• Member Since 6th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen April 20th


A Midwest brony who enjoys writing about adorkable unicorns and alien invasions. Come join me for XCOM 2 livestreams!

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Mente Materia Lets Play, XCOM 2 edition! (Now with 100% less crappy mic issues!) · 7:11pm Apr 29th, 2016

Good afternoon, folks! Just wanted to let everyone know I'm going to start recording Lets Play videos for XCOM 2 starting tomorrow, and uploading later that evening! I'll be playing/recording the videos starting at around noon-ish on Saturday (Central Time), and I'd love for folks to join me!

Also, keep an eye on this blog, as I'll be uploading my mod list here once I get home from work. Lots of fun stuff is ahead!

Edit: Modlist follows

Long War Toolbox -- Adds a bunch of second wave-esque options to change along with some other things. Yes, other mods provide this, yes they can be changed in ini's. But with this it's wrapped up in one little package
Handy Heavy Weapons -- Adds a few new heavy weapon options for EXO and WAR suits
TitanFallGear -- Cosmetic armor options
Additional Dark Events -- Just like it sounds.
All Pods Active -- Because when the shooting starts, it makes sense for everyone to come running
Grimy's Loot Mod -- Played a bit with this, and it's great! Enemies drop lock boxes that give you customized weapons with special perks
Additional Mission Types -- This mod provides some more variety and changes to existing missions to make things more interesting
Free The Hood -- Because face masks plus hoods should be a thing
Halo Reach Weapons -- Really like this mod as the Halo weapons are pretty snazzy in my opinion
Halo Customizable Armors -- Cosmetic, Spartan armor options.
Squad Cohesion -- Because I really like the option for teamwork and cohesion bonuses.
Hack Plus -- Because it makes sense that actively hacking makes you a better hacker.
Field Medic Class -- Because I hate watering down my specialists by making them carry the medkits.
Mission Award Variety -- Because having an award for 'Too old for this S---' should be a real thing.
More Supplies -- Gives a bit of help at the start of the game.
Random Weapon Name Button -- Because I'm not as creative as I'd like.
Trooper Custom Class Mod -- Because I felt the class really is missing a gunner/infantry class, and this has some fun perks.
Engineer2Scientist -- Because the scientists should get off of their lazy asses.
Advanced Modular Weapons -- Because it makes sense to be able to further customize weapons makes sense over time.
Shepard Voice Pack (Mass Effect) -- Because he's Commander Shepard, and this is his favorite mod on the workshop.
Deadpool Voice pack -- Because DEADPOOL.
Beatdown Skill -- Because it makes zero sense that you can't beat an advent to death with your rifle butt if you're out of ammo.
Weapon Upgrades Expanded -- Adding a bit of variety with weapon mods.
Uniforms Manager -- Because making everyone fabulous is tiresome.
XCOM International Voices Pack -- Insert gratuitous foreign language speak here.
True Concealment (Default Timers) -- Because it's more fun this way
Evac All -- Because evaccing 12 people takes freaking forever.
Numeric Health Display -- Because Sectopods have way too many hit points to be marked by tick marks on a bar.
EnemyLoot: Expanded Loot Drops -- Because XCOM takes everything that isn't nailed down, then comes back and takes that too.
Military Camoflage Patterns -- Cosmetic stuff
SMG Pack -- Always a fun option for sword rangers
Muton Centurion Alien Pack -- Because the aliens need some help sometime.
A Better Advent -- Recommended by the readers! Makes the AI smarter as well as adding new enemy subtypes!
Gremlins Grab Loot -- An idea so simple that I'm surprised it wasn't a thing sooner.
Perfect Information -- Gives a breakdown of the hit/dodge/crit chances per attack.
High Quality Rounds -- Gives some early-game ammunition options which works well with...
Ammo and Vest Slots -- Just like it sounds, it gives two new inventory slots for soldiers, one for ammo and another for vest.
Enhanced Swords -- Because the only thing worse than getting 3 damage on a sword strike is missing.
Noble Team Voice Packs -- Because I'd like to run with my favorite group of Spartans

If folks have mod suggestions, feel free to comment!

Report Arad · 1,018 views · #XCOM 2 #Lets Play #Broadcast #Youtube
Comments ( 17 )

The leader mod: Because if everyone is squad leader is anyone really killing xeno scum?
Overwatch All/Others: because overwatching 12 people takes freaking forever.
Sassy Viper Mod: Because snek waifu.

Sounds cool. I'll check it out. :pinkiesmile:


I'm actually going to be passing on the leader mod as it doesnt play well with the squad ready screen. I'm considering the mod for the custom officer class though.

Rogue class mod

Freeman's Mind voicepack, because Gordon Freeman has lots of important things to say, mostly about being a specialist.
(Tip: Don't enable voicepacks you aren't using, they will increase load times a lot, possibly causing a crash. (or used to, maybe they fixed it)

Mimic Ressurection Fix (sic): Because holograms are not considered sentient lifeforms by galactic law.
Awesome Skyranger/Skyranger Olive Drab: Because painting the Skyranger purple makes it sneakier. (Or olive drab does, if you're not an Ork.)
Playable ADVENT, because SNEK.
Sassy Viper Mod, also because SNEEEK.
MGS FROGTrooper Outfit, because trust me. It looks fantastic.
Katana Mod, for more accurate/mobile swordplay at the tradeoff of lower damage. (Now at all tiers!)
Finally, I suggest Instant Avenger Menus, for your sanity.

...Yeah, I don't have many gameplay-changing mods installed, only fixes and cosmetics. :twilightsheepish: I do however suggest One AP Sword, so your sword rangers aren't left out in the cold after a blue move. (dash moves are still 2 AP, everything's configurable in ini)

Also try McDougal's Deadpool mask, to complement the voicepack above.

3906001 "...Because painting the Skyranger purple makes it sneakier. .." Does painting it red make it go fasta? :rainbowlaugh:

Some big country pack would be nice, because we are all in this together.
Gotcha (Flank Preview Evolved) may also be useful
And if you're planning a less serious play, Ayy Lmao 2: /xcg/ Boogaloo gives all units +10 humor

dun ferget da dakka!

3906284 Your mileage may vary on that text replacer mod. I modified my copy of the mod to use some more of the original's lines, cut out some of the more superfluous swears, spliced in lines from the secret 4chan-only rewrite,and finally got something that made me go 'Heh.' every once in a while.

Military Camouflage Patterns (Quite satisfying to give the differing troopers with their own camouflage based on their nationality)
New Countries (For more variety in trooper nationalities)
Accurate Swords (So my rangers don't constantly miss an enemy right in front of them with their swords... all the time)

Put Pinkie in your squad just for fun of it :pinkiesmile: (yes, this exists).

Better Advent: adds a lot of new enemies and improves AI:

lesse I know theres a well-liked pack that gives more hat/helmet options and such.


Thats epic

Is there a link to said Let's Play?


I'll be posting a link to my Steam Broadcast shortly, and a link to the uploaded videos when they're done, assuming no tech problems.

Tryout my 230+ Mods Collection (minus voice mods of course)

p.s. Use it only if your a masochist...

One mod I thought was kinda broken as I tried it on my first playthrough was a Jedi class. No gun, but their lightsaber more than made up for it. Almost double the movement range of other classes, made it useful on evac missions or disarming/destroying ones.



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