• Member Since 22nd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 10th, 2018

Friendly Uncle

I like ponies.

More Blog Posts22

  • 574 weeks
    State of the Uncle

    Is there a stated rule anywhere, or even a suggestion for what we're supposed to blog about on this site? That's not a serious question. I'm pretty sure there isn't beyond the mandate that content not be illegal or otherwise upsetting, and if you're gonna talk about dirty stuff you gotta put it behind a nsfw cut? I try to keep my blogging to fanfic, or at least ponies, but I have to fight the

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  • 576 weeks
    The Most Appropriate Euphamism I Could Think of

    Six ponies sat around the table in Rarity's den, each of them concentrating on the playing cards in their hooves. Fluttershy's ear twitched a bit as she tapped her hoof on a pile of chips.

    "... you know," she said carefully, "he's been in there an awfully long time."

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    24 comments · 1,140 views
  • 588 weeks
    Reports of my demise, etc.

    Bleah, it's been a while since I've touched this thing. Look at all the dust!

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    20 comments · 1,230 views
  • 599 weeks
    Hearthswarming Eve Contest

    Your friend and mine, fellow pony fanfic author Andrew Joshua Talon, is holding a contest this holiday season. Simply read one of his fanfics and find a scene you feel deserves artistic representation in a visual medium, and then represent it artistically. We want to see some fanart, basically. And for your contribution AJT will be rewarding prizes

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  • 602 weeks
    So, how about that season premier?

    Without spoiling anything I think I can safely say... I liked it. I thought it was pretty good. Not spectacular. Doesn't hold a candle to season 1 and 2, or even season 2's finale, but still really nice. I laughed a bit, and I was actually really nervous towards the end, so the dramatic tension is there. I saw that last twist coming from a mile away, but it was still nice. Celestia is best

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Ambition · 4:51pm Aug 30th, 2012

My greatest unfulfilled ambition as a writer of My Little Pony fanfiction is to one day write a joke that references the practice of gingering without doing so in a necessarily sexual context.

My best idea at the moment is to relate it to doping in sports in some manner, but that doesn't make a whole lot of sense in the context of the show. I may resort to some kind of cooking accident, I'm not sure.

I'd also like to introduce a character who isn't familiar enough with Equestria that I can get away with them calling Rainbow Dash a "little winged blue horse mutant". I just like that sequence of words. It feels right to me.

These are the problems that keep me up at night.

Report Friendly Uncle · 479 views ·
Comments ( 42 )

Hmmm. I haven't really thought about putting 'gingering' into my stories, but now I want to. And it will definitely be used for sexual purposes.

Last one is simple. Any character from Fallout universe after the nukes. :derpytongue2:


Well, ponies don't wear clothes, so I guess that might be a plausible cooking accident...

How about modeling? They need to be perky, yes? Also may or may not relate to Fluttershy :fluttercry:

I feel for you.

combine the two? a gingered up little winged blue horse mutant maybe?

Those are truly the best things to keep you up at night.:pinkiehappy:

Yeah, I hate it when you think of a phrase or description or whatever, that you really like, but can't seem to find a use for. Story of my life right there.

You could implicated Rainbow Dash in a doping scandal. You know she's using.

"little winged blue horse mutant" I just can't shake that feel of familiarity from that sequence of words. Why does it feel like I've read that somewhere before! ><*

Also, how about... foreign exchange student? Rainbow Dash be sniffing the rainbow? O.o


God damn it...now I've learned something as well.

Problem is, it works in this universal context!

For the first, I'd say the phrase "Who put ginger up your butt this morning?" spoken to a morning pony.
Or a reference to a cosmetic application? Like part of somepony's morning routine? Or an optional treatment at the spa?
"Vill you be having ze ginger today, Miss Rarity?"

For the 2nd, Ponies on Earth, Marvel Universe.

Either that or a spoof of your own fic using tropes from Alien Loves Predator.

No worries! same here!
I love not knowing things!
Gives me more to find out :twilightsmile:
that said, ouch, ginger

As long as those are the only problems keeping you up at night I am sure you have a most splendid life. :twilightsheepish:

*reads blog entry.....
*looks up what the hell he is talking about...

Ah well whatever floats your boat man. But seriously... WHAT!?

I google searched "Gingering", not realizing that I had images on instead of normal search. Fuck you, good sir, for that image is forever burned into my mind.

Already knew about gingering thanks to Discworld. And using that in a nonsexual context and making it work would indeed be quite the achievement. Maybe Twilight attempting to access her flaming-mane state without mind-numbing rage?

Also, Dash is best little winged blue horse mutant.

323571 I should have know, coming from Friendly Uncle.

Well, as mildly horrifying as it was to find out what gingering was(thanks allot Google and Wikipedia), I did think of some way to use it. The Equestran modeling industry may make use of such a practice. Some of the stuff human models have to deal with are kind of ridiculous, and some might even resort to this, if it worked to make one more attractive/lively.

You are referring to the practice of putting ginger into a horses ... rear to make it extra frisky when you try to sell it?
The obvious scene that comes to mind is a market, where dragons or griffins buy ponies as slaves.
And don't ask me why I know this stuff, Karl May can do terrible things to a young mind.:twilightangry2:

Don't get me wrong, what you thought of for RD is funny and all, but I still think demon donkey is the best reaction to a talking pony.

Gingering: An 1811 dictionary states: "to feague a horse is to put ginger up a horse’s fundament, and formerly, as it is said, a live eel, to make him lively and carry his tail well. It is said, a forfeit is incurred by any horse-dealer’s servant, who shall show a horse without first feaguing him.

I say go for the live eel version.


I love these ideas.

323212 Second the modeling thing.


Same here. I always look up a word i don't know.
And now it has horrifing effects >_>

And now they will keep me up, as well.
From sleep, that is.
That is what you meant, right?

Wait... what's gingering? *looks up*
Oh.. that's wait WHAT?!

324288 You sleep?

I vote yes.
Also, even if you can't accomplish these goals PLEASE FRIENDLY UNCLE PUT OUT A NEW STORYYYYYYYY

Huh I didn't know it had an actual name I just remember it from Discworld. Sam Vimes is such a bastard.

"We're not lollygagging, silly filly, we're gingering!" Said Pinkie to the disbelieving mare as she gingerly gingered the gingerbread house. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Pinkie_Pie_lolface.png

323508 I don't see anything bad :applejackunsure:

Relax dude. I feel the same way.




Fluttershy gets gingered? :fluttercry:

Ponies VS the Space Marines... Holy shit NO...

Could be. On the one hand, I'd kind of hate to do that to Fluttershy. On the other hand, it would be hilarious.

Man, I would do that in a second if I could conceive of a situation where the spess mahreens wouldn't just shoot the ponies on sight. Talking animal like aliens that have magic powers? They'd exterminatus the planet, and every other planet in a parsec radius.

Hmmmm.... those are good ideas...

Sorry about that.

Man, I'd feel bad about that. I'd feel bad for the pony, and I'd feel worse for the eel.




As for Lainofthewired's suggestion, maybe it's the pony equivilant to ice on the nipples. Las Pegasus showgirls, baby.

As for Thegodhand's suggestion, I've actually read a phenominal 40K crossover. "A Foul Light Shines" by Karazor (no link cause I'm on my phone). Exterminatus was avoided by using Rogue Traders instead of actual SMs.

336456 You need to do more then apologize, you need to buy me new eyes.

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