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Sky Blue CMC

"You're not a burden, my love" Simon comforted his partner, Prince Lucian. "You're all 7,634,420,069,142,002,387,487,862,912 stars in my sky, Luce. And I love how brightly you shine"

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Attention All Bronies And Pegasisters! Important Announcement And New Song! · 12:16pm May 8th, 2017

This is an important announcement! I, Nathan Jaremsek, am a jerk to everyone. I hurt people I love. I try to make myself better but ultimately I rely on others to do it for me. I take advantage of my friends and family, and I give them little to nothing in return. I'm trying my best to be the perfect boyfriend... and I hope that Kat knows I need her help. The only thing I can do is ask for your help, and do what you tell me to do. Everyone who isn't Rachel, I'm sorry for lying to you. Everyone else... I'm sorry I told your secret to the few people I told. I hurt all of you, and the only way for me to redeem myself is to apologize and hope for your forgiveness. I understand if you block me or unfollow me or even hate me. I deserve it all for being disloyal. But please, for the love of Luna, don't... I repeat, DON'T take Kat away from me. And don't tell me I deserve to be loved. I don't. I suck. If you know me well enough... you'll know the difference between a lie and reverse psychology. And you'll know that I only do either one of them in drastic situations. And let me tell you... when I say DON'T be kind to me... what I mean is I need your kindness more than anything. I've lost my own. I don't know if I'll ever be kind again. But I know I have friends who know me better than I know myself. Friends who care about me more than I care about myself. And I know I can count on them to pull me out of this grave I'v been digging for myself. So please... if you value my friendship at all, then please, for the love of Luna, HELP ME!!!!!

Now for the song. I call it... "Starlight Falls" by Jaydove. (yours truly) I hope you can understand both the references and the meaning. Fair warning: This song is seven stanzas long and it doesn't have a chorus.

Golden luster fills thy halls
Raining silver, Starlight falls
In this fortress, Firebrand
I call on thy mighty hand

Luminaries bright and true
Starlight falls for me and you
Darkness follows in her wake
And soon after, hearts may break

If thou fallest for the queen
Knoweth now thou must be keen
Angels with demonic lust
Broken hearts and broken trust

Secrets that must be revealed
Starlight falls upon this field
So now tell me, if you can
Help me to devise a plan

If thou wishest to repair
Starlight's heart thou must beware
Darkness broken from within
Starlight fell and rose with sin

Now thou knowest thou must flee
If thou art to saveth me
Breaking bonds and breaking walls
Breaking hearts when Starlight falls

Take me out, take me away
Starlight now controls the Fei
Break the promise, break her lies
Golden luster's her disguise

I hope you all liked it and understood what it meant. But if you didn't, PM me and we'll talk about it. Rachel, you can PM me after I unblock you. Everyone else, you can PM me now and I'll reply to you when I'm good and ready. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a story to write. Until next time...

Stay fly, my friends
Sky out.

Comments ( 13 )

Well euhm... that's sweet. (I'm trying not to be kind) but ... euhm mm
This sucks.
I have no reason to hate you nor do I have the time or effort to do so. And... I honestly don't know you too well.... but ... I think you're a good person deep down.
And... the one thing I'm sure of by reading this blog... you're a great boyfriend XD
I'm not gonna give you the ''poor boy'' treatment. I solely give you my respect for your courage and being open.

I'll be your friend if you want. I've got kindness left, and I'd happily share it with you.

(Ps, I won't steal kat away. Not that she's not kind or anything.... but.... I like boys more XP)

4524499 Thanks. That really means a lot to me.

4524506 you're welcome, compadre :moustache:

Wanna talk about what's wrong?

Don't beat yourself up too much about it. Everyone has their imperfections. For instance, I can be overly competitive at times, even to the point that I'm willing to push friendships and familial ties aside to win.

I'll be here if you need someone to talk about. I know you said not to give you kindness, but it's really hard to turn off my kinder side. I promise not to even LOOK at Kat in that manner.

One last thing. What's a "Fei"?

4524713 Not "a" Fei. THE Fei, they're a group of dream spirits. PM me to learn more.

4524758 Okay your do suck... that does not mean your unloved. Big difference there power. Love is not something you control it is given. Well real love is anyone can pretend to love. However when it is real you know.

4524882 Dreams and love aren't the same thing though. I was making an analogy.

4524901 If you wanna chat with me I'm live on Twitch right now.

4524927 dont have twitch and with twitter and messanger, and skype... i dont need another one.

4524940 OK. Can you at least watch? You don't need an account to watch. Only to comment.

4524944 okay not sure what it will do but I will watch.

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