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  • 248 weeks
    Episode reviews: Uprooted/ Between Dark and Dawn/ A Trivial Pursuit

    Okay, quick talk about three episodes. I know I haven't been doing these weekly but I am behind on mlp. Season 8 wasn't... as good as I would have hoped so I stopped keeping track each week. My bad. Season 9, from what I've seen, has picked up the slack. So there's some positive. I'm going to try and watch at least 2 or 3 episodes a day until I get caught up. Don't worry, I'll be ready for the

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    Episode Review: Father Knows Best/School Raze

    1: Father Knows Best

    Well this is it folks. I have finally finished season 8.... I think it's my least favorite season. Not entirely bad, but just not as good as others. I'm surprised really. I never thought I'd see a day I'd like a season less then season 4 but here it is. So let's start off by going over the last two episodes of this season shall we?

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    Episode Review: The Road to Friendship/The Washouts

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    New Chapter coming soon (The Greatest Treasure/Fate Pony)

    Heyo everyone. It seems I've got my writing mojo back. Well now I've finally started the next chapter of TGT and my Fate pony fic. They should be done by the weekend if not tomorrow. I hope it'll be worth the wait.

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    (Spoiler review) What Lies Beneath

    Still need to catch up on season 8. Don't worry. I won't be out of the loop once season 9 ends. I plan on binging the show until then. So hopefully I'll get a review done a day. So let's start with this one.

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{Spoilers} No Second Prances. · 11:43pm Apr 30th, 2016

Oh boy, is there a lot to talk about in this episode. Not in a bad way. Quite the opposite. I loved this episode quite a bit. :raritystarry: No, it's not just because it's a Starlight episode.... Okay, that has something to do with it. :twilightblush: Starlight was at top notch this episode and I couldn't help but love what the writers did for her. Having her crack jokes about herself and her use of magic to fix all the problems really helped emphasis that she still has a long ways to go. I'd say the scene with Mrs. Cake and her reaction to Starlight's magic was bloody brilliant. I honestly think it was a better demonstration then Flim and Flam and the Apples in their first episode. {Making both sides alright and not making one an antagonist makes this.}

And Starlight and Big Macintosh interacted. How did the show know my secret OTP?

Starlight, you don't use magic on your boyfriend.... in public. :raritywink: :facehoof: That was bad.

So yeah, Starlight's development here was top notch. Now onto the episode's guest star.

I have to let you all know. I'm not a big fan of Trixie. I never have been and yes, I've been in the fandom since before season 2. Do you know what I thought about her? Meh. I didn't like her first episode. Boast Busters just wasn't good and while Trixie wasn't bad in it, she didn't really stand out to me. It didn't help that the fandom went nuts and forced her everywhere for the next several months. I got sick of it. Then Magic Duel happened. She was hilarious, but didn't warm me up to her all that much. I have to say, it was the comics though that got me to really like Trixie. I know, I know. It's taboo to talk about them, but I enjoy most of the issues. My personal favorite of Trixie's is the micro comic between her and Rainbow Dash. This episode, however, got me to see more of why she's so popular and what I loved about that micro. This is my favorite show Trixie appearance thus far and it got me to really like her.

Trixie honestly fits the character type of the Awesome Prussia.

She's a stuck up character who pretty much cares only for herself and likes to proclaim her own prowess. However, to a select few close to her, she can be really compassionate even if she teases them a lot. I like how this episode really brought that out of her and as a fan of Prussia of Hetalia, yeah, I liked it. It's also good to mention that Prussia often gets hurt a lot because he gets too cocky. Similarly with Trixie, though the end was rather... dark. I'm not sure if it was the intent, but Trixie almost committed suicide...

I... I have to say they pulled it off well. I have nothing against this part because, well, I too almost committed suicide. Not in that much of a gesture, but... I really have to thank my little sister and this fandom, especially Tarbtano and ThatOneVolcarona.:fluttercry: If either of you read this, please know that I appreciate you two for being my friends and helping me out in a time of crisis... even if I didn't mention how bad it was to Tarb, I think. He still helped. Everyone else, please go and support the two of them. They're great.

Oh right, I'm doing a review. As I said, they did this really well and I have no complaints. Trixie's and Starlight's friendship felt genuine and really adorable. I hope they get together again sometime later this season. :pinkiesmile:

Also, this episode had a ton of bedroom eyes.

I don't ship any female/female pairings, but I know the yuri shippers are going to have a field day.

As for the rest, let's get to Twilight herself. I know a lot of people are going to find her a hypocrite and OOC, but honestly, I found her pretty much in character. Twilight is a neat freak and wants everything in just the perfect way. I can see she's handling her teaching in the same manner, micro managing her student's life. It fit with her character and lead to some rather good jokes. As for why she wouldn't want Starlight to befriend Trixie, she admitted herself that Trixie being Starlight's "First" friend was a bad idea. I agree. Trixie is egotistical and vain and has a bad history. While Trixie isn't evil, she could easily lead Starlight astray since Starlight is new to friendship and is impressionable. So it was only logical that Twilight wouldn't like this to be her first try. I don't think Twilight would have cared if it was her, what, third friend or so.

The only minor gripe, and this is really only a minor one, was the scene where Starlight had to choose between the show or dinner. The episode doesn't state that Trixie couldn't postpone the show for a night so it feels a tad forced. It's only minor, because it's heavily implied. It's not one of those cases where it creates anger, but eh. It was only minor.

The rest of the cameos were cute. They gave me a few laughs and they didn't detract anything from the episode. However, it was a missed opportunity to have Celestia interact with the others, but I don't think Hasbro is willing to let Ditzy {I call her Ditzy Doo still people.} talk any time soon. Shame. Still, would have been nice to see more Celestia interaction in general, but given how long it was implied they had to wait, I think she was justified in being miffed. That and Twilight was lying to her face.

So aside from two rather minor gripes. I found this to be a really solid and emotional episode. I'm not sure if it beats out The Gift of Maud Pie as my favorite this season, but it comes a close second. I hope you all do well. :twilightsmile:

Report Evowizard25 · 653 views ·
Comments ( 34 )

I'm boycotting this episode.

3908660 I believe I've said why repeatedly when the episode was announced, reinforced why when the previews came out, but I'll reiterate here.
Trixie doesn't deserve a third episode, her arc was left pretty well closed with her last episode. By rights, she's stolen Lightning Dust's slot for a second episode.
And people seem to be annoyed with that concept. I ask why any of the antagonists have received a second episode, or for that matter any secondary cast member?

FINALLY!!! Someone else who thinks Twilight is in character in this episode!

3908673 Oh that, yeah, I honestly like Lightning Dust way more then Trixie. {And Lightning wasn't ever a real antagonist, that was more Spitfire in that episode at times.} However, this appearance was way better then her previous two and I liked the depression that she went through. Hit close to home. I will agree that they should have given it to LIghtning but it was alright with what they did for it. Though, I have to say, I mostly just watched it because it's a Starlight episode and I love her.

3908674 I thought what they did with Twilight was obvious, but I think a lot of people like using the words OOC when characters do things they don't personally like. Or because they want to say "the show used to be good, now it's bad".:ajbemused:

3908690 They've done this with Twilight before. There's plenty of situations where Twilight thinks she knows the better solution and loses sight of the true goal. It happens all the time on the show and she's not mean about it, it's just part of her personality. I just can't see why no one can see that...

3908709 Because of several reasons:

1: People like to complain

2: A bunch of people like to keep saying "the show was better in the first two seasons" and bash everything afterwards.

3: Trixie is a huge character favorite in the fandom so if anyone is ever mean to her, intentionally or not, said character will be called a lot of names by the fandom.

3908690 I also don't think Starlight should be a main cast member. The season finale didn't feel ass-pulley, because it was essentially talking the villain out of pushing the "Fuck Everything" button, her reasoning for why made more sense than anyone's willing to lend it credence for.
But now it just feels like fandering. I hate fandering. It's what got us a second and a third Trixie episode.
I'd be okay with a spin-off series surrounding Starlight and various antagonists though.

3908719 Actually, it's more in line with character building for Twilight. Twilight's character arc is coming full circle from student to a teacher herself and Starlight fits the role well. I don't see how it's fandering.

3908716 Most people I've met hate Trixie. I used to hate her...till I started writing her. She's probably my second favorite character to write now.

Also, the season I dislike the most is actually season 2. You know, 'the greatest season ever and the show has never hit that peak ever again' season. There's like 3 or 4 episodes in that season that I genuinely like.

3908725 It is.
"Starlight was well received. More Starlight is obviously needed to revive interest in a rapidly aging show."

3908731 If I had to pick one, it'd be season 1. There are, what, four episodes I would highly recommend? While season 2 did have it's problems, eh, I still really liked season 2. Not my favorite, that's season 5.

3908740 Hmmm, didn't see it. I got bogged down too much by her massive hatedom by a ton of the fandom after season 5 and to this day. I loved her then, but yeah... She did get more attention in season six opener, but that's because they have her arc already mapped out.

3908731 Season 2 was a lot of fun and had a ton of great episodes. But honestly, if we're being real, the show stepped up when Lauren left. Seeing as how she left over "creative differences" in language that smacks to me like she got her head swole and threw a temper tantrum, I'm good with the fact she's no longer associated with anything pony. It's why I hate "Fausticorn" in any way I've ever seen her. By rights she should be a creator god who abandoned her children.
S1 is the meh one to me. And honestly S3 was my favorite season, easily.

3908742 I want to say season 4 cuz it introduced Maud who is one of my most favorite characters ever...but season 5 is really good too. I'll probably pick season 4 over it though because even though season 5 has some of my favorite episodes in the show, it also has what I consider the worst episode of the show.

That episode is the 'CMC are now pointless' episode, complete with: 'Let's get rid of my favorite villain Diamond Tiara!':flutterrage::twilightangry2::facehoof:


3908750 Easily, S1 is the worse. It just involves our favorite ponies repeatedly fucking everything up for everyone around them, and S2 onward involved them dealing with their own issues or issues caused by others.
Trixie as a "villain": She gets on stage and does her act. Which involves a persona. She's a performer. Her "lying" about beating the Ursa Major is treated like a bad thing by anyone that can't rectify that it's a story. And then Spike fucks it up by getting Dumb and Dumber to kite the Ursa into the village.

3908760 I felt season 4, while had a bunch of good episodes, also had a number of episodes I don't care for. And, well, I liked that CMC episode.
Maybe it's because I honestly didn't care for CMC episodes and I was finally happy to see them move past it and DT too.

3908771 Yeah, the characters weren't very intelligent in season 1. :facehoof: They still had their moments: A Dog and Pony Show, The Cutie Mark Chronicles, Suited For Success and Party of One are season 1 episodes I still love to this day, but that's just four out of 25 episodes....

3908773 Yeah...I'm not a fan of the CMC at all...I liked Diamond though cuz she's only the villain that would never give up. That and she's fun to write for me. (I like writing whiny, bratty villains.)

I also didn't Iike the fact that the episode basically got rid of their only disabled character off the show. (Scootaloo)

3908786 HOw did they get rid of Scootaloo? :rainbowhuh:

3908783 Cutie Mark Chronicles and Party of One, for me. And Sonic Rainboom.

3908789 The CMC have their cutie marks now! The whole point of them being on the show doesn't matter anymore!

3908799 They had a point other then annoying me? :rainbowderp: Because honestly, that's what they did. I rather like the direction they're going.

3908824 The point of them was supposed to be a 'growing up' storyline. They still exist to annoy you and me though.

3908904 The show will probably ship them {Starburst} too. {I ship Starlight/Big Mac.}

I'm with Cranky. How does Celestia keep her mane flowing?

3909003 It's the eternally illusive answer that might never be told.

Having her crack jokes about herself and her use of magic to fix all the problems really helped emphasis that she still has a long ways to go.

I like Starlight as a character. I know she has a polarizing effect in the fandom right now, but I really loved her portrayal in the season premiere. She was still manipulative, but wasn't blowing past boundaries with her magic. Casting a spell on Big Mac without permission? Yeesh! In this episode, I thought she was sort of extreme. I would have preferred a return to the subtlety.

I have to say, it was the comics though that got me to really like Trixie. I know, I know. It's taboo to talk about them, but I enjoy most of the issues.

People dislike the comics...? :rainbowderp:

I LOVE the comics! I thought Trixie's cameo in the Big Mac story was hilarious.

However, it was a missed opportunity to have Celestia interact with the others

This was my feeling as well. Instead of Celestia sitting around looking bored and vaguely uncomfortable, I would have much rather seen her try to make small talk in an attempt to ease Twilight's growing unease. I know it's just headcanon, but I really do see Celestia as a doting aunt-figure who wants to see her "niece" succeed.

EDIT: Son just woke up, which means Mama's early compooter time is done, but I think I can squeeze in one more comment--

Similarly with Trixie, though the end was rather... dark. I'm not sure if it was the intent, but Trixie almost committed suicide...

RIGHT!? I was staring at the screen going like, "Holy crap, Trixie is taking this unbelievably hard... Is no one gonna stop her? Anybody? Starlight isn't exhibiting any kind of alarm about the fact that Trixie is basically about to kill herself."

This episode continues the trend of season 6 beating out the other seasons in one category or another, at least for me.
This time, it took the titles of:
Best Trixie episode.
Best facial expression

On top of that, it's easily the best episode of the entire season so far, and is probably tied with Pinkie Pride for second best episode of the series.

It also continues the trend of me liking Starlight more and more with every one of her appearances.

As for Trixie, I'll admit:
I've always liked her, and she's the single reason I consider Boast Busters to be one of my favorite episodes of season 1.
This just made me like her more.

And in terms of shipping:
I don't have an OTP from this episode... I have an OT6:
Trixie x Sunburst x Starlight x Spike x Ember x Rarity.

I also keep calling her Ditzy Doo (or Derpy Hooves, it kind of alternates between which is the real name and which is the affectionate nickname really). "Bright Eyes" is acceptable at times, but ANYTHING is better than "Muffins"!


People dislike the comics...? :rainbowderp:

It matters where you go. Places like Derpibooru for example love nothing better then to bash the comics at any turn. So there are a lot, but places like Fimfiction don't have this much of a problem.

I love 95% of the comics. SOme of them are skippable, but I feel like that with some of the episodes too.

I really thank you for the comic and feedback. :twilightsmile: I can't wait to see what you have in store for my own works, if I remember correctly one of them was on the list.

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