• Member Since 1st Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Jul 29th, 2023


If you really love something you have to let it go... but not without a fight first!

More Blog Posts15

  • 381 weeks
    Bad News.......

    All right, I'm gonna level with everyone. No the story isn't cancelled. I will NEVER cancel a story. It might take forever for an update but updates will happen... eventually. That being said... well I don't think it's going to happen for a long long time. My Ex has... well she's put me in a terrible position. She took our daughter to go live with her mother for a while until I eventually managed

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    5 comments · 565 views
  • 466 weeks
    Not dead yet.

    King of Queens is still alive!

    Really it is!

    And I have PROOF!

    See the number of words?

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    4 comments · 341 views
  • 492 weeks
    Obligatory Holiday Post

    SO... who wants a present for Christmas tomorrow? Do you not celebrate Christmas? Well that's fine too! Have a present anyways because tomorrow you'll be getting...


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    0 comments · 323 views
  • 496 weeks
    Because I have nothing to do until my CPU is fixed

    Since I'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs until my computer gets fixed so I can update King of Queens. I've decided to do a couple of different things to fill the gap. I have two one shots planned. "Mayor Mare Doesn't Care" and "Alduin and Bahamut Destroy Equestria". Also since I'm in a bit of a Skyrim mood, I'll be jumping on that bandwagon as well with a story titled "My little Skyrim: Query

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    0 comments · 309 views
  • 497 weeks
    IT... would have lived....

    Good news and bad news. The good news is, the chapter is done! :D :D :D That's right. The thing you've all been waiting for is finished. King of Queens chapter 9 and the end of Arc 1 is ready for posting......... or at least it should be.

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    1 comments · 390 views

Bad News....... · 1:49am Feb 4th, 2017

All right, I'm gonna level with everyone. No the story isn't cancelled. I will NEVER cancel a story. It might take forever for an update but updates will happen... eventually. That being said... well I don't think it's going to happen for a long long time. My Ex has... well she's put me in a terrible position. She took our daughter to go live with her mother for a while until I eventually managed to move with her... and then, within the last two months or so came out of the blue and decided she was handing over her rights to our child to her incredibly rich aunt and uncle. And as a result I could very well be pulled into a custody battle at any time. One that I... I honestly don't think I have a snowball's chance in hell of winning.

Not that that's going to stop me from fighting with tooth, nail, and bloody claw.

Oh, did I forget to mention her aunt and uncle offered $10,000 dollars to take our daughter off our hands? They offered me $5,000 too but I'm not just going to sign my rights as a father away to some man and woman I've never even MET.

I don't know what upsets me more. The fact that someone I loved could just throw all that love and responsibility away at the first sight of some money...

Or the fact that this isn't even the first time something like this has happened to me.

I have to assume I'm being punished for something I did in a past life. It's the only explanation I got. Maybe I was a child abuser or something I don't know. I'm rambling at this point. But it doesn't change the fact that I fell in love with two women, only to have them both pick up our children and just... TAKE OFF.

I'M PISSED!!!!!!

And the worst part is I still care. I've always been a caring person. Always been loving. I'm not the most motivated, I'm a bit of a slob and it's incredibly difficult to get me to perform even the most basic of tasks. But it's not easy having Aesperger's syndrome. Doing so much as holding a conversation can be hard for me. Maintaining any non specialist job is damn near impossible when they're almost all entry level positions that require me to communicate well with customers I've never met and will likely never meet again. I'm socially handicapped. I have all the social graces of an angry monkey with a nasty butt rash!

Okay maybe I'm exaggerating a LITTLE. But that doesn't change the fact that it IS difficult for me. I thought they were patient. That they understood. Now though I can't help but wonder if maybe I was just taken advantage of and I just couldn't see it. I don't know...

I'm pretty sure that's not the case with my second Ex. I think she thought I could eventually get better or something and just ran out of patience for me. Considering we were together for YEARS that's pretty impressive if that's what she was going for... but that's not how it works.

Maybe it sounds like I'm using my condition as an excuse... and you know maybe I am. Maybe I have been. But at the moment I don't care. I never even got to see my first daughter. Now the world is trying to take away my second and I just don't know what to do. How is a guy who's practically a mentally disabled bum supposed to beat out a millionaire who casually buys empty lots, builds medical clinics, and then sells said clinics for profit like other people ring up orders at Burger King?

You don't. You don't beat them.

But that doesn't mean I can't try.

I'm not a quitter. They can't force my right as a father away from me unless I do something MONUMENTALLY stupid. Like murder. So long as I'm willing to put up with whatever crap they'll inevitably throw at me, I can always bide my time for a another chance at custody even if the first time fails. Or the second. Or the third. Or the fourth or fifth or sixth.

I'll never stop trying. I love my daughter far too much.

More than her mother at least.

Sorry for ranting. I just needed to say this to SOMEONE. Maybe I should write MORE... might make me feel better. Huh.... who knows. At this point I'm just typing the first things to pop in my head. If I DO continue writing don't expect updates on long stories. I'll probably just type the first couple of chapters to whatever fic ideas I happen to have at the time. None of which are likely to ever be completed and probably won't even be of decent quality.

Well... what I consider to be decent quality. And my standards are pretty high. So high in fact that I've never actually met them.

Here's my rant... do with it what you will.

Chronicler Out.

Report ChroniclerOfFantasies · 565 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

You'll be in my prayers dude.

That's really fucking rough, man. Take it from someone who has a cousin with Asperger's when I say that I can understand how hard it is for you. That doesn't mean that you can't be a good father, though. You keep fighting. Take as much time as you need for the things that mean the most to you.

We've waited three years for this chapter, we can wait three years for the next one. In the mean time, you go and kick some ass.

If you had emails or text on the 10000$ offer you might be able to bring her to court for sole custody, or bring up human trafficking charges against her to keep your child. I'm not a lawyer and family courts hate men so it will be tough. check your state laws to see if single party consent works in your (if in the US) and record all phone calls.

Best of luck.

I will pray for your situation and whether you believe in God or not you should too.


for what its worth, i know what it feels like. having aesperger's syndrome at least. and i hope it all works out for you, because when a person pulls some sh*t like this, its really hits a person. so i hope and pray it turns out right.

good luck, and hope it turns out for the best for you.

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