• Member Since 26th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen January 5th


She's looking at you. Yes you. And she is judging you with her eyes. There is no escape.

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On the next chapter of Swans · 4:47pm Mar 25th, 2017

The problem with tea, as Celestia saw it, was that it wasn’t nearly as caffeinated as coffee. This… annoyance had plagued Celestia for a time, irking her, violating her sensibilities, and driving her to distraction. With time, with her being the crafty mare that she was, she had turned her attention to the problem.

A typical cup of coffee had about one hundred milligrams of caffeine. A cup of tea had around twenty five milligrams of caffeine, a woeful, dreadful number. One had to drink a fair bit more tea to become as perky as one needed to be to face the day, or stare down a crisis. To this end, Celestia had created Celestial Glory tea in an effort to combat fatigue and ennui.

A single cup of Celestial Glory tea had an astounding two hundred milligrams of caffeine in a four ounce teacup due to Celestia’s meddling with the Camellia Sinensis plant, which now produced excessive caffeine as part of its photosynthesis with her sun. It wasn’t cheating, no, it was efficiency. She wanted to ensure that her empire ran as smoothly as possible.

Since her meddling with the Camellia Sinensis plant, productivity in Equestria had gone up, way up, and she was happy with her creation. It certainly left her feeling peppy, and she was feeling much, much better after a long night with every sip she took from her enormous mug covered with sunflowers.

This is how you motivate your citizenry.

Comments ( 28 )

thats a lot of caffine:pinkiehappy::pinkiegasp::pinkiehappy:

Yeah, that's basically the caffeine in an energy shot.

... I don't know if caffeine works on me. I avoid coffee and energy drinks, after a childhood of stimulant ADHD medications made me never want to feel dependent on a drug to function.

I don't feel as strongly anymore about that, but I still avoid excessive caffeine.

:trollestia:Drugs are the opiate of the masses?

Anything worth doing is worth overdoing.

Celestia had nearly reached the end of her night's stack of petitions at the same time she was nearing the end of her endurance and the end of her mug of tea. She gave a yawn, finished off the last dregs of tea, and eyed the last few petitions. She just didn't have enough energy to do them all, but there was one last option. After a quick glance around to make sure none of the guards were watching, she stuck her nose into the mug and quietly licked the small crystals off the bottom, then enjoyed their delicious crunch between her teeth.

The room seemed to be bathed in a warm glow, and after a moment to think, Celestia took another moment to dampen the incandescent glow from her flowing mane before the flames actually caught something on fire.

"Minor side effect," she muttered. "Need to see if I can breed that our of the next generation of camellia sinensis."


Caffeine has two pronounced effects on me, and it is a total crapshoot what will happen.

Option one: I wake up and my nerves began to function a little better. My hands stop shaking so much, and my severed leg stops bouncing and twitching. The caffeine smoothes out all of my fucked up nerve pulses and relieves quite a bit of my pain. The mental fog caused by stress hormones and pain chemistry clears up just a tiny bit, and flashes of the brilliant person I used to be emerge.

Option two: I drink caffeine and go into a coma. Several hours of deep, restful sleep happens. It is glorious, and welcome.

I have no control over which outcome I get.

Sunkist™ has 40 mg per 8 oz can if you don't like tea or coffee, it's an inbetween.:twilightsmile:

Tia needs a new cup

...and then I see sumtin like this to ruin my day, uggh the 'gotta have it now' generation.
Would you believe aerosol tea?


By definition. :raritywink:

4471457 beyond the fact you probably want some control and passing out when you absolutely need to get something done is annoying either result sounds good to me


Part of tea is the ritual. It's like doing heroin. The ritual is satisfying.

4471506 I didn't make it, only noticed it looking at evil tea pics(this classifies as one) :derpyderp2:, blame the poms, they believe they're the tea aficionados.:trixieshiftright:

4471506 Ummmm yes? <.< >.>

But I'll agree with the Tea. Boiling the water, steeping the tea for the type your using, and finally taking that first sip. It can be very relaxing.

4471505 Now I have Enrico Pollini on my mind from Rat Race.

There's a whole way in Buddhism that uses the tea ceremony to achieve enlightenment.

we mustn't forget Luna, while Celestia loves her tea, luna has her own brand of coffee, who can keep a normal pony up and running for over a week


As a Zenarchist, I approve of this statement.

MuffinExplosion did a wonderful picture based off the Girl Genius comic (and with a little prodding on my behalf) about Luna and her beverage.


So essentially the entire fucking country is on a constant caffeine rush? Fucking hell


Well, not everybody drinks tea, or coffee, or even soda. And some prefer other brands of tea.

Stop being so dramatic. :raritydespair:

4471640 I DO WHAT I WANT!

Comment posted by Nope Nope Nope deleted Mar 26th, 2017

4471457 Question: How does a severed leg bounce and twitch? Shouldn't it not move because it's detached from your body? Or am I missing something important here? Because if a severed leg moves then I think you have a bigger concern.


I had my left leg internally severed just below the knee. The only thing holding it on was skin.

It was sort of sewed back into place and fixed with lots of metal. I have to wear a prosthetic leg over it for functionality.

Odd as it sounds, it counts as a severed leg. Weird, right?

4472622 Ah. I see.

But why would you even want to keep that leg if it's completely useless and you have to wear a prosthetic anyways?


I don't want to keep it. I want it gone. I have dreams of chopping it off. The hospital saved it and I wish they hadn't. Every day I live in excruciating pain because of this damn thing, and I hate it.

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