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She's looking at you. Yes you. And she is judging you with her eyes. There is no escape.

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I have decided the fate of Eigengrau · 4:01pm Apr 24th, 2017

It will be finished, but about two-hundred thousand or more words will be cut out from it. In short, we're going to jump to the end sequence, and then the story will be mercifully put down. If find myself second guessing that though, and I keep thinking that even that much effort is a mistake, and I could be devoting my time to other projects that need finishing.

Dogged Determination has better statistics than Eigengrau, for crying out loud, and Dogged Determination has terrible stats.

All of this is rather depressing, because I kind of wanted Eigengrau to work. It can't even be added to the TVTropes page, because, reasons. Which means that if people go looking for info, they'll be stuck without some major plot points and connections in the Weedverse. So, I am literally wasting my time with every chapter cranked out. I'm not contributing to a greater narrative, but taking it away from it. Anything I put in Eigengrau will be lost to many readers as a whole, which is not healthy for the Weedverse.

So, expect a few more chapters and then a completion tag. Dim will be put out to pasture, because as a character, as what might have been a key, important character, people will not be familiar with him, his motivations, etc, because his origin story has largely tanked and I am not going to subject readers to an unwanted, unwelcomed read just to understand certain key events in the Weedverse.

My apologies.

Report kudzuhaiku · 442 views · Story: Eigengrau ·
Comments ( 34 )

Aww, that sucks. Well, you gotta do, what you gotta do.

Again as I have said to you before. You can't write based on stats or other peoples opinions, you need to write for yourself and yourself alone.


I get that, I do, but there is a narrative I am trying to grow. People need to be able to access it if it is to achieve the growth I want. I can't have major threads of that narrative go deviating into a story that nobody is reading. That's wasting my time, the reader's time, and ultimately, nothing is accomplished.

statistics... you don't write for statistics, you write because you need to let all those words out your mind
in this case, dark wordz... some of us like them. and not all fics start up good if you look at statistics

anyhow, imho... move the opening chapter with it's extreme background of dim to the end and see how things change


anyhow, imho... move the opening chapter with it's extreme background of dim to the end and see how things change

Do I need to repeat myself on all of the reasons why this is a terrible idea?

You don't kill Bruce Wayne's parents at the end of the movie as a casual mention.

4508288 For my part I haven't read all your work and I think I understand what's going on in the universe just fine. I only got partway through the Weed I just couldn't get into Tarnish as a main character. I mostly just follow Gosling and Sumac. But Tarnish's bits in their stories are fun and I like him as a supporting character.

Likewise just because Dim isn't popular as a main in his own right doesn't make him a bad character. Abandoning your plans for him entirely might be premature.

Just to chime in before anyone else brings up not writing for statistics:

Yes, writing just for statistics is not really a good way to write. However, Eigengrau is part of the Weedverse, wherein all of the various stories tie in to each other. A lot of critical plot elements are/were planned to appear in Eigengrau that would impact the rest of the 'verse, and because it is not widely read, kudzu has decided not to pursue the story because there is a high likelihood this means there will be readers who are in the dark on certain elements because they did not read Eigengrau.

In this light, writing for statistics is a good strategy, because it helps to ensure that a large number of readers will not be left in the dark.

Dogged Determination doesn't exhibit this problem because, while it generally does not have good stats, it is also much more self-contained.

I'm also here in some respects, and I don't mind so much that I might be missing context or information because Goslign and Sumac are also missing that context and information. I learn about the universe through them as an audience proxy, which actually helps increase my immersion. How immersive are these stories as a result?


But I do write for statistics. You see, I battle statistics every day. When people encounter the Weedverse, there is archive panic. There is a lot of ground to cover. A tremendous narrative. There are a lot of words spread out over many stories. It's confusing, it's intimidating, and somehow, I need to lure readers in, I have to assure them that it is worth it. So I have to cover my bases with quality stories. It needs to be inviting, because I need to pick up new readers. New readers, statistically, might contribute to my Patreon.

So every day I have to gamble and play the odds with statistics, and try not lose my shit over people telling me to ignore statistics, these calculated, careful gambles I take to try to remain with some means of employment. I have to be careful about what stories I put out, and how they affect the Weedverse as a whole. What if Eigengrau was the first story of the Weedverse that somebody encountered, and it turned them away, forever? My loss.

Or, if I place heavy narrative into a story that people DO NOT WANT TO READ and make that narrative inaccessible, it sinks this precarious little rowboat I'm on. Major story elements cannot be wasted in a story that people are unwilling to read, when I am trying to appeal to a broad audience. With archive panic and so much anxiety already in play, people will feel cheated or coerced if they have to slog through stories like Eigengrau to figure out what is going on.

I cannot waste my reader investment capital, it is a precious, precious commodity to me. I'm sorry that you don't understand this, and I offer my sincere apologies that this is the way it is, and I really don't know how to make this clearer than I have.

My time is limited. There are only so many hours in a day that I can type. I am obligated to give readers the best stories I can, even as I try to learn the right way to do this. I make mistakes, a lot of them, and I am grateful for so much forgiveness. But making mistakes means learning from them, and I have made a mistake here. Now, I am investing time into it, compounding my mistake, because I am conflicted on the issue.

If I was wise, I wouldn't have done this at all. I could have had so much more accomplished had I remained on task.


Thank you so very much. I am so relieved that somebody gets it. I was having a mild panic attack and a freak out.


That's too bad but I do ask that in the last few chapters we do get some closure on some of the question that are left. Such as is his mother dead and what happened to desire (last we heard of her she was left in the spire possibly all alone)

I'm a businessman by training and a both a company representative and designer by trade. Staying out of the poorhouse depends almost entirely on me getting things.

Besides, helping others out with stuff like this is kind of my special talent.

Well, while this will make it hard to put him as a main character of the series, I understand why you're doing this.

Sorry it had to end this way.

Maybe you could still work him in as a character in other places that don't require as much backstory? Or would that either not work or just plain be disappointing to you because you'd have to run with an abridged version of the character concept you have?

If you are making a living by writing you must pay attention to statistics. If a writer wants to eat they have to find the intersection of what they can write about passionately and what people want to read.

4508294 first chapter, opening note "the extreme dark backstory is available, reader discretion is advised"

4508313 we can always have a quick poll and ask the core of your readers

4508337 the core patreon doesn't change much ( i know, i run it) we can always ask their view


That might actually be helpful.

4508337 Thank God we don't have to worry about that. I tell people that if I were to quit my job and write professionally, I'd be in a cardboard box by the end of my second year as the money all ran out.

Eigengrau is fighting against a significant foe: Cute. Most MLP readers read for the cute and cuddly little colorful critters (discounting most of the M fics, of course) I hate to give advice (because I really stink at it, as well as accepting advice), but I'll give this a try, Kudz.

Make a list of all the critical plot points you planned on for this story. Not the nifty ones, or the plays on words. Just the bare bones, like taking the Wizard of Oz and shrinking it to "Dorthy came from a Kansas farm. Kills one witch when arriving in Oz. Only wants to get home. Goes to Wizard of Oz to find a way home. Finds friends. Gets sent to kill another witch, does it, returns to Wizard. Finds out Wizard is a fraud, but still manages to get sent home. Gleeful at being back. Family."

Now frame each plot point as a chapter and try not to get distracted. You can turn a quarter of a million word story into 50k that way, and still hit all the points for the readers without rewriting The Chase.


Do you think Dorothy learned the magic of friendship?

She should totally beat the snot out of Twilight and take what is rightfully hers; the friendship crown.


I understand. While I really like and enjoy Eigengrau, others may find the grim and dark themes not to their tastes. I feel sad if the story gets put down, but if it would contain crucial plot points for the Weedverse, that many readers would miss if they skip the story, then it may be the right thing to do.

As for archive panic - I can only give my own story how I came to your excellent writing - I think I started with "Trixie Lulamoon and the Horrendous Hypothesis", not even knowing what the Weedverse is. And I rather enjoyed it. And discovered the sequel PTSSFF. Soon I realized that I - while I tremendously enjoyed the story - I may be missing a bit of background info... what is this "Weedverse" people were talking about? So I came across "The Weed" and "The Sun Also Surprises" and "The Masks We Wear" and more and more and more and... proceeded to go on the archive binge to end all archive binges. IT WAS GLORIOUS!!! Thank you kudzuhaiku :)

4508407 Yeah, I can't help but think of the one-line review of Oz. "A young woman is thrown into a colorful strange world and kills the first person she sees, then teams up with three complete strangers to kill again."

I so want to write the Wizard of Oz as a Fantasy-Role-Playing session.

"Cool, loot!" shouted Dorthy as she grabbed the ruby slippers. "Do they give armor class or extra attacks? Look around, Toto, and see if you can sniff out any more of her hoard."

:fluttercry: but I really liked both of these stoires.:raritydespair:
Alas poor dim,we barely knew thee.

One lesson I have learned on this site: Don't write because people want to read it. Write because you want to write it.

In an ideal world readership wouldn't be as much of a concern but I get you mang.

4508383 Still feel that you kinda jumped too ahead with the details of the grimdark myself. You could have had the backstory a mystery to us and we learn just how messed up Dim's life is.

Basically it would be like if we were reading the chase, and the very first chapter Bucky got mutilated by a pack of demon wolves.


Anyway, I think putting him into another story and just giving an overview of his origins should be enough. We have lots of characters in the weedverse that didn't need a full story to understand, and we enjoy them!


I so want to write the Wizard of Oz as a Fantasy-Role-Playing session.

Like this?

4508634 Yeah, that's an awesome series. Love the Star Wars ones.

I just read it. And God damnit! I love it!

Though i also understand. Many, many will refuse to read that. And i can already see how this could hold critical parts of the verse in general, and how a lot of readers will miss it entirely. It's sad, but it is true that we that love those kinds of fics are in a minority.

I hope you will keep it around and finish it right, although i understand why you probobly won't.

It's cool dude, at least you tried.

I must admit that while I did need this spelled out for me, that it made sense once it had been done. As one who had previously been in the "Write what you feel" camp, my apologies for adding to you your frustration.

Darn. I was really liking this story, too... :applecry:

I get that I am a bit of an oddball, but I am drawn to longer tales and more stories in a universe. I love the Weedverse, and have made it a goal to read all your stories (even the earlier incomplete ones).

That said, bummed that you have to cut the story down, but totally get that there are only so many words you can kick out in a day, and it's in yours and everyone else's best interest when you make them count. :twilightsmile:

Thanks! And thanks for all the ponywords. :eeyup:

Well, I say thank you for introducing Dim Dark and churning out what you did on it. I liked it. But do what you gotta do.


Eh, things have progressed beyond this point.

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