• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen Sep 20th, 2023

Everglue Horace

"Be carful with those media people, they're all smiles until they pounce...Deceitful and underhanded the whole lot of them." __Inspector Fowler (adapted for spatial concerns)

More Blog Posts28

  • 274 weeks
    Random Tyrannical NONSENSE (2nd draft edited still stream of consciousness)

    Tyranny of the Father: The fallacy of Stultification and the Argumentum ad fake Dictionarium

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  • 280 weeks
    I have a what I believe to be a fairly locked down plot for a Friendship is Betrayal spinoff

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  • 362 weeks
    Nothing New Really

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    Watching BloodyBunny on youtube.

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Story Idea: Hot Mess {The Curse (or horror) of Mirror Mansion} · 6:38pm Mar 5th, 2017

A/N: This is a Ranma 1/2 crossover with MLP:FIM. All characters belong to their respected owners I am only using them as paper dolls for my own amusement and thought I might share my brush with marginal utility with others.

Hot Mess {The Curse of Mirror Mansion}

Previously: Desperate for friends Sunset Shimmer, a Watamote Expy, buys a magical trapper keeper from the Canterlot High School auxiliary student store. Rumored to be the legendary Monster Compendium of Dungeonmaster Toramassa Kobayakawa. the tome was rumored to summon the bound demons of Tartarus itself, among other creatures that lurk within endarkened shadows and go about hiding around the spaces between the walls. With this binder in hand, and a magical fishing rod to bind the demon as her servant in mind body and soul, Sunset enchanted the school statue with her esoteric knowledge of arcane Lovecraftian themed comic books she picked up in the dollar store. What came out of the base of said statue would prove to be her undoing...

Chapter ?

By Everglue Horace

As a lonely and sickly girl who was so desperate for friends she'd willingly summon a creature of untold darkness from the abyss of shadows, and kidnap Fluttershy's little angel to use as blackmail later, it should come as no surprise the young bunny boiler was no match for the shetland pony sized unicorn that came through the polished mirror at the base of said statue. Her attempts at domesticating said equine into submission with her fishing rod immediately proved to be her undoing. Especially considering the damned thing hastily reared up and used it's might to push the frail looking girl and her fishing rod into the enchanted standing mirror behind her. The effects of the infinity mirror broken with the collapse of the ornate standing mirror that had once faced the polished metal at the base of the Canterlot High statue.

Sunset Shimmer, the regular 'ol unicorn, stood triumphant in the middle of what appeared to be an alchemist circle... if the alchemist was retarded. An encircled five pointed star, dead rabbit staked with anthame at the center, unidentified sigils and what appeared to be books at each of the points of a star. On top of each book a cupcake with trick candles. Sunset Shimmer, the pony, rolled her eyes with a deadpan expression of 'You have got to be kidding me.' plastered on her face as she looked over the book titles. There was Friendship according to Humphrey, Anne of Green Gables, Starlight Glimmer's guide to popularity with influence, Through The Looking Glass, and … No Fighting, No Biting? The gears in Sunset's head started to turn as the thunder rolled and it began to rain. I suppose rain was a generous term misty sprinkles of biting cold would be more accurate, Had she known there was no ambient magic in this world she might have been more frugal with the use of it, instead the unicorn more or less blew the whole wad interrogating the screaming girl that now trapped in the mirror behind her.

What the poor creature now trapped under glass was screaming was immaterial, it adequately conveyed the idea of being trapped and the need for escape. Although a looking glass would probably be a better description of what the mirror had become, as it was now more or less a window into a parallel world. A very small parallel world whose distal boundary was closing in on its prey. It appeared to reflect everything in the immediate area into a collapsing mist that was rapidly eating away at the scenery for several miles beyond the boundary of what could be seen through the looking glass. Everything that is, except a reflection of Sunset Shimmer and her movements as the bug eyed, small mouthed, pillow chested, chinese crested, looking ape creature wearing rain boots, blue jeans, shirt, and a leather jacket clutching a fishing rod crouched over a three ring binder on her knees glaring at the pony and licking her lips with anticipation.

“Who the hell ARE you?” Both Sunset's shouted simultaneously, the pony sitting on its haunches staring at it's human reflection in huff.

“I Asked first,” again simultaneously if not indignantly “No! I DID!” both Sunset Shimmer's snarled.

The conversation continued in this vain, getting neither party anywhere, until Sunset got bored with it and picked up one of the cupcakes to her right... the reflection also picked up a cupcake to her right but as she was in the mirror it was to the unicorn's left. It also took longer for the reflection to peel the paper sleeve off the cupcake whereas the other Sunset nom-nommed down the cupcake paper and all.

“You better get in that rabbit, and get me out of this mirror right now you lousy demon or God help me I will-” Sunset threatened bonelessly as she picked up the binder in a vain attempt to find a spell that would undo the...glass? No, glass would have shattered by now. It was clearly tempered or some kind of resin plastic shield that was keeping Sunset bound in the other world as the Mists had now consumed most of the trees and parking lot behind her.

“You'll what? Pee on me.” Sunset was munching on another cupcake. “How long do you suppose you can stay in there without eating or using the facilities? As far as I can tell it's MY magic that's keeping you from copying me-” Sunset licked the chocolate crumbles off of her hoof to see a horrified expression on the face of her would be jailer.

“Gross!” The human version of Sunset Shimmer wretched as she continued to flip through the trapper keeper hoping to find a spell or something that would allow her to escape the looking glass or bind the unicorn to the rabbit if not mirror proper.

“AHA!” the Sunset Shimmer in the leather jacket cheered her index finger on the listing for “There you are Peon Kitschy! The Windigo Pootzel Unicorn” She then began to run off a list of statistics “Frequency: Rare; Organization: herd; Activity Cycle: See Twilight Sparkle; intelligence: GOD! Were the hell is the binding spell.” Sunset whined.

“You know as fascinating as this conversation is” the unicorn mumbled through, her mouth double stuffed with cupcake before she swallowed, “we really aught to wrap this up.” The unicorn then lit up her horn and with a paler or glow reminiscent of a sickly pistachio green. And, with a crack and flash of ball lightning the unicorn and human had swapped bodies. “ That's better.” Sunset commented, fully clothed as she pocketed the bloody anthame, an anthame which was sporting an iridescent green aura when she picked it up “wouldn't want to loose my magic now would I?” she smiled as she lifted the rabbit by it's ears, crouched befor the mirror and held it's muzzle against the glass... “Now, I recommend you kiss the little angel if you want to live. Otherwise I can assure you that looking glass isn't long for this world. Tick Tick” The unicorn on the other side of the glass begrudgingly complied kissing the window pane where the rabbit had been placed.

Ranma Sources:


Trapper Keeper possessed unicorn inspired by robot chicken

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