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Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.


Pony POV Series World Building Optional Canon · 6:00pm May 19th, 2017

Some scholars say, that Tiamat before becoming Bahamut's wife, was not a virgin goddess. In fact, some theorize she was married with Bahamut just to curb her interests.

Morning Star to this day venomously denies anything between them happened, while Tiamat, even after Morning Star's fall, still adamantly insists something did happen between them. "After all, how could anything but perfection itself satisfy a primal force such as Myself?" It's possible she sought to breed the concept of perfection itself into her dragons. If it is true. Some theorize golden dragons are the spawn of this union, golden dragons who know of this theory reject the idea utterly.

Tiamat and Azerhorse's supposed union, her primal force combined with his concept, may have spawned Dra-Gon. While Tiamat claims it is so, Azerhorse, naturally, has no comment. Dra-Gon himself?

Given Azerhorse's nature, it's possible he is not even aware anything even happened between him and Tiamat, even as it was happening. Tiamat herself would take this as a personal insult. IF it is so, then Tiamat is the only known goddess to 'seduce' an elder concept. If such a thing even counts for Azerhorse.

Tiamat never once hid the fact that she intended her dragons to the supreme life-form on any planet they evolved on. However, while she would make them cunning, she considered intelligence among her spawn to be literally a 'waste of energy.' It was only when the centaur Orion slew one of her dragons by out smarting it did she begin to reconsider.

It's rumored, and unconfirmed, and Tiamat denies it to this day, that species of her early dragons reduced a world to ash and then turned on each other leaving nothing.

Bahamut from the beginning believed that their dragons would only achieve greatness if their dragons evolved intelligence. Bahamut and Tiamat's union are generally accepted as the source of most if not at all modern dragons on Equus.

Comments ( 1 )

TMI Tiamat! (I kid).

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