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Bad Horse

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The Only Pony who can Trump the Donald · 2:45pm Mar 5th, 2016

From pixelkitties. Wish her a happy birthday today!

Comments ( 26 )

Mrs. Harshwhinny 2016: Why Settle for a Lesser Evil?

More professional than every other candidate put together.


She's not evil, you're evil.
People who think Harshwhinny is evil are evil themselves by the transitive property.
She's gonna build a wall, and you're going to pay for it.
She's the winningest pony in Equestria, and she's going to make Equestria great again.

You know who's got a great mane?


She's gonna build a wall, and you're going to pay for it.

Late 2016, 2016: Someone concedes and gives up votes to someone.


300 years later:


"Wait, Rainbow Dash Number Twenty-Seven--you have wings!

"Oh that's riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight."

Triplecorn for Princesscorn.


sheesh I gotta do everything around here


I would think it'd be CMC gholas she'd keep around, making them ride scooters through hoops forever.

Actually, you know what? Gholas work great in pony. The moment when they gain the same cutie mark as the original is the moment when they remember everything.

Being elected president would potentially quadruplecorn her, and I'm not sure the world is ready.

I approve of this musical choice.

Can't Marsh the Harsh!

What a coincidence - I just recently started Bastion, myself. Lovely game.

As I just noted over in the MHIBP forum, in full seriousness:

It is time to weep for our political system when it would literally raise the average level of professionalism to have one major party's candidates debate a cartoon horse.

Instead of, y'know, this. [mildly NSFW news article]


Well, if I understand the background to that particular instance, is Rubio made several claims about how small Trumps hands are and how other parts of his anatomy must be small as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Im675r1k0Yg

I find it very interesting that part is not in the clip you posted.

But then again, I think we can all agree at this point that the media (on both sides) are aligned against Trump. So why not try to give the impression that Trump randomly started talking about is penis size for no reason. Its not like its the first or last time the media will take out of context anything they can to make Trump look worse than he is.

Say what you want about Trump, but the fact that he makes the establishment/media pee its collective pants so hard (on both sides) makes Trump the best middle finger to the entire corrupt political establishment ever.

Their knee-jerk hatchet jobs on Trump do more to expose the real rot in the world of Media and Politics then anything I have ever seen before.
Hell I was part of the people who thought he was a Clinton false flag plant for months before I started noting more and more how the media was being very dishonest about him. Even if I didnt like the guy, I always do research and watch speeches and debates of the different candidates. And the reality I was seeing was not being presented in the media at all.

I hope this shitstorm breaks the entire GoP to pieces and its rebuilt into something that is Conservative again so its not just "Democrat Lite" anymore.

Um, how old is Ms. Harshwhinny?

Just curious.

Regardless of the context of Trump's statements, I sort of took Horizon's remarks to be saying that discussing a major candidate's penis size in the official debate of a major party is a sure sign that things have gone very wrong somewhere. Even granting that Trump reacted as well as possible and the whole thing happened because of Rubio's remarks, the fact that a candidate's "small hands" and their implications for his manliness are things being discussed at the debate is not exactly a high water mark for public discourse, even by American political standards.

Clip? I linked it for the article text; I've got a plug-in blocker running. But whatever. The thing is, "the othey guy started it" only takes you so far when we literally have candidates for the office of President of the United States of America discussing their penis sizes as if it was relevant to their qualifications for the job. Shame on the candidates for stooping to that level of personal attacks (and this is hardly the first time Trump has gleefully jumped into the gutter). There's a mature response to "you shouldn't be president because you've got a small penis," and that is "you shouldn't be president if that's the only way you can contribute to a debate about what this country needs", and as far as I'm concerned anything else is disqualifying. This is a job with the power to launch nuclear missiles, not a high school locker room.

We agree that the GOP establishment is a dysfunctional wreck — and so do many Republicans — but a man who thinks the solution to illegal immigration is to bully Mexico into paying for a giant wall, when in reality illegal immigration for the last several years has been negative, would be a complete disaster as president. (Let's not get into refuting specific examples, because the list is so long that just listing the things he's proposed that should be disqualifying would itself derail the post: e.g. banning all Muslims from the United States, dismantling libel laws, encouraging violence at his rallies, etc.) The middle-finger vote might help the GOP in the long run by forcing it to do some soul-searching, but the prospect of a middle-finger candidate getting into our nation's highest office is terrifying to anyone who's actually paying attention to who Trump is and what he's proposing.

I am a liberal ex-libertarian, but I will vote for GOP candidates when they are reasonable people willing to compromise with a vision that actually advances positive conservative principles, e.g. Schwarzenegger as CA governor in 2012. Say what you will about him, he actually put a stop to the perennial misery of the state budget fight. But Trump? Flat-out terrifies me.

3793241 And where is her birth certificate?!

Is she really a Saddle Arabian?


And I agree.


He only terrifies you because you are buying into what the media says about him. All this retarded talk about he would usher in an era of Fascism, Racism, Segregation, or a Military Coup is just infantile scare mongering.

Which is a shame, because Trumps strength is not in himself, but his talent with listening to competent advisors and hiring good talent. Something the US Government is in very short supply at the moment.

Regretfully, I'm sure if he won nothing would change in the USA. And I mean nothing. He would be blocked, hindered and opposed by everyone and would not get anything done, because everyone in the establishment would be virtue signaling all day long. "Look how Good we are by opposing that monster Trump!".

Rubio and Cruz don't stand a snowballs chance in hell of winning against Hillary and we all know that that if Hillary wins, we will have nothing but more Status Quo and big Government.

So in the end, everything will be the same, with the exception with Trump in the white house, the government would probably get a small 4 year pause in its engineered slide down into a socialist state a la Sweden. Since I live in Sweden I can tell you, it's a fucking nightmare here now and you guys back home are heading right for it.

Yeah, that.

The Miss Harshwhinny Is Best Pony group, a bastion of professionalism and seriousness in a deeply unserious world.


Ask Horizon. Damn it. He has the best things.

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