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I am an Anti-Brony, I hate MLP, so why am I here? Read this...! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/769267/if-im-an-anti-brony-why-am-i-on-this-site

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Starfleet to Equestrians: The Superior and Inferior thing · 6:35am Apr 29th, 2016

Since a lot of people seem to get the wrong idea of the whole “Superior… Inferior” thing about my Starfleet ponies, I post this to try and clear it up.

Firstly, people keep thinking or just ignorantly misjudge that Starfleet bully the Equestrians and rub in their faces…

“We are superior to you, and you are pathetic inferior wusses”

(This is mostly caused from listening to trolling sites like TvTroopes, or being told this by my mockers and haters, or even further unreliable and non-factual sources rather than reading the fic itself)

Well that is wrong, and you have no right to judge like that. Starfleet does not do that at all, at least not intentionally. They consider the Equestrians to be their friends, and trusted allies whom they are glad to live amongst and help.

The whole superior and inferior subjects are all based on facts and natural things, not a bullying or arrogant opinion.

Let’s go over them…

#1: The Space Alicorns:

The Space Alicorns are a race of humanoid alicorns. Their powers are much stronger than that of the Equestrians. In fact, even one of their weakest and most bumbling of warriors could easily defeat an army of Twilight Sparkles without much effort needed. Even Princess Celestia might not be powerful enough to take them on. (Like a Champion Digimon VS a Mega; The Champion doesn’t have a chance and the Mega wins so easily)

…But why is this?

What is it that makes them stronger (Superior) to the Equestrians?

Part of the reason is Grand Ruler Celesto (CHE-LESS-TOW)

Over 1,000 years ago, he created the very first 100 artificial Space Alicorns, from specks of blood from Equestrian ponies (Injured in the battle of Nightmare Moon) that had splattered onto his armor, and using strands of DNA from a few hairs from Celestia’s mane that was also on him from the last time they had embraced.

To make it work perfectly, Celesto used HIS OWN super magic to mix the samples and give life to the ponies he had created (And also to manipulate their DNA so that no one was related by blood and all that) As a result, the 100 created ponies had a TINY bit of Celesto’s power in them.

This magic is passed on to their offspring, and so on and so on. (Any creature that mates with a Space Alicorn, their offspring will also be born with that tiny ounce of power, be it Equestrian, human, or anyone)

This power make a Space Alicorn naturally stronger than a normal Equestrian pony, and sadly prevents the pony from ever getting a Cutiemark (The magic that makes a Cutiemark appear simply will not sink into them, and never will, like it is being blocked by a barrier)

#2: Training:

Those who choose to join Starfleet and fight the massive evil foes that threaten the galaxy, the Space Alicorns are trained Dragon-ball styled: IE: Super intense exercises and studying to push their bodies beyond built-in limitations to gain extraordinary speed and strength…

Also, the weapons and technologies they have are created from alloys, materials, and even infused with power types of magic and abilities Equestria had never seen before, but much stronger as well, and even amplify their natural powers many times, making them EVEN MORE POWERFUL.

All this OP is necessary because the villains they face are just as OP (Far more devious and formidable than anything faced in Equestria and just as Dragonball-like strong) Without this OP, they really don’t have much of a chance (That’s the way I want it)

“To beat the OP, you have to BECOME OP... or you haven't got a chance”

#3 Comparisons and Contrasts.

So basically, the Starfleet Ponies are superior to the Equestrians in ways of strength, speed, power, technology, knowledge, and experience… by FACTS and ACTUALITIES.


-If Applejack tried to buck-kick Lightning Dawn in the gut (Even if Lightning wasn’t wearing his armor, if he was just bare-chested), it would be like punching a solid steel wall; Lightning wouldn’t feel a thing while Applejack would probably have sprained her feet.

-If Twilight fired her most powerful beam at Lightning (Again, even if he were bare-chested) the result would be… not a scratch. Lightning body is far too solid and strong for the magic to do anything other than tickle.

-If Rainbow Dash soared directly at Lightning for a Sonic Rainbow, Lightning could just stick out his arms, and hold her, stopping her from going any further so the Rainboom would fail, but then again he doesn’t have to… even at her strongest, the Sonic Rainboom will probably make Lightning flinch, and stir up some dust on him, but it’ll hardly damage him at all.

…he’s really that powerful.


The wonderbolts may be fast, oh yes… and Rainbow Dash may very well even be the fastest of them all, but even still, that’s nothing compared to Starfleet’s training.

Rainbow Dash is able to do up to Mach 10 (7,610 MPH)

But a Starfleet pony just plain RUN that fast, maybe even faster, and that’s just running!!

In flight, even while holding as much as they possibly can back to give Rainbow a handicap, a Starfleet pony can still do a speed of at least 58,800 MPH (That’s more than 7 times than Rainbow can go) A Starfleet pony could encircle Earth AT LEAST Ten Times before Rainbow got halfway across on her first lap. (Air friction and that type of stuff don’t hurt them thanks to their strength, endurance and special suits.)


Twilight may be a very smart pony because she reads a lot, but she doesn’t know everything…

Remember Dragon Quest...?

Twilight Sparkle: I know! It's hard to believe, but ponies know next to nothing about dragons. Apparently they're too rare and too scary to try to talk to or study!

My Starfleet ponies on the other-hand know more about dragons than she does, because they’ve actually seen and faced dragons before.

Starfleet has existed for over 1,000 years, and they’ve traveled to many star-systems, been to many planets, and seen so many different kinds of creatures, and even faced many creatures in their struggle to maintain protection of the galaxy.

Mind you, the Space ponies don’t know everything either (There are races, creatures and things that can still surprise)

The point is, the Space Ponies don’t know everything, but they do know a lot more than the Equestrians do because they’ve actually seen and experienced these things.

Then there’s Twilight and her friends (With the Exception of Equestria Girls) all their adventures were all held in Equestria. They don’t know about the things Starfleet does because they haven’t seen that sort of stuff, nor is there any book that can tell them about it that they possess. (You can’t study what you don’t know exists or existed, or what isn’t in a book)

As far as Twilight and her friends are it would be like this…

Lightning: “You’re all planetary ponies, from Equestria. What do you know about Space?”

Twilight: “When you put it that way... not much at all, I guess.”

…There is no substitute for Experience!


I’ve seen the Equestrians a bit, and they still use candles, quill pens, and unicorns and alicorns use magic to help them with their daily menial tasks, other ponies do things like take out the trash or changing diapers with their mouths, some are skilled enough to use their hooves a little like hands, but that’s the extent of it, not too effective.

Now Starfleet, they not only have vast knowledge of what they’ve seen in their explorations and battles across the galaxy, but they have strong technologies as well.

-Solar powered trains that don’t require to be pulled by ponies.
-Hydro powered engines that can be used to power other machnes and devices
-Transistorized lights.
-Space Warp resources
-Instant Mail like Skype or chatzy’s they can use.
…Ect, ect, ect…

Even their battle gear is more superior to the Equestrians, it not only amplifies their original powers many times, but can even do neat tricks…

In other words, Equestria is like Colinial America, while Unicornicopia is the distant future.

Example: The visors, they could have easily identified the imposter Cadance in under a minute, due to her DNA and vital signs being different, and the whole changeling war would’ve been over like that.

#4 Facts/ Equestrians being trained:

So you see, the whole Superior thing is not a matter of bullying or showing of; it’s facts and evident.

Compared to Starfleet, in their normal state, the Equestrians are just small potatoes, but the Equestrians can be trained just like Starfleet.

The thing is though; the Equestrians will still never truly be able to match Starfleet’s level entirely.

-They were not born with that speck of Grand Ruler Celesto’s magic.
-Lightning and his friends have been training for a very, very long time (Since they were kids) Twilight and her friends have only just begun, so naturally Lightning and his friends would always be stronger than they are.

Still, Twilight and her friends can still train to become better and stronger than what they were before, because they want to help Starfleet continue to fight evil and defend their world and others from dangers that may arise.

#5 Conclusion:

Starfleet ponies are superior to the Equestrians in many ways (Strength, speed, knowledge, ect, ect…) but they don’t try to bully the Equestrians or shove it in their faces like some callous creep.

Sometimes they may have to resort to harshness or strictness to help the Equestrians learn better, but in the end they are all friend and allies, and all they really want is to get along with one another, learn a little form one another so they can co-exist together… as a whole… and fight battles to protect their world and others.

But THAT’s what the Superior and Inferior means…

If you still have questions about this, visit the Starfleet Q&A


…but do try to stop being so judgmental, and hear BOTH sides of the story before you judge.

Comments ( 10 )
Comment posted by CaptainPipsqueak deleted May 1st, 2016

These people sound like horrific Mary Sues. "You think you're fast? LOL no I'm just better than you in every way. Toodles!"


I'm sorry you feel that way, but that's NOT how hey behave

hmm, I'm going to have to point out one thing.

Because of the curvature of the world and gravity, it is technically impossible to "run" at mach 10. Basically, your forward speed is so high gravity can't keep up and your path becomes a straight line rather than espousing the curvature of whatever planet you're on.

It gets worse if you don't have a good aerodynamic form, because the wind itself may push you up.

You can even find examples in our supersonic vehicles (mostly prototypes). They require not only an aerodynamic form, but their curves push the air up, which pushes the vehicle down to prevent an accidental take off.
In fact, it even happens to racing cars, at speeds less than half the speed of sound!

In short, to reach those speeds, you'd either need quite a lot of magic just to increase gravity/wind pressure just to keep you grounded, or you'd have to fly.

Beyond those speeds, there's also the problem of friction. In short, you go so fast through the air it becomes superheated, transforming into plasma and expanding violently, is, a firestorm. Even if the one going at those speeds is safe, he can cause massive damage and harm to those around him simply by running.
Any fiction that has such speedsters usually have to add some pseudo science to explain how their hero is running through a city at top speed without causing everyone around them to die...


Tell that to the Dragonball Franchise

I completely understand your statement tho when you said about how a champion level can't be a mega level(fan of digimon) it made me think of xros wars/fusion,arkadimon who can kill megas regardless of what level it is(even has an in training) and the time togemon would stood a battle with a blackimperiladramon*not sure I spelled that right*but other I fully get it equestrias are to humans has space ponies are to sayains.👍


That's correct, but some people can't seem to respect that, or prefer to twist it, making it look like the Space Ponies are bullying the Equestrians (Which they are not as I have repetitively explained)

ah well, no sense in reasoning with morons.

I guess it is way it sounds like when you say something is superior in every way you think it is racist but it isn't like you can that a human is many ways better than an ant


Perhaps, but it's not nice at all for people to disregard my explanations and make fun of things.

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