updated, by the way.

Just sommenter and interactive ponies... I’ll try disabling sommenter and see if it runs better.

Yeah, it was the sommenter...

I’ve turned on Sommenter and yeah, it’s pretty broken.

I don’t know what would keep the mature popup from appearing. It doesn’t seem like anything on my end. A lot of the backend scripts did get updated, so it may help to reinstall all your scripts completely.

FimFicEvents, and both modules of FimQuery had to be changed for this update.

4563310 I’m just waiting for all the things to be updated tbh...

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

After trying the script on Nightly and finding it just won’t load there, I installed Firefox and got this error:
2):FimFiction Advanced) Unhandled Exception in Init: ReferenceError: getCookie is not defined
This error thing only pops up in ads, it seems?

Also got this error in the console.

Edit: Banners also seem to appear smaller for me, possibly due to my resolution?

The error box also appears in the log-in area.

Hm... I’m not sure why it would load in ad pages, it shouldn’t.

Both of those are references to code that should be already present on the page.

And your screen is very large, yes. It has to scale the banner up to fill the page width and that’s an unfortunate side-effect.

Yeah, it seems really odd. Here’s what it looks like in an ad page and on the log-in screen. I feel like I had a similar issue a while back... not sure how I fixed it.

Nothing you can do about the banner thing? Setting it to a percent of resolution height or something? Welp.

Thanks for updating this so fast, nonetheless! Love the clean look it brings to fimfiction.

Edit: Ah, this is where I had the problem before, though it was a bit different.

Just want to point out that Fimfiction Advanced screws up the Popular Stories section.

I’m having issues with the banner selector. All I get is ‘Source Reset Selection Banner Selector” and clicking any of them leads back to the main page with an ‘undefined’ pop up box.

Also, all notifications and actions now cancel out to just ‘undefined’ and don’t allow me to do anything until I disable it. Such as even posting this comment.

I WOULD like to see the logos come back in some form or fashion. I’m not a fan of the Blandy McBlanderson logo that vanilla FiMFic shunted on us. other than that, though, it looks great. Thanks, Sollace :D

That usually means you’re still running some old code (FimFic Events). Try reinstalling fimfiction advanced and disabling/reinstalling any other scripts you might have running to ensure all the background scripts are properly up to date.

Ay, you’re right. I didn’t realise that knighty removed the fading thing he did in lieu of a longer box.


Small problem of the Nosey hound breaking, though I don’t use it much anyways.

TypeError: Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined
This pops up in the settings.

Oh, and for whatever reason, when I click on an avatar, there’s a popup thing, but then I can’t get rid of it.

Nosey Hound was updated tho. :v

I’ve seen other people mention that error as well. I’m not entirely sure where it comes from. Is it appearing on the settings page?

yea, Settings.
Also, the gear button in the comments greys everything out instead of anything useful with Advanced is active, the Emotes don’t show up, and the avatar blow up thing Knighty added can’t be removed with Adv is active.

Edit: Also, the Icon thing freezes the screen too

Sollace or Knighty, can we please have the character themed formats back? I really really miss those and would be so thankful!

Did the trick!

Though now I installed both the extra emoticons and the round stable emoticons pack, but trying to use either takes me here

error"Signature is missing."

4563620 4563582
Extra Emoticons has not been updated, so I’d recommend keeping them disabled. (same for AppleTank, make sure there aren’t any other scripts running than the three I updated yesterday)

None of those bugs occur for me. What browser are you on, and what other scripts are you running?

Try sending your message to knighty directly. If he doesn’t, then I’ll see about adding them back.

Chrome, and currently Fimfic Adv, Sommenter, and Remaining words

Basically, I click on a picture, and the thing pops up, you know? But when I click it, it won’t go away. Same with the Font Awesome popup. Everything greys out and I can’t click anything.

Well, the bug still doesn’t occur for me with Sommenter enabled. I don’t even do anything to the lightboxes directly, it just removes the attributes on images so they no longer trigger it.

The only thing I can suggest is to reinstall and turn off Remaining Words.

Huh. Light boxes still trigger. Ill try the other thing

Hrm. The only way to not freeze my screen is to turn everything but Adv off. After that, Lightboxes still happen, but I can at least get rid of it from the middle of my screen.
Oh, and Font Awesome works again.

Font Awesome was broken?

Yeah, there’s probably some incompatibility there. It worked fine with Sommenter when I tried it, despite Sommenter being slightly broken itself.

Same problem as the previous lightbox problem. Open up font awesome, everything turns grey-tinted and I can’t click anything.

Ah. You’re talking about the icon popup.

It sounds to me like the Remaining Words is breaking something on the page. Can I have a link to it?

....link to what?

This other script?

Remaining Words

Installed it.

Bug still does not occur. :T

Weird. Maybe my computer just hates me.

Thanks solace, I sent him a message and I tried to make it brief and to the point yet heartfelt because I know you guys are probably swamped right now. Again, thanks so much for everything you guys do and I wish you guys the best.

Maybe. You should buy it some flowers, take it somewhere nice. (install some antivirus first, tho, to be safe)

Minor thing: Found out that the chapter progress bar no longer follows me anymore.

I've had that as well. It occurs whenther or not fimfic adv is installed.

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