• Member Since 26th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen January 5th


She's looking at you. Yes you. And she is judging you with her eyes. There is no escape.

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I dunno, I'm having second thoughts · 2:56pm Mar 31st, 2017

Should I even be writing romance friendship?

All good things must come to an end, and this was a night that could not last forever, no matter how much Gosling desired for it to happen. The liquor that Luna had given him was strange, laced with lavender and anise, and several glasses had completely floored him. Now, he was stumbling along beside Luna, as she led him back to bed.

There was a lot that Gosling wanted to tell her, perhaps because of his current inebriated state, and even more important, there was a lot of things he wanted to hear from her. Talking however, was a bit difficult at the moment, just because there was so much he wanted to say. He feared that, if he tried to say anything, it would all come spilling out in a jumble.

“We besties,” Gosling said, and there was a heavy slur in his voice. A lot more threatened to spill out, more than just words, the contents of his stomach were currently petitioning for parole and early release. Feeling brave, and too far gone to feel stupid, Gosling gulped and then continued, “I just… just wanna really be your friend… Luna.”

Stumbling, Gosling couldn’t feel his legs, any of them, and he wondered if he had frozen again. He didn’t take a tumble though, because his bestie caught and held him up with magic. Warm, tickly magic, that spread around his body and mingled with the pleasurable feelings of his drunkenness.

Drunkenness? No. After a moment of internal debate, Gosling confessed to only being somewhat lit. He wasn’t drunk. Nope. A drunk Gosling might try to make a move on his bestie, a drunken, stupid move that might ruin everything, all of his hard work, and he would never allow that to happen. No, he was lit Gosling, or perhaps sloshed Gosling. Could rubber duckies float in a bathtub full of booze?

There was so much to say, just so much to say, the words were pressing into one another inside of his head and forming mush. For a second, Gosling saw a mental image of a long, slender letter poking in and out of a round latter, and he was shocked by the sudden alphabetical obscenity. He blinked it away and knew it was better to pretend that it hadn’t happened.

Held aloft, Gosling was flying, and he was pretty happy about this. Yes, this made him happy, he was flying beside Luna, hovering in the air, close to his bestie. So happy was he, so delighted, that he began to sing, yes, he began to serenade his bestie, just because she was bestie.

“You are my Moonshine… my only Moonshine… you make me haaaaaaaaappy… when skies are… dark?” He blinked, confused, as the song had gone to a strange, unknown place. “You’ll never know, Blue, how much I love you… please don’t take my Moonshine away.”

And then, as if to punctuate his magnum opus, his Spoony-Goosy-Swanny Song, Gosling spewed all over the floor.

I dunno, I worry about myself sometimes.

Comments ( 9 )

Meh, you're okay, well, totally crazy, but just as crazy as us that buy into your crazy horse words.
:rainbowwild: I rate this scene as Midnight Approved.

Im trying really hard not to laugh during this presentation im stuck in, and this made me choke down a few chuckles. Keep it up man!

And have any plans for April Fools?


No. I barely keep track of the days as it is, much less plan for them.

I have adored the Weedverse since I found it, and I am loving Gosling's bumbling attempts at romance with Luna (BEST PRINCESS!) :twilightsmile:

That's how you know it's true love.

A Best Friend will be there for you even while you're serenading them in vomit.

:rainbowlaugh: I remember a conversation where an acquaintance was telling me and a group of people about how his girlfriend had minded him while he vomited into a toilet for a couple hours in a patient and affectionate manner. The immediate consensus was, "You asked her to marry you, right?"

Suffice to say, I ain't worried about this.

Should I even be writing romance friendship?

YES! You do an amazing job at it. Your ships always feel organic and you do great job of letting us watch them fall for their loves.

As for the above scene if you take away the magic and turn the ponies into humans then alot of us have been there before. your friendship/love scenes are very repeatable.

Yes, and amen. Wonderful romances.

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