• Member Since 1st Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 9th, 2017

The Minister of Scones

"You can use that cupboard over there labelled 'Good French Things'. It's empty."

More Blog Posts41

  • 374 weeks
    All About Threats

    I read that scientists, by using magnets, had 'turned off' the threat centres in people's brains, and that this made them 'change their attitudes towards immigrants.' Obviously, the stunning revelation that people don't like immigrants because they feel threatened by them is one that will echo down the ages as a revelation made possible only by scientific brilliance, but given that such

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    2 comments · 536 views
  • 377 weeks
    A Blog Post But as Soon as I Start Getting Grumpy I Stop Typing

    One thing I've noticed a lot of around YouTube recently is videos with 'X but Y' titles. You know, things like 'Dragon Ball Z but every time we see people screaming at each other in a desert the video speeds up', or 'Last Christmas I Gave You My Heart but it's a Pokemon boss-battle theme'. With this in mind, is there any chance of seeing 'Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones but every time Hayden

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    1 comments · 470 views
  • 378 weeks
    An American Fail?

    Apparently the British satirical magazine Private Eye is now listed on numerous 'fake news' sites for having covers like this:

    This, coupled with the existence of the show Friends, leads me to the conclusion that comedy is a largely unpractised art in the USA.

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    13 comments · 559 views
  • 381 weeks

    I've seen the phrase "Don't read it if you don't like it!" written on quite a lot of fanfictions lately. Granted, I've been seeking out the truly awful ones (sorting the chaff from the wheat, as it were) for my personal collection, so that might explain why I've seen so much of it. Read on for my thoughts.

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    6 comments · 603 views
  • 382 weeks
    50(ish) Followers!

    As I've reached 50 followers, here's a thank you video. Well, slideshow with me talking over the top. Don't quibble, Horatio. A lot of this seems to be because Somepony Tries to Sell Twilight Insurance has just been posted on FIMFiction as part of the Royal Canterlot Library collection. I am, understandably, chuffed to bits.

    3 comments · 445 views

Witness my Benevolence! · 9:23pm Nov 15th, 2016

I don't really go in for commenting on people's userpages to thank them for showing an interest in my work, and neither do I expect it of them. It doesn't really get anyone anywhere. It's a little thing, and I'm grateful for it, but all these comments you see... they're really just clutter, aren't they? But, and it's a big but, I'm trial-running, as it were, a new system, which I may adopt full-time. At the moment, whenever someone comments on, favourites, or adds to a bookshelf called something like "The Best Stories Ever in the History of the World", one of my stories, I go to the trouble of making my way to his or her userpage, and if he writes stories, reading one of them. A short one, mind. This, I feel, is worth a great deal more than a half-hearted, mass-produced comment into which the story's name is subtlely inserted. Anyway, ta-ta for now. Thanks for reading, chaps and chapesses. Happy bumbling.
Ever yours,
-The Minister.

Comments ( 2 )

Thats an interesting system! What are you trying to accomplish with it, though?

the people who would take advantage of this system by commenting on your stuff are probably people who are already fans of yours and thus would value the attention you give to their own work. (I'd consider myself one of this group, please look at my art and give some suggestions).

But new people who you might want to get the attention of to widen your audience would not be reading your blog or page to see this blogpost to begin with so they wouldnt go comment on your stories to take advantage of the deal!

4303995 Drat, you've got a point there. I may pin this blog to my userpage, so anyone who's even vaugely interested sees it. And possibly link people to it from my author's notes. Anyway, if this system becomes permanent, I shall post this permanently on my userpage as a MINISTERIAL DECREE!

What I am trying to accomplish is simple. Anyone who reads and enjoys my stories is obviously someone of extraordinary taste and refinement (modesty). A chap like that deserves to have his stories read. The main reason I'm doing this is to read some slightly more obscure, but hopefully still good, stories than I otherwise would. It's not really a 'deal' per se. I've been doing this for a few days - I just thought people might like to know about it.

I'll certainly look at your artwork. As far as suggestions go, I'm afraid I know so little about drawing 'n' such that my advice would be of little use, but I'll see what I can do.

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