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Acacia Sgt

Hello there. I'm just a fan of FiM from Mexico giving the whole "Write MLP fanfiction" thing a try.

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Story Background and History Corner #1 · 6:22am Jun 6th, 2016

Now that I got my second story out, I want to speak up a bit in detail about it.

I first got my idea to write a story with such a premise, after reading one that was similar on this very sight. Specifically, I was inspired by this story. Looking over, it wasn't an idea that had been done a lot yet, so I thought it would still be a novelty. Back then so far I only knew of two that used the USA, and one with France. So not much in number and variety. So I thought about writing my own, using my own home country for it.

Then I saw that they more or less used the modern-day versions. This got me thinking, "What if I actually used a different time period for my own idea?" As such, I chose the formation of the First Federal Republic, formally established in October 1824. This would mean the country was still "fresh", so to speak, having just obtained independence only three years ago. I did considered using the First Empire, with the Captaincy of Guatemala also coming along due to being part of it. But I figured I should just stick with only Mexico, so the Federal Republic it was.

But then I also thought, "those stories also used Equestria at the time of the show"... and well, got me thinking that I could also use a past version of Equestria. So I chose just after the first defeat of Discord, since it meant I could have Celestia and Luna as the princesses already. So Mexico is still an infant nation... Celestia and Luna would still be new rulers... that sort of scenario meet-up got my interest.

Now, since there is no exact timeline of events from the defeat of Discord, to the rise of Nightmare Moon (Yes, my overall goal is to cover all that period of time. But for now, baby steps and just focus on First Contact with this story, and hopefully it can become the first of a series.), expect for some liberties to be taken, as well as not sticking to just show canon. Good thing for that AU tag, huh. :derpytongue2:

Which brings me now to what I will call: the History Corner. There are some things that may need to be explained on their own, which would have no room in the story itself, or would need to go out of its way to include them. And some may not be short enough to just stick in the Author's Notes section. As such, I will focus on them here. Although some info may still find itself in the story, just not in a way that would explain itself completely. Some of this info can still be searched up, but I thought I would include it for the sake of context. These notes are not gonna be one per chapter, and sometimes not on something that was the focus or had an appearance recently. So there is no set schedule for this. In any case...

History Corner #1

Francisco Lemaur de la Muraire (the Lemaur referred to in-story). Born in Bembibre, 1769, with French ancestry from his father's side. He would spend two decades living in Cuba, where he would get married and form a family. A member of the Royal Engineers, he would in 1821 be sent to the New Spain Vicerroyalty with Juan O'Donojú, New Spain's last Vicerroy.

In 1822 he would become the General Captain and Superior Political Chief of New Spain, and granted the rank of Field Marshall. He would be stationed in the island-fortress of San Juan de Ulúa, off the coast of Veracruz. He would remain there until sickness forced him to be replaced by José Coppinger in January 1825, and returned to Cuba where he would live there until his death in 1857.

Change of Fate: Having lost contact with the rest of the world and further help, Lemaur and the men currently under his command are forced to surrender the fort a year before it happened in real life ( which did in November 1825). The fort would be now manned by the Mexican army, while Lemaur and his men were first detained in the port of Veracruz, before being granted freedom, as ultimately there was little use to detain them. Since Coppinger and his men never get to arrive as relief, Lemaur remains in charge of these now stranded Spanish soldiers who would now have to establish new lives, until volunteering to participate in the expedition east to find out what became of Africa and Europe.

Comments ( 3 )

I knew you were going to use historical figures, but I didn't expect them to be used so fast, good.

I suppose that means that, should I want to do my own twist on this, I would have to make a very firm investigation on the time period I choose (currently 4 time periods are being debated in my head) to make this easier to make.

What I do recommend you is to link this blogs to the footnotes in your stories so everybody can read them.


Well, on the boat trip alone I mentioned four of them, incluiding Lemaur.

Oh, right. They would be easier to read if linked to the story as well. Thanks.

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