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Tallest of all the bronies! Maybe. Socal resident that likes ponies, war related things, and the use of the word saucy. Feel free to drop a line or whatever. I love to talk with people. Brony on!

More Blog Posts66

  • 14 weeks
    The future of Man of War and Happy Birthday Miles!

    Today is Miles's birthday! Or, tomorrow is, if you're reading at the time of release. Crazy to think one of my favorite jokes with Miles was literally decided by one of the readers. As a Brony Point reward I let someone pick his birthday, and they chose Feb. 29. So now the joke goes whenever he's acting immature he replies that he is only six.

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  • 23 weeks
    Fallout galore!

    It's been several years, but I've finally come back to writing this beast of a story! If you like my style of writing and Fallout, be sure to give Fallout Equestria: Equalizer a read!

    Brony on!

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  • 230 weeks
    I'm alive! I swear!

    It's true, I am alive! And I have good news! A bunch of chapters are about start coming out! I haven't pushed them out yet because I wanted to try something new this year. So read some more and tell me what you think. If you ain't got the time for that, TL;DR will be at the bottom.

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  • 263 weeks
    Head Held High, Semper Fi

    It's been a hot minute, hasn't it? But I have returned once again! But I come baring some sad news. I did not make it to the end of training and am not a marine. If you'd like to know the why, keep reading. If not, I'll add a tl;dr at the end.

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  • 286 weeks
    Semper Fidelis

    All of my stories will be on hiatus for the foreseeable future as I begin my military career.

    I wanted to get so much more done than I actually did. But time was a resource that I didn't have enough of. And I am sorry for that.

    Do not fret though! When I am able to, I fully intend to come back and start writing again! Just know that it'll be some time before that occurs.

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No longer Calling all OC's · 9:54pm Oct 15th, 2012

Oc's will no longer be excepted on this page. Thanks for the submissions, if yours didn't make it into the story, all apologies. Maybe there will be another chance in the not so distant future.

Hint hint.

Brony on!

Report tallestbrony · 1,424 views ·
Comments ( 59 )

Flame elemental called Burst and he's a cynical bastard and he looks a lot like "Liam Neeson"

Oh adn he makes things go boom AKA "Explosives Expert" 'cause that fits fire

338446 No comment on my horrible fire elemental? HE works... He does, i promise! dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/sillyfilly_Rainbow_Dash.png

338451 He will be considered

Character's name: Sticks n' Stones
Species: Flesh Golem Unicorn/Undead Unicorn either or.
Age: ??? We'll just go with old
Gender: Male
Description: Heres a pic:

A tattered tan coated dried husk of a pony skin placed around a mix of bone, stone, mummified organs/flesh, and sticks. Noticeable aspect is the glowing crystal heart that is the core of his being.
Dialect: Slight deep and raspy with a slight echo. Had a mix of southern/northern accent (like texas mixed with boston)
Background: Sticks n' Stones was an adventurous young colt who loved to explore (the village his family lived in and the small thick forest that surrounded it) and help his family out with work. During the early mornings, he would help his father break/transport rocks from the family quarry to be used for various purposes. During the afternoon he would help his mother fell trees in the nearby forest to get lumber for construction/kindling. It was during the usual routine of helping his mother and father that he found his cutie mark. He learned that he had a fascination of stones and trees, and as such was represented by his cutie mark (it being two crossed sticks with a rock in the middle). It was during his years as a young stallion, that the village he and his family lived in was attacked. A small cult of unicorns that followed the dark magic of necromancy, had happened upon the small village, and chose to use it for testing of spells and experiments. Those that weren't killed outright had to live through torturous experimentation. Many died through the experimentations, with only a few (Sticks n' Stones included) having been turned into undead shells of their former selves. But fate was on their side, as the spells that had turned them into undead beings did not bind their minds to the whims of the cultists. The small cult was never expecting their thought to be minions to attack them. The cultists did fight back and a few of the undead souls were put to rest, but they were outnumbered, and fell in due time. Sticks n' Stones stayed in the ruins of what was once his home. Time went on, his undead body decayed, yet the magic that kept him together used surround materials (humorously sticks and stones) to replace fallen parts, to keep his body whole. The village was swallowed up by the forest surrounding it, it became forgotten to time. A ghost waiting to be found.
Persona: While he was alive, he was rather open and friendly with those around the village he lived in. After his death, he became untrusting, and hateful. His body having a void that left an unremovable scar on his very being.

Name: Jax
Species: Griffin
Age: Not sure how ages work with Griffins, just think pretty young, only a little older than Scootaloo.
Cutie Mark: N/A
Traits: Scared of flying.
Description: (I've got a picture lying around somewhere, I'll upload it)

Didn't want to make it too long, so if you need any extra info just lemme know.

Edit: Jax is male. :p

Hopefully, you've seen most of the OC's I made when Quantum made that End of All Worlds project, but I'll make a new one anyway. I'll message you in a bit after I come up with something. 'Til then keep a spot open for me. :raritywink:

338486 Note the warning in the blog. These characters don't live very long. If he's going to be in this, I will make him an adult.

My profile pic is an OC
Name: Alistair
Species: Dragon
Size: 8ft
Origin: spawned from the rainbow of light
Sex: male
Alistair was trapped in a crystal lIke egg untill 100 years before nightmare moons defeat so is 100 years old. He has the power to go back and foward through time and can control the elements
For a position it would be recon/1 handed

All.the major details for my o.c are locatexon my profile have a lokn and see if he ok to use :twilightsmile:

338505 Did you read the entire blog?

338508 yes 100 years old is young for a dragon

338525 Are you ok with him dieing

edit- I would also have to change his abilities to suit the story

338540 yeah sure no Problem

Meh, I'll give this a shot.

Name : Beomere
Species: Griffon
Sex: Male
Traits: long scar up his back leg from paw to flank.
Weapon of choice: two handed (clawed?) Naginata, (japanese curved spear thingy, sure you have seen before)

Born lower class in griffon ways, his family was dishonored by an ancestor and have been trying to climb back up the ranks. Bit of an ambitious bastard really... Wants his own clan. His motto is "Threat your warriors like your children, and they will follow you always". Always one to step up and help one of his own, or anyone he respects. Think viking code here really... he would impale an entire citys milita on spikes if they resisted, but offer them a 3 month tax break if they surrendered.

Im well aware the best i can hope for this poor sod is an honorable death... well technically can hope whatever i want, but in the end im sure you will use him (if you choose to do so) however you see fit, and judging by the warning above things look a might bit bleak.

338564 I'll take him, though I might not use him right away. I need to see how the other positions fill.

338552 TAKE ALL MY MOUSTACHES :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache:

Name: Aere
Origin: Born and raised outside of Equestria and moved to Ponyville just before the Summer Sun Celebration there.
Gender: male
Aere wandered far and wide with his brother, and eventually settled down in Ponyville and opened a workshop that fabricates non-magical machines and pieces of art from any metal.
Race: Earth pony
Notable features: His mane is always coated with soot, he is outgoing and kind, his cutie mark is a brass gear (not shown in picture), and his left foreleg has been replaced with a brass clockwork prosthetic (Art in progress)
Physical description: Showed in profile picture.

338631 Can I get an idea of what class you would like, unless you want to leave it to me

Not sure if elementals can eat, but whatever he's magic. I won't do a powers section as you probably already got an idea on what the elementals powers are.

Name: Frosty
Species: Ice Elemental
Description: Created from the past winters snow and ice, he secludes himself in nearby forests, heading north as it gets warmer.
Personality: He likes to stay 'in his element' as he hates the warm temperatures(obviously). He tends to avoid anything sentient as he would most likely frighten them (at least, to him). Even though he hates the heat, he ironically likes spicy foods after stumbling upon some hot peppers.
Position: Probably range/archer, unless he can create ice grenades then maybe explosives.


That's fine. I didn't have any issues with him dying off, but I can see why you wouldn't want to kill any younglings.

Edit: I also didn't add anything about class or position, mostly because I wasn't sure if you'd even be using him as a fighter. If so, he'd be one-handed.

338634 He is usually close range with attachments and built in things to his prosthetic foreleg in combat, so a one-handed fighter

Alright, my OC is pretty much the picture, or so I like to imagine her. Can't find the Original Picture though! Its frustrating...

Character's Name: Dust Devil

Species: Pony
Subspecies: Pegasus

Age: 27

Gender: Female.

Description: Sandy tan mare, with a "dirty" mane, that has several different shades of tan.

(Essentially my profile picture. With... tad bit of editing. Or so.)

"Cutie" Mark: A singular oak tree, a Fleur-de-lis, and a forest camouflage Boonie hat

Her plush coat covers a lot of the scars she has had from past experiences of battles and whatnot. Her scouting is only rivaled by that of but one civilians and a few military trained professionals. One notable aspect of her, is the fact she enjoys chewing bubblegum, and the unique way she ties her mane, as well as the fact she wears a tactical combat vest, or something similar.

Dialect: She has a hint of Scoltish, as well as a tad of Korean. All around, her accents is closer to her Scoltish heritage.

Background: Dust Devil was one of the few lucky ones in her town to have moved to a safer place, after her town had been through some tough times, both economically and physically. She was raised to be a young lady, but her father had other ideas, and groomed her to be a tough, rugged, tom-filly (Or however that translates...). After a harsh winter struck her small home town, located on the more harsher areas of Equestria, up north towards the northern borders, her family decided they wanted to move towards the warmer climate down south, and take their chances there. After a tough couple months of slogging through marshes and tundra plains, the family and the others who left, arrived at the edge of a pine forest. From there, they went on to find a nearby village, where they rented an apartment, until they could afford a house for themselves. Dust Devil's father was a monster of a stallion, rivaling some of the biggest in the large village they encountered. Seeing as he had little to no skills worth down in the warmer climates, her father got a job as a farmer and lumberjack, alternating jobs every now and then, when the jobs required. He worked hard, and brought their family pride. Dust Devil's mother, was a different deal. She had many a different talents, but the ones that were most prominent was her sewing and knitting abilities, as shown by her "Mark". After both of her parents getting jobs, it was up to Dust to take care of her younger brother and sister. As she took care of them, over the years she developed cooking, scavenging, and scouting skills, seeing as her brother was a clever colt at the age of 9, and set traps whenever he could. As they grew, the siblings tested Dust in her abilities as a caretaker, and helped her get her "Mark" as well. When it was time for her to move out, her father proceeded to give her their savings, and told her to go do what her Mark showed. And so began Dust's life as a Scout.

"Class": Recon (Very lightweight and fast from her time as caretaker and scout for her village)

Keeps a Ace of Spades (/Pony version) in her Boonie Hat she received from her father as a birthday present.
Loves chewing bubblegum, no matter what.
Light on her hooves.
Prefers standing on her back hooves, as she has a better reaction time. Can go "Four wheel drive" When speed is necessary.
Very talented scout, and has escaped a few tussles with bears that have been in rage, although keeping the scars from these tussles.
First to the battle, last to drag out wounded, though there has been little need for that, as she is a civilian contractor.
Is a PMC. (Private Military Contractor)
Keeps a pack of smokes in her vest, just in case she get mortally wounded.
Likes everything, hates almost nothing except for annoying ponies, and bears.
Keeps her wings hidden, and barely uses them. Prefers ground-pounding, and only in dire circumstances will she use her wings

lol, I'd throw my OC into the mix but I'd rather not have him meet an untimely end unless he could be incredibly smug about it. Looking forward to reading about everyone submissions.

I have to say, you openly saying pretty much all the OCs are going to bite the dust very quickly makes me nervous as to what is to come.

Name: Ghost
Species: Pegasus
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Cutie Mark: a trio of explosions
Description: A tan coat with a slightly ruffled black mane , former weather factory worker after an incident with an expiremental rainbow mixture. Now resides in the lower districts of Cloudsdale making fireworks.
Personality: Prefers a quiet method to doing his thing, unless it comes to detonating structures or fireworks.
If mine does get accepted as an Explosives expert and or dies let me out with a bang.:moustache:

Can the dragons be able to use magic?

339066 Yes/no. They have their own form of magic. It's in their breath. Spike, for instance, can send letters around.

I guess since i have no choice (because i would really love to read something good with something of me in it)I give him to you.

Name:Camo Flash (How else could he be named)
Cutiemark:Seargent rank symbol
Appearance:(its my pic)Orange fur,the tips of the wings and his mane are gold, eyes color is silver and he wears a green cap.
Personality:Optimistic in any situation ,is a very good leader and strategist,would sacrifice himself for his people anytime.

I let you pick the class.Suprise me!:ajsmug:

Ps. if my Oc is in but dies please give him a SPARTA death ok?:scootangel:

I've got two more ideas, I just figured I'd give TB some time to sort through what he already had :derpytongue2:
The first one is an Earth Elemental.

Name: Theimara
Age: (Not sure how old Elementals usually are, but she's young for an elemental, assuming they even have ages)
Body: Skeletal body of a bear.
Traits: Theimara chose the visage of a bear to inspire fear into the hearts of those that dared cross her. She has little tolerance for incompetency and doesn't stand for any kind of opposition, fighting first and never asking questions. Her self-given name (anagram of I Am Earth) is a testament to her devotion to her element and her willingness to defend its honor no matter the cost.

(Other is a female pegasus, though if the main OC position has already been filled that's fine, I'd like to see her in any role really. Coming up after this one gets a look.)

Name: Crimson Lionheart

Description: Large, dark red pegasus. Really well muscled. Blue ruffled hair with ice blue highlights. Cutie Mark is a heart with a knife through it with thorns around it

Job(Important): Mercenary, loyal to the highest bidder. Team consists of a Diamond dog(Sheeva, young, quick, throws knives and shoot crossbows well, doesn't talk, can't take much damage) and an ex-Equestrian Guard Unicorn Marksmen(Hotshot, young-medium age, accurate[lucky], shoots Arquebus[early rifle], over cocky, runs when things get too close combat

Personality: Over loyal to friends. Cool and level-headed until things stop going to plan, then bails. Ignores ponies if they to talk to him unless they are informants

Placement idea: Working with steel wing

Extra Details: Can't fly, fights with a long glaive, uses wings for balance while using glaive with hooves or as apendages for holding the glaive

If it is too complicated, drop the team members

New character time!

Name: Ghost of the Flame

Species: Great Mountain Bear

Age: 56

Gender: Female

Description: A large, sentient bear. Coat is of a deep brown, strewn with red and lighter brown throughout. Forward paw is immensely scarred, probably from battle, seeing as the paw's fur is almost completely gone, leaving a tuft of fur sneaking up on the back of it. Ghost of the Flame stands 6-7 feet tall on her hind legs, towering over most ponies, and leaving them shaking in their armor. Her coat is immensely thick, and stops some, if not most, projectiles shot at her, although some of the areas protected are weaker from previous encounters. She has plate armor strapped on at certain points, showing that she is a trained warrior, although a tad old. The dented and marred green-ish silver armor resides on her chest area, as well as on her back and sides, to protect the unprotected areas. She does not wear a helmet, but DOES wear gauntlets padded with leather, almost bracer like in nature. Her facial features are as follows; She has a relatively peaceful expression, that keeps its lure even during a tedious battle. She has a small scar running through her eye, leaving a patch of the skin underneath the fur hiding it discolored.

Dialect: Hispanic in nature, but has a hint of upper class equestrian. Speaks in burst of Hispanic when stressed, even if she does not show it.

Background: Her kind has stayed in the more mountainous regions of the great land of Equestria and the lands of the Gryphons, some even going as far as to inhabit the deeper mountains of the land past the Everfree. Her mother was a smaller bear, although very feisty, and willing to fight a male if he tries to "mate" with her. Her "Father", was a larger bear than her mother, and was a guard in the town/tribe's hunting party. Ghost was a young bear when her mother died from a territorial invasion by another, more aggressive tribe that was situated next to them. Her father was blinded, but not before killing most of the aggressors. From then on, she lived with one of her fathers friends, who also was the one who taught her how to defend herself, and fight. When she turned 27, she was accepted into the hunting party, where she lived most of her life. On her 38 birthday, her town was burned to the ground by pony marauders who traveled in search of treasures and slaves. They took her stepfather and stepmother, as well as many other tribes people. Only a handful of other's survived with Ghost. Those who were left began to travel to the nearby village, who were friendly with those of her tribe. From then on, Ghost became a nomadic outcast, moving from place to place, homing her skills and thriving off the land around her. On one of her travels, she ventured to far east, and came upon a pony village. unbeknownst to her, this same village was the one who took those of her tribe, and burnt down her home. Upon her arrival, she noticed several ponies looking at her in curiosity. Shrugging it off as being pony behavior, she ventured through the town, eventually coming upon a bar, where she went in to rest. While in there, the several ponies who had been watching her took their chance, and rushed in to capture her, intent on selling her. Throwing a net on her, she became enraged, and ripped it to shreds, going so far as to also rip them to shreds, leaving bloody marks with chunks of pony flesh lying on the ground. Grabbing torch from outside of the bar, she began to set each and every building alight, until everything was gone. With her vengeance fulfilled, and at the age of 45, she traveled around Equestria, learning the ponies culture and their language, so that she can find her family once again, and reform her tribe. As she ventured across the expanse of Equestria, she met many a pony, both wanting to do her good, and bad. Her knowledge is greater than most, and she uses it to aid her whenever it can. Her skills as a warrior rival even some of the dragons. Now 56, she realizes her goal of reforming her tribe is slipping away, and rather than go to mate, seeing as it's the correct age to do so, she moves to go on adventures while her life force is still there.

Class: Two-Handed. Uses a large sledge-axe to her advantage, as well as skillfully.

Is definitely NOT attracted to ponies, or any other race, that is for sure.
While on one of her adventure's, she picked up her armor, and it has never failed her before.
Very, very experienced in combat, and never backs down, until she is at her last breath.
She uses her weight and strength to aid her in using her large Sledge-axe, which is too heavy for a normal pony to pick up, although a spartan might be able to.
The armor is similar to Kevlar, although the outward appearance is Plate Mail.
Distrusts ponies, but is open to any other race, mostly.
Has a lust for information, going so far as to interrogate one for info,
Very wise an knowledgeable, almost like a Dragon Lore Keeper.
Armor is dented in a few places, but otherwise retained its shape and state for as long as Ghost has had it.

Additional, Is a mix of this, and this.



looking at some of these i suddenly feel i rushed my submission. If you want i could give more detail, or would you prefer it left in the open for your creative whims?

346080 Either way. If you leave it, I suit them to the world. If not, then I have detail I don't have to think of. Either way I'm happy.

All i will add is a bit more on looks and how he got the scar, dont want to limit you after all. Keeps The feathers on his head pulled back and bound into a pony tail, or closest he can get to one, feathers just kinda stick straight back. Normal brown fur, With A darker brown wing feathers, His head and neck plummage has more of a grey tint. Chest plummage Has a few dark blue feathers giving the highlight look.

And his scar was gotten in a great battle ageinst those who first shamed his family line... or so he says. In reality when he was first training in the basics of warfare he forgot to tighten his back strap during a emergency drill and while flying his weapon came loose and cut down his left leg. :twilightsheepish:

Name: Hamm Strung
Species: Minotaur
Sex: male
Age: 40ish
Colors: dappled white and brown with a huge
heart splotch lower half is black
Hair: black now dyed blue and silver due to loosing a bet while drunk.
Weapons: throwing axes ( master blacksmith )

Name: Flare Storm
Species: Dragon
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Description: A black dragon with red tipped tail and wings. He can copy any magic or soul-based attack and add it to his arsenal of magic.He uses two energy swords for weapons.

Abilities: Elemental shield, fire, ice breath, revival, disarm spell, lightning, portal, and summon allies.

Personality: Kind-hearted, and easy too become friends with but won't be friends with you if you kill the innocence of others. Gives people 1 chance to redeem themselves if you don't redeem yourself he hunts you down and burns you to death.

Background: He was born 1000 years ago but his family was killed but before they died they cast a stasis spell on him to save him but it turned him to an egg. He was found by a family of pegasi 18 years ago they taught him to be kind hearted and fight to save the innocence of others. When he was 12 he was half the size of an orc, that year he remembered who he was and how his family died and also remembered the spells his spells.

Name:deck ripper
Species: earth pony
Cutie mark:a tape deck
weapon: anything that hurts
Description:brownish tan coat with dark green tattoos hes about as big as big mac and his mane and tail are ln the profile pic, he
all ways has a small humble cheeky grin with mellow green eyes and carries a boombox ever were he goes(anything else he wears are in the pic)

Personality:warm and friendly even thou he keeps to himself and is quiet he has many friends ranging from bears to pony's their say that hes a crack up and outgoing when you get know him he's also is vary suarcy in conversation , at time's he can be extremely sadist and blind insane also is a bit of a anarchist and is into dark jokes like rape and dead foal jokes but will always fight for whats right

traits:smart/honesty/never stop fighting even if he has a foot long sword though him he'll just pull you in with a mad smile and beat the shit out of you/

origin: he was born in a small state in equestria by the name of hoofZealand he was bout up to be strong and it harden him over time but even know you had to be hard to live in hoofzealand everpony looked out for each other even strangers there were a lot of gangs in hoofzealand

one day when he was but colt of 15 he was hanging with his bros street buzz the funny one/joit rain the muss and quack boomer and his his boombox that he was not seen without but anyway back to deck he was bored and started to make sounds with his muzzle that sounded like a set of drums and kicks and soon his mates noticed this beat and were amazed find it was him so they started grooving and cheering he could even make scratching sounds like on a turntable then a idea popes into their heads to have a street performance well that day he gained his cutie mark everpony was headbanging and cheering he dubbed his new musical creation beat boxing as time passed him and his mate got older and older now all the age of 18 their went there separate ways

after a while he wanted more in life so he joined the prance foreign legion he discovered that the saying war make a stallion a killer was right he gave remorse no mercy he began to become sadist killing his foe in a feat of pure brutality and acutely laughed and smiled after12 years his service was over
he went back too hoofzealand and tried to get back together with the old crew but that plan was stopped short when he found out that they had all died in cross fire from a gang war so he got in contact with all their family's and gave his condolences after a long talk too all three of the family's the he visited which was quack's mother said quack had left something for him in his will up in quack's room and in the middle of the room was quacks legendary boombox with a note attached saying that this was he now and too travel around the world met new pony's and most of all blast all my tapes for as long as he lived

now a stallion of 30 he traveled ever were making heaps of friends and enemy's alike who of choirs found out like many other that was a bad idea jolt now stay's in ponyvill laxing out blasting wu hay clan up and down the street

PS i cant speel for shit and my story telling about the same:fluttercry:

I have a new oc for you:

Name: BenTo Bentaba aka Bent
Species: zebra
Sex: male
Character traits: BenTo was born into a clan of coffee growers in Zebraica. His early life was dedicated to learning all things coffee related, although his favorite was roasting. Rabidly addicted to the nectar of the gods. NOT a morning zebra. Warning do NOT approach until liberal amounts of coffee have been administered.
One day in his teens there was an accident at a roaster that left him blind in his right eye. It was decided by his family that he should study abroad. Bent found he had a knack for picking up languages easily gaining proficiency in a mater of weeks.
While studying in Neighpon he discovers his weakness for hot springs. And peeping (more than a little a!strange since nopony wears clothing). This activity lead him to trouble with a tribal elder whose daughter he was spying on. And so to regain his honor he chose to become a ninja.

I'll leave the rest up to you.

Dammit! Forgot stuff. *yawn* will add it after coffee.

Age: 29
Abilities: While undergoing ninja training Bent found out he had two rather interesting abilities, one active the other passive. Both are telepathic abilities. He can telepathicly communicate with his friend at a distance of up to a mile. The other he can see through the eyes of another pony. This seeing ability is passive, the only sensation is that of walking through a spider web. The downside is that for these to to work he needs to be touched. Since these abilities are somewhat taxing they are used strictly 'on the job'.

Personality: Bent is a total abstainer when it comes to alcohol, unlike his friend Hamm. Calm and collected at all times even during stressful situations. Known to be staunchly loyal to his friends. Considers Hamm a true brother.

Alright I'll give it a whirl. Dunno if you'll use him, but I can dream right?

Name: SteelClaw
Sex: Male
Race: Griffon (Hair/Feathers: Black fur on lion section/ Grey feathers on eagle section)
Body: Almost as muscled as Big Mac after Spartan Training I guess, just not as defined. More of a mass of muscle than toned muscle.

Here's a pic, and I apologize that it's a link, but it wouldn't show up other ways: http://s1216.beta.photobucket.com/user/JazX123/media/SteelClaw.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0#/user/JazX123/media/SteelClaw.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0&_suid=1352775396795013893785284127796

Other than that, he speaks in a scottish accent. EX: "Oy! The fuck're YOU lookin' you speccy li'l git?!" Yeah like that.

Position: Heavy (Two-Handed Battle-Axe)

I give you complete permission to use him as you wish. Kill him need be, but please make it a bad-ass death. :rainbowkiss:

499374 is there suppose to be a pic?

Name: Scratch "Red" Everfree

Gender: Male

Species: Earth Pony

Character: He is....odd. Can track anyone through anything. Sniffs them out like a bloodhound. Literally. He is somewhat of a Pinkie Pie hyper-activity wise, but slightly less happy go lucky. Never stops moving. Called Red because of a red ruff of fur trailing down his spine. One eye is smaller than the other, and he walks with a slight limp. He can disappear incredibly easily. He uses fire. Not magic, just a staff that's on fire. We don't know where he pulls it from, but it's on fire whenever he does. As odd as he may be, he's a good friend and if you earn his trust and his respect, he will fight to the bitter end.

Cutie Mark: A staff that's on fire. We don't know what his talent is, and neither does he. We think.

Physical: Lean, scruffy mane and tail, coat light honey brown except for ruff, eyes one gold one silver

Catchphrase: "Come at me, ya wee buggers!"

OC Name: Ascending "Ashen"" Skies

Coat Colour: Tan

Eye color: Aquamarine

Mane Colour : Midnight Shade (black)
Tail Colour is the same

Age: 20-25
Species: Pegasus
Cutie Mark/Emblem: Double Crossed MiniRod
Talent:Explosives,Assault Rifles, Big Guns, Coordination Of Military Forces, Archery
Personality: Prankster, Usually happy
Hobbies: Splattering Equestrian Enemies on the battlefield
Interests: Bigger Guns, Bigger explosives, Bigger Armor
Background: Enlisted Pegasus at age 25 As she was the only 10/20 (minimum requirement) in the Hunter Corp, she found her Mark after firing a Prototype Weapon during the battle of Golomond Plains

Name: Manic Grin
Species: Earth Pony
Cutie Mark: a chess pawn
Role: wild card
Eyes: change color depending on his emotions but when neutral a cobalt-blue
dialect: an accent which seems to many to be similar to a british accent but is not quite one
Fur: Cerulean
Hair: mid tone brown, blonde highlights, with silver around the temples, parted in the middle
Description: a Jack of all trades(hence the mark, able to step up to fill any role) slightly crazy but insanely loyal to friends and willing to do anything to make them happy and even more to protect them, does the cooking while on missions and loves playing cards(especially the game Mao).
that's about it, he can have any weapon you want and any fighting style likewise.

Pony, pegasus
-Thunder Whip
-One handed soecialist
- highly skilled with throwing knifes and hidden blades, uses high powered weapons as a last resort to saving someone else
-Body is a light gray
-Hair is black and frosted neon green at edges
-eyes are an seafoam green/blue
-traits: understanding, trustworthy, determined, hard-headed, willing to risk life and limb to save friends/partners/anybody in need, hides emotion aka quiet type, if anymore is needed than let me know

Name: Pulsar glow
Specialty:long-ranged attacks, usually from an extremely high altitude.
When pressed, low altitude, high velocity Strafing becomes acceptable.
Personality: that of a former jokester that becomes serious in the strangest Of moments.
Comes from a down to earth background with a strange past.
Had a talent for high altitude, long duration flight and sharpshooting sence foal hood,and has made good use of it in his lifetime. Has a strange knack for always knowing the time without referencing a watch, and knowing how to navigate to any destination he's vIsited before by using the stars as a guide. Is generally around age 20-25, and eats more voraciously than a hydra.
Discription: has a TARDIS blue coat with a sky-black mane and green eyes. Appears a bit heavyset at first, but actually has the muscle mass to use his talent to its full potential.
Cutie mark is a Pulsar with an arrow ripping through it.0

Grotsev Trotsky
Body type: Heavy(muscular)
Colour:dark grey
eye colour:orange
hair/mane: dark red/brown shorn unkempt
Personality quirks: Mentally unstable, cold,
high pain tolerance, vicious
Past positions
Stalliongrad special police Lt.
--relocated for protection of team, deemed unfit for duty.
current location unknown
-One handed Specialist
-Serrated E-tool and ballistic knives

Character : Purple Edge
Appearance: Look to the left at my pic.
Race: Pegasus
Battle-position: (Normally he is an assassin, but since this doesn't exist let's just say) Scout/swift onehanded
Personality: He is very awkward, because he never had a family and any friends his whole life. Means he does not know normal slangs and takes them literally. He doesn't know how to carry on a conversation and no one understands his humor. He laughs about things, which other ponies can't even connect with the word fun. Like just randomly laughing, because the library of twilight is a tree, and he somehow thinks that books, made out of trees in a tree are funny. Other than that, he has no real problems with stress or danger, since it's normal, but also doesn't help anyone other than the ones he likes. And since he is socially awkward and no one likes him, he protects no one out of sheer generosity.
Battle-strength: Since it's normal for him to fight, he's a little over the average fighter, but is still to young to stand out. He always carries a hidden dagger in his long tail.
Short story: Was found by some older assassin and was raised as his son. Was being trained since then. For the sake of your story, let's just say that his assassins guild got destroyed by whatever and he searched for work and found mercenaries.

yep... he's ok. And i don't care if he dies pretty fast. As long as he dies in some funny way. Like instant combustion. :rainbowlaugh:

Name: Arc Light
Race: Unicorn
Sex: Male
Appearance: Light tan coat, brown mane and tail, cutie-mark is a wand and wrench that are crossing each other to form an X.
-Quiet, stubborn, tends to ignore ponies he has never meet or does not like.
-Is an expert on enchanting machines.
-Both left lefts are missing(from above the knee down) and replaced with a magic or mechanical replacement.
-Their is a scar like crack on his horn make it impossible for him to use the basic levitation spell yet can still cast any other spell just fine.
-torch welding spells are his favorites.
-Magic support
-One handed(Hammer or any other blunt weapon)
-Use front left leg as a shield since its a prosthetic.


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