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Good authors too, who once knew better words, Now only use four-letter words writing prose. Anything goes. :raritywink:

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  • 189 weeks
    Act 1 is done.

    Act 2 might take a couple of weeks, but for now, new Chapter.

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  • 190 weeks
    New chapter is out!

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  • 190 weeks
    Sorry about the lack of chapter this week!

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    New Chapter out!

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  • 193 weeks
    Next Chapter is out. Meet Pumpkin Cake!

    Yep! Pumpkin Cake shows up and introduces herself this chapter! And moreover, the creeping feeling continues to crawl up the spines of our heroes.

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My Top 10 Doctors. · 9:53pm Oct 10th, 2016

Yeah. I'm bored, I got some writing done, so why not?

Let's make some things clear before I start this. First off, I hate no Doctor. All of the Doctors at their BEST have always been a delight. I may tke umbridge with some of the lower entries on this list, but it hardly means I hate them.

Second, notice I said Top 10, leaving three off the list. First off is John Hurt's War Doctor. It's not that I dislike the character, it's that I hardly think he counts. Getting VERY little time to shine next to his fellow Doctors. I find that a damn shame, as he would have easily made the Top five if I felt he counted.

Next is Paul McGann, simply due to unfamiliarity. I don't know enough about the 8th Doctor to make comments. Sadly, that goes for the BIGGEST omission from the list as well.

Patrick Troughton will not be on this list. I know, I'm a jackass, but not counting Team-Ups I have only ever seen ONE Second Doctor adventure, and that was 1969's War Games. When I see more, I'm sure he will climb in the rankings.

Finally, this is MY OPINION ONLY. I hate having to make that clear (as it is MY goddamn post), but I do not mean to make this an attack on your favorite Doctor, or a glowing praise of your most hated. This is just my thoughts.

With that out of the way, onto the list!

10. David Tennant-The 10th Doctor

You wanna talk about a role getting kneecapped by a showrunner? Right here.

The reason 10 is this low has almost NOTHING to do with the actor. When the Doctor is allowed to be THE DOCTOR I love Tennant's portrayal. He's funny, he's energetic, and he can be REALLY SCARY when he's angry. I'd recommend checking out "Rise of the Cybermen," "The Next Doctor," or "The Shakespeare Code" for 10 at his best.

That. Being. Said.

Russel T. Davies abject hero-worship of the Doctor made 10 come off as self-righteous, arrogant, and what's worse, sanctimonious. I felt like I was getting preached to or yelled at half the time. It felt like Davies didn't have a story half the time, just the idea of "This dude is awesome."

So yeah, for no other reason than Russel T. Davies sucking, David Tennant takes the bottom spot. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

9. William Hartnell-The First Doctor

I feel like I just yelled at grandpa at the Christmas party...:fluttercry:

Again, not the actor or the Charcter's fault that he is so low. More the fact that the show was in it's infancy. Like any series it took time to find it's footing, and that was, sadly, after Hartnell was forced to leave in 1966 thanks to an illness. That said, I feel that people should watch some of William Hartnell's run to remind them of some things. Namely, at heart, the Doctor will always be a grouchy old crank.'

My recommendations are anything with the Daleks. The first Doctor fought them three times, and there is a reason they stuck around this long. Those will feel the most like Doctor Who to new series fans.

8. Peter Davison-The Fifth Doctor

For the next two entries, we bring you "Pissing off my family." This is my mom's all time favorite Doctor.

The Fifth Doctor has a LOT of similarities to the Tenth, the difference being that his Tenure wasn't under the direction of a idiot with the mental age of eight. No, HIS tenure was run by an idiot who spent most of his time on serious cocaine, but that really wasn't a problem until the next guy.

It's the same mix of youthful energy and barely contained rage that made Tennant compelling when he was at his very best. Unlike Ten, however, he never came off as "holier than thou." I would recommend "Kinda," "Snakedance" and "Enlightenment." Those three just seem important to me. For some reason.

7. Jon Pertwee-The Third Doctor

And with my BROTHER"S favorite Doctor on the bottom five, I get funny looks at dinner.

While the show found it's footing in Patrick Troughton's era, it cemented itself as a Sci-Fi staple with Pertwee. Even keeping the Doctor locked to earth for the first two seasons of his run didn't stop some of his exploits from being all time classics. Constantly suave, and not opposed to knocking someone RIGHT the fuck out, the Third Doctor taught us that this crazy old man from outer space could be GENUINELY cool. Not just in an Ironic way.

"Inferno," "Daemons," "Spearhead From Space," and "Terror of the Autons" are all great serials to check out. While there are other Doctors I PERSONALLY like better, classic fans find his run semi untouchable, and almost sacred. And it's hard to argue that point.

6. Sylvester McCoy-The Seventh Doctor

You lose. You THOUGHT you had a chance, but you lost about an hour ago.

This was the Doctor that always had a plan. He was always one step ahead of his enemies, and he always came out on top. It's hard to think of a Doctor with a higher percentage of clean wins than the Seventh. Add some GREAT acting by Sylvester McCoy, and the Seventh Doctor is always a delight, even if the serials weren't.

"Remembrance of the Daleks," "Battlefield," and "Survival" are must sees, but I would also recommend "Silver Nemesis."

5. Colin Baker-The Sixth Doctor

Because it takes a hell of a man to pull off that coat.

In all seriousness. the Sixth Doctor's tenure had... Problems. Unlike the problems with the First or Tenth Doctors, however. I like this character WAY more...

For you see... The Sixth Doctor is an asshole.

He was often rude, smug, and constantly arrogant. Thanks to Colin Baker, however, I never found him unlikable. This guy was convinced he was the hottest shit in the universe, and you BOUGHT it because he carried it off so well. Unfortunately however, he was let down by a lot of his scripts. I would recommend "Mark of the Rani" but if you're feeling brave, try the "Trial of a Time Lord" arc. Just bring a legal pad, you'll need to take notes.

4. Peter Capaldi-The Twelfth Doctor

The Twelfth Doctor was a far too necessary change to the New Series.

Taking cues from the First, and the Sixth, the Twelfth Doctor is a grouchy old crank. And we needed a grouchy old Crank. Very badly. We all kept thinking that the Doctor is this young dynamic hero and... He isn't. He isn't supposed to be. The charm is that he is this grouchy cience nerd at heart.

My recommendations are his debut episode "Deep Breath" or the 2015 Christmas special "The Husbands of River Song." I cn barely wait for series 10.:rainbowkiss:

3. Matt Smith-The Eleventh Doctor

We all have our favorites... But there are certain Doctors who stand above the rest. Who are credited for defining the role for their successors. Patrick Troughton, Tom Baker...

Matt Smith IS that for the new series. I don't need to tell you why the Eleventh Doctor is amazing. You should already know. I would wager half of you got into the series with the "Eleventh Hour." With the body of a teenager and the mind of your favorite Grandpa, Eleven was simply brilliant all the way around.

Recommendations seem silly at this point, but I would go with "Day of the Doctor," "Time of the Doctor" or "Cold War."

2. Tom Baker-The Fourth Doctor

Hands down, the BEST classic Doctor. And I know everyone says that, but there is a reason for that.

The Fourth Doctor was, in my opinion, the persona that best captured ALL facets of the Doctor's personality. While he was often very manic and eccentric, he could be calm, angry, contemplative, smug, or even clumsy if the occasion called for it. Was this simply because he had more time in the role than anyone else? Thus giving him more time to flesh out the character? Perhaps. But it stands. The fourth Doctor shall forever be THE Doctor, for that very reason.

"Genesis of the Daleks," "Robot," "City of Death," those are the obvious ones, but i would also check out all of Series 16. The Key to Time arc.

He is the quintessential Doctor...

But not my favorite.

1. Christopher Eccleston-The Ninth Doctor

This may be pure Nostalgia. I don't care.

Being a Doctor Who fan pre-2005 was somewhat alienating. Doctor Who only existed in old VHS tapes made by my dad. I really loved it, but it was hard to find other people to talk to. So when I heard it was coming back to TV, I was excited... But it was hard to believe.

One word changed that.

All of the sudden it was real. It was happening. My dad's passion and my childhood delight was on ACTUAL TV where other people could see it. Come that Monday I was the coolest kid in school. I was the guy with all the information.

I loved the Ninth Doctor's working class feel. I loved the obvious damage he carried from the atrocities he feels he committed in the Time War. And while his tenure was short, I don't think there is a bad episode in the bunch (maybe "Father's Day")?

The ninth Doctor will always be MY Doctor. And, despite Christopher Eccleston's recent distance from the series, he will always be my favorite.

"Dalek" is a must, along with "The Empty Child" two parter, but I feel that everyone getting into Doctor Who should start with Series One, Episode One, 2005's "Rose."

Be sure to tell me that my face is stupid in the comments below, and thank you for reading!

Comments ( 5 )

For the next two entries, we bring you "Pissing off my family." This is my mom's all time favorite Doctor.

And with my BROTHER"S favorite Doctor on the bottom five, I get funny looks at dinner.

Was it worth it? :trixieshiftright:

I would wager half of you got into the series with the "Eleventh Hour."

I'm only mentioning this to give you statistical data: This is not the case for me. The first (and unfortunately still only) episode of Doctor Who I've ever seen is the 10th Doctor's "Fear Her."

On that note, I should probably mention that I'll think of 10 as being my favorite, but not because of the acting or script. My reason is far more arbitrary than anything you've mentioned here: I consider 10 to be my lucky number.

I do not actually mean this, but you told me to be sure to say it, so... Your face is stupid. :unsuresweetie:

I actually kinda agree with the list.

Except Matt Smith's Doctor is my doctor.

But yeah, Nine was pretty great too.

Matt Smith introduced me, and remains my top Doctor.

#9. You never forget your first doctor man.

I never got the luxury of classic who when I was younger. My launch into who was my dad telling me he had something to show me. I sat with him to watch "Rose" and I loved the show on the spot.

It's annoying that even with the powers of the internet, I can still not watch that much classic who.

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