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I am an Anti-Brony, I hate MLP, so why am I here? Read this...! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/769267/if-im-an-anti-brony-why-am-i-on-this-site

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    (Day 32)

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    "Grow up"


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  • 8 weeks
    Twilight Sparkle Improving Lives? (Friendship is Failure)

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Having to explain for Starfleet... again · 9:27pm Dec 4th, 2016

People still claim that Starfleet are merciless killers, bloodthirsty warmongers that started wars, conquer worlds, and bully Equestrians with the whole Superior-Inferior thing.

That is not true, but since people can’t bother to look properly or use their imaginations to see the IMPLIMENTS, I’ll just have to point them out again.

#1: Starfleet Destroys/Captures monsters…

Starfleet only destroy monsters if they absolutely HAVE TO. Even in the real world, it’s considered an absolute last resort when all other methods will fail.

They don’t always destroy, however. Most monsters they simply capture and bring them to justice, but they usually have no need for trials. A trial would be pointless for several reasons… but more on that later.

There are some monsters, however, that cannot be captured or contained. Therefore, they cannot be arrested… cannot be brought to jail… can’t even be sealed away for very long (They will break free and they WILL return)… and of course, if they continue to roam free, they will continue to destroy more and more, hurting more innocent beings.

You COULD try reasoning with the creatures, but usually these creatures DO NOT wish to be reasoned with. They do not wish to stop, and have no interest in redemption. (They came to destroy/conquer… and that’s it)

What’s more… some creatures are NOT EVEN LIVING. They may be moving, breathing and all that, but they are in fact artificial creatures created by evil. They have no hearts, they have no souls, they’re virtually beyond any reasoning at all (they were created by evil to serve evil… nothing more)

Seasons 1… 3…

Titan/his minions/Sombra…

Their MOTW consist of cursing INANIMATE OBJECTS (Rocks, Furniture, Artworks, Ect, Ect…) and transforming them into monstrous creatures. Destroying them does not have any any serious impact

Season 4:

The MOTWs (The 12 Cardinals) are artificial digitalized monsters created within magical cards. They too are not the equivalence of living beings. Destroying them has virtual little negative impact at all.

Point is… Again, Starfleet only destroys monsters if it’s totally necessary. Sometimes it CAN be regrettable, but it MUST be done. It’s one life against many, and sometimes in life you have to do hard things and make tough choices… especially if it’s your very survival that’s on the line.

And then again, that’s also sometimes the rules of war “Kill… or… BE Killed.”

#2: Why little to no trials for the convicted…

Trials are usually unnecessary and even pointless for several reasons…

-As the convicted has already been found guilty (the MOTW was seen terrorizing others and destroying property and land) A trial at that point would only be to determine the punishment, not the innocence or guilt

-I got the idea of this on a Gerry Anderson show “STINGRAY” In relation to the previous reason. The party has already been more than proven 100% guilty… AND I believe that world leaders and military forces DO have the authority…

Lightning Dawn (As Commander): “Under Section 27… Paragraph 14… Sub Clause 4: “You are liable to sentencing by MY HAND for acts of wilful terrorism to people and property”

(Again, a trial at that time would be pointless, not to mention a waste of time.)

-Finally: Even if trials we’re carried, as in relation to the first one. What is the point? They would all be EXACTLY the same each time. Word-for-word, and the guilty party would be sentenced to jail anyway. (Besides, it may exceed the word limit rule I have… 4000-6000 words per episode)

Point is… The trials are virtually 90% of the time unnecessary.

#3: Starfleet Don’t Conquer worlds…

They are conquerors of EVIL… not worlds.

Starfleet don’t just fight evil, they are also SPACE EXPLORERS (As was mentioned many times in the fics)

They seek out other worlds and things like that. Sometimes they come across deserted planets with ideal conditions for settling in. That’s not really conquering.

Other worlds that are already inhabited; they live a-part of, and blend in. That’s also not conquering. Some planets even INVITE Starfleet to setup on their worlds to keep them safe from evil invasions.

It’s just a way of SPREADING OUT… mapping the galaxy… exploring and uncovering more secrets, just like humans do, and will do.

The only thing even REMOTELY close to conquering they do, is seeking out the home planet of the evil enemies. This way, if ever a war seems imminent , if the fighting does happen… this time… they want to make certain it happens on THE ENEMY’S world instead of theirs.

Like Mars VS Earth. What would you prefer…? Earth getting attacked and suffering massive hysteria, deaths and destruction, or would you rather all the fighting remain at the enemies territory and thus sparing you from danger?

It’s one or the other…!

As for United Equestria; Starfleet didn’t exactly conquer it. They all agreed to live together, and the planet is co-ruled by Celesto and Celestia (Luna too) There’s more martial laws enforced to help keep the planet safer and keep a watch out for enemy attacks.

Again… it’s not conquering.

Starfleet are conquerors of Evil, not worlds!

#4: Superior and Inferior thing.

This blog will explain it…


I wonder how long it’ll be before I have to post something like this again, on the count of people being so staggeringly ignorant and rude?

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