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I became an enthusiastic Brony when I discovered MLP:FiM between seasons 3 & 4 via the review/analysis community. I hope you like my contributions.

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  • 432 weeks
    Tangents of Equestria: An Exercise in World Building - Sphinxes of Gaia

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Tangents of Equestria: An Exercise in World Building - Sphinxes of Gaia · 1:39am Feb 26th, 2016

This entry was made as a reference for the version of sphinxes I use in my stories.

Some Gaian countries with a notably high sphinx population:


A counterpart of ancient Egypt, with similar cultures and subcultures. Ruled by a pharaoh, who is usually also a sphinx, Ægypt has the earliest known records of individual beings capable of moving celestial bodies by the sheer force of their will alone. Ægyptian sphinxes have more human-like facial features with some feline traits, and distinctive black markings around their eyes. Ægyptian tabbies tend to have noticeable human style breasts similar to those found on female centaurs and minotaurs.

The Lost Sun Temple of Mau: A temple dedicated to Mau, Bastet and the sun. This lost temple is hidden somewhere in Ægypt. Rumors place it as either being buried in the sands of the vast Desert of Lit'r Bahx or hidden deep within the tropical Forest of Denile. Legends state that anybody who wields both the Staff of Bastet and the Gem of Mau in conjunction with the Sun Temple of Mau will be able to control the sun.

Besides Ægyptian sphinxes, Ægypt also has sizable populations of Anubi (jackal themed gnolls), camels, dromedaries, griffons, minotaurs, and ponies. Ægypt is located close enough to Gáta, yet also just far enough away, to be considered a favored trading partner. They also trade regularly with Purrsia, when they aren't bickering over which nation controls the lands between them.

Ægyptian Sphinxes of Note:

Amaunet - This Ægyptian tabby was one of the consorts of Amun-Rê. She was reputed to have had the power to turn invisible.

Amun-Rê - This former Pharaoh of Ægypt was the consort of Amaunet, Worset, and Mut, and had one son of note: Khonsu. He is reputed to have been one of the Pharaohs who had the power to control the sun, and is also said to have been able to turn invisible.

Bastet - This tabby is an Aegyptian general noted for her strategic skills as a defender of the realm. Co-wife and sister of Sekhmet, she is married to Mau, the Pharaoh of Aegypt. Is rumored to be the same Bast who was married to the Pharaoh Mau who once presided over the sun before it fell under the control of one of the other races. Has a son named Mihos.

Khepera-Rê-Atum - This ancient Ægyptian tom is said to have been the first Pharaoh of Ægypt to have wielded the power to command the sun by the might of his will alone.

Khonsu - this Ægyptian tom was the son of Amun-Rê and Mut. He was a noted explorer and adventurer in his time. Khonsu was said to have had the power to control the moon.

Hatshepsut - This Ægyptian tabby was the fifth pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty of Ægypt. Originally the second co-wife of Thutmose alongside his primary wife, Ahmes. Hatshepsut had one daughter, Neferure. Hatshepsut established many of the trade routes still in use by Ægypt to this day.

Mafdet the Runner - An ancient and apparently ageless Ægyptian tabby who can breath fire and really really dislikes snakes and snake-like beings. Supposedly the mother of Bastet and Sekhmet, or at least acts in a motherly manner towards those two. Mafdet reputedly once had her wings removed as punishment for some ancient transgression lost to history, but if this is true then she has long since earned her wings back. Few can rival her running speed on the ground, regardless of the terrain of the chosen course.

Mau - This tom is the current Pharaoh of Aegypt, and is rumored to be the same Mau who once had tenure over the sun before it fell under the control of one of the other races. He is noted for marrying (and staying married to) two sisters, Bastet and Sekhmet, who serve as his High Generals and primary military advisors. He has two sons, Mihos and Nefertem.

Matit - This Ægyptian tabby makes her living performing funeral rites.

Mekal - A villainous Ægyptian tabby noted for her fondness of eating other sapient beings. Also a bit obsessed with riddles, and sees herself as following the ideals set forth by Phix, whom she believes to originally have been from Ægypt (there is no evidence supporting this claim).

Menhit - This Ægyptian tabby is noted for her great battle prowess.

Mihos - This Ægyptian tom is one of the sons of Mau, the current Pharaoh of Ægypt. He is noted for being a skilled warrior.

Monthu - This Ægyptian tom was a historical general of some note. He was replaced by Khonsu when he retired.

Mut - This Ægyptian tabby was one of the three consorts of the ancient Pharaoh, Amun-Rê. Not to be confused with either Mut the Slaughterer or the other Mut who is hunting down Mut the Slaughterer.

Mut - This is another Aegyptian tabby noted for her battle prowess. Not to be confused with the serial killer, Mut the Slaughterer, whom she is hunting down. Also not to be confused with the ancient consort of Amun-Rê, whom she is named after.

Mut the Slaughterer - This Ægyptian tabby is a serial killer originating from Aegypt. Plays up the "riddle thing" but tends to kill her victims regardless of whether they answer correctly or not. Not to be confust with the warrior Mut, who is hunting her down. Also not to be confused with the ancient consort of Amun-Rê, whom she is named after.

Nefertem - This Ægyptian tom is one of the sons of Mau, the current Pharaoh of Aegypt. He is noted for being a skilled warrior.

Naunet - Ægyptian tabby with power over water.

Sekhmet - This tabby is an Aegyptian general noted for her tactical skills when it comes to taking the battle to the enemies of the realm. Co-wife and sister of Bastet, she is married to Mau, the Pharaoh of Aegypt. Is rumored to be the same Sekhmet who was married to the Pharaoh Mau who once presided over the sun before it fell under the control of one of the other races. Has a son named Nefertem.

Shu - This Ægyptian tabby is the twin sister of Teftnut. She is a moderately skilled warrior.

Teftnut - This Ægyptian tabby is the twin sister of Shu. She has healing abilities and powers over water.

Wadjet - This Ægyptian tabby has the ability to turn into a cobra. She has a fondness for riddles.

Worset - One of the consorts of Amun-Rê, this Ægyptian tabby was said to be an unrivalled archer.


An independent city-state straddling the mouth of a river. It is comprised of the former Ægyptian colony of Ankh on the southern bank, and the former Equestrian city of Morepony on the northern bank. Ankh-Morepony has a sizable sphinx population, although only a few are actually of Ægyptian decent (most sphinxes currently residing in Ankh-Morepony tend to have either Jelliclan or Purrsian ancestry, despite Ankh having originally been an Ægyptian colony). Ankh-Morepony is currently ruled by the Matron, a wise and somewhat ruthless mare of Equestrian decent who stays in power by carefully balancing any potential opposition against each other (basically, regardless of how they feel about her, they trust each other even less, and no single faction can stand against her). The Matron employs a squad of actual Ægyptian sphinxes as her personal retinue of bodyguards and enforcers. Thus far, they have been extremely effective, having stopped seventeen assassination attempts and two autograph seekers. Or possibly two assassination attempts and seventeen autograph seekers. The Matron isn't sure which is which, and finds the concept that she even has fans to be perplexing, given that her popularity basically amounts to "Better the Matron than (fill in even more hated rival of choice)."

Everyone has trade representatives in Ankh-Morepony. Sometimes actual trading even occurs between these trade representatives! This usually surprises everyone involved, as most of the trading that happens in Ankh-Morepony is usually handled by independent traders and merchants rather than officially appointed trade representatives. Those tend to spend more time spying on each other than actually trading.

Ankh-Moreponan Sphinxes of Note:

CMOT Nibbler - An enterprising Jelliclan tom street vendor.

The Matron Guard - A highly skilled squad of Ægyptian sphinxes serving as the Matron's personal bodyguard and enforcers. They are loyal to their position rather than to the Matron herself.


A counterpart of ancient Greece, with similar cultures and subcultures. Like Ægyptian cousins, Gátian sphinxes have more human-like facial features with some feline traits, however, they tend to lack the distinctive black markings Ægyptian sphinxes have around their eyes. All Gátian tabbies have prominent human style breasts similar to those on female centaurs and minotaurs, and tend to be rather well endowed in comparison to other sphinxes.

Besides Gátian sphinxes, Gáta also has sizable populations of centaurs, griffons, harpies, minotaurs, and ponies. The Gátian peninsula is located between Purrsia and Roan, and practically just across the sea from Ægypt. The island minotaur nation of Minos is also located near Gáta.

Gátian Sphinxes of Note:

Cassandra - This Gátian tabby is a seer. Unfortunately for her, Cassandra’s prophesies are never believed until after the events they describe have happened. She’s more than a bit a bit annoyed by this.

Demeter - This cautious Gátian tabby is a private consulting detective. Her most famous case was when she uncovered the Jelliclan tom Macavity’s plan to impersonate and replace Old Deuteronomy as the King of Jellicle.

Electra - This young Gátian tabby is solemn and quiet.

Etcetera - This young Gátian tabby is a huge fan of Rum Tum Tugger.

Exotica - This Gátian tabby is a performer of some note. She has deep tan markings around her eyes similar to the much darker markings around the eyes of Ægyptian sphinxes.

Hecate - This Gátian tabby is a mage of some repute. Her ability to assume any feline or cat-like form may actually be a spell rather than an innate power of hers, but it's hard to tell.

Phix - This villainous Gátian tabby from ancient history was an infamous serial killer reputed to have eaten her victims, and was said to have a preference for eating the young. Said to have been obsessed with riddles to the point of offering her victims the chance to go free if they successfully answered her challenge. Phix supposedly committed suicide by throwing herself off of a cliff when one of her riddles was finally answered correctly, but as she still had her wings and her body was never found, modern scholars believe that she was actually either slain or imprisoned in Tartarus. Such was Phix’s notoriety that her name is cursed and used as an epithet to this very day. Cultists and copycat killers supposedly following the Philosophies of Phix are a recurring, if infrequent, problem.

Plato - This Gátian tom is a scholar and a philosopher.


A counterpart to generalized ancient oriental countries. Filanese sphinxes have more human-like facial features and the females tend to have human style breasts similar to those found on female centaurs and minotaurs. Some filan sphinxes are bipeds instead of quadrupeds (the reason for this is unknown). These two legged sphinxes tend to be flighty, excitable and exhibit even more cat-like behavior than other sphinxes.

Not much is known about Filan or the lands around it. Presumably, Filan is located close to the island nation of Neighpony.

Filanese Sphinxes of Note:

Barong Ket - This regal tom is reputed to be able to command the dead.

Dawon - A wingless tabby warrior with tiger-stripped fur noted for her ferocity on the battlefield. One of her favorite tactics is to work with a skilled partner who rides her into battle and can attack from her back. Speaks with a Hindu accent.

Genghis - This Filanese tom is the leader of a band of notoriously merciless mercenaries.

Li Shou - A tom who makes a living defending farms from pests and thieves.

Sinh - This golden furred tom is a gentle monk and scholar.

Si-Suwat - This grey furred tom can summon rain. On the other paw, he is not well known for his ability (or lack thereof) to perform the reverse of this process.


A Europian style kingdom. Jellicle Sphinxes are believed to have originated from both Gátian and Purrsian ancestors, but tend to more closely resemble their Gátian cousins. Given their mixed ancestry, Jelliclan tabbies have human style breasts ranging from as large and obvious as those of any Gátian tabby to as small and unnoticeable as those of any Purrsian tabby, with most falling somewhere between these two extremes. A very rare few Jelliclans are born with distinctive Ægyptian black markings around their eyes.

Jellicle is primarily populated by Jelliclan sphinxes, with a few residents who are members of other sapient races.

Jelliclan Sphinxes of Note:

Bombalurina - A red furred Jelliclan tabby. This professional singer is a notorious flirt, not particularly loyal to any particular tom. She is nevertheless mostly interested in romantically pursuing Rum Tum Tugger.

Bustopher Jones - This hefty black and white Jelliclan tom is a scholar and a gentlecat. And a bit of a self-important lay about. He means well though, and is genuinely polite even when unintentionally offending everycat around him who isn‘t as well off as he is.

Carbucketty - This Jelliclan tom is a roughhouse brawler.

Ceridwen - a wise Jelliclan tabby, and mother of the famous bard, Taliesin. Ceridwen has many attendants and agents to carry out her orders. Speaks with a Welsh accent.

Deuteronomy - This Jelliclan tom is the aging king of Jellicle. He is said to be old and wise. And old. He is the only known ruler of Jellicle, and is well beloved by his people. He has recently recovered from an assassination attempt, and is known to have been healed by Mister Mistoffelees.

Freyja - A grey tabby noted for her financial and tactical accumen, as well as her fondness for helping out romantic couples and skill at chariot racing. Speaks with a Nordic or Scandinavian accent.

Grizzabella - This Jelliclan tabby is a proud, carefree, and flamboyant dancer known as the Glamour Cat.

Macavity - This wiley and clever Jelliclan tom is a charming yet fiendish rogue. He briefly impersonated Old Deuteronomy as the King of Jellicle until his plot was uncovered by Demeter and the real King rescued and restored to his throne.

Mister Mistoffelees - A black furred tom adventurer reputed to have phenomenal magical powers, great skill, and cunning. Also a bit mischievous, but with a good heart.

Ovinnik - A black furred tom who watches over livestock and occasionally hunts monsters and bandits. Speaks with a Polish accent.

Pouncival - This arrogant Jelliclan tom is a bit of a thug. A fancy thug, but still a thug at heart.

Quaxo - This Jelliclan tom is a frequently used alias of Mister Mistoffelees.

Rumpus - This Jelliclan tom was a powerful warrior said to have blazing eyes, great jaws, and a fierce and hairy appearance.

Taliesin - A famous tom bard and son of Ceridwin.


A counterpart of ancient Persia, more or less lifted from what little I know about them from Ponyfinder. The Sun King of Purrsia is reputed to have the power to wrest control of the sun from any pretenders at any time, but Purrsian sphinxes have been making this claim for countless generations and no Purrsion ruler has ever been documented as having actually taken control of the sun. Purrsian sphinxes have more feline facial features and while the females still have breasts in that location, they tend to be small and barely noticeable under their thick Purrsian fur.

Purrsia is largely populated by Purrsian sphinxes, with scattered populations of camels, centaurs, dromedaries, griffons, harpies, minotaurs, and ponies all vying for a (very distant) second place. Purrsia is located roughly between Ægypt and Gáta, making both nations attractive trading partners and/or competitors. Various Purrsian lords and ladies regularly cause trouble with either Ægypt or Gáta, usually over territorial disputes or sheltering bandits posing as merchants.

Purrsian Sphinxes of Note:

Coricopat - This Purrsian tabby is the twin sister of Tantomile. The two move and speak in perfect coordination with each other, whether it be in synch or counterpoint.

Lamassu - This tom makes his living as a guard. Speaks with an Assyrian accent. Likes crossword puzzles.

Rum Tum Tugger - This Purrsian tom celebrity is notoriously contrary and hard to please, always seeming to want something other than what was just offered to him. He is perverse, preening, and independent. He is considered the ladies' tom and a rebel, loving the limelight, while at the same time enjoying being seen as an individual by separating himself a little from his fellow Jelliclans. He may be self-obsessed, but he has great respect for those who deserve it, such as Old Deuteronomy, Munkustrap, and Mr. Mistoffelees. He flirts openly with almost every tabby he meets (especially Bombalurina), although Demeter seems to dislike him very deeply.

The Sun King of Purrsia - This Purrsian tom is the current king of Purrsia, and is reputed to have the power to control the sun should he ever desire to wrest it away from Princess Celestia of Equestria.

Tantomile - This Purrsian tabby is the twin sister of Coricopat. The two move and speak in perfect coordination with each other, whether it be in synch or counterpoint.


Sunkaht is less an official country and more a collection of wandering prides that happen to inhabit the region named after them. Sunkahti sphinxes are very lion-like in appearance, with tawny fur and wings and hardly any human-like traits. Like their Purrsian cousins, whom they are most closely related to, female Sunkahti have small, barely noticeable breasts located between their forelegs.

Sunkahti are nomadic, with each pride rarely maintaining a camp at any one spot for more than a few days before moving on. They are a bit out of touch with world affairs, and most Sunkahti believe that the sun and moon are still controlled by either the Sun King of Purrsia or the Pharaoh of Ægypt. Travelling Purssian merchants do nothing to disabuse any Sunkahti they happen to meet of this notion, and actually tend to encourage it instead.

Other Sphinxes of Note:

Ai-Apaec - An old, wrinkled tom with long fangs who can shapeshift into other cats and cat-like forms. Speaks with a Peruvian accent.

Big Mama - This good natured giant tabby is about as big as a covered wagon. It is unclear whether she's of Ægyptian, Gátian, or Jelliclan decent as she has features common enough among all three subtypes. Moves with a grace and speed rare among those of her size, and is only seen and heard when she wants to be seen or heard. Big Mama frequently speaks in the third person. Being held against Big Mama's buxom bosom is reputed to be a cathartic and healing experience, if somewhat embarrassing to most of those experiencing it directly.

Nabiki-Ten-Doh - This Egyptian tabby is neither really Ægyptian, nor originally a sphinx. Apparently she was some sort of biped with the upper body of a centaur and the legs of a furless monkey. She currently has the form of a sphinx with obvious Ægyptian and Gátian traits.

Ngariman - An odd tom who is violently offended when others laugh at him. Which isn't helped by his funny looks and odd behavior. Speaks with an Austrailian accent.

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...so now Equestria is ponified Discworld?

Well Gaia isn't fully explored at any rate. Gaian scholars are pretty sure that the general shape of Gaia is roughly spherical. Or perhaps a non-Euclidian solid of some sort. It's hard to say when there are beings capable of moving celestial bodies living on Gaia. Not to mention Discord, who has ruled over many locations on Gaia an average of one and three quarters times... :facehoof:

But yes, Ankh-Morepony is based more or less on Ankh-Morepork, and even has some analogue counterparts for several residents. It also has the Unicorn University, which has loose (oh so very loose) ties with I.O.U. (Illuminati University). :twilightsheepish:

If you want to help flesh out Gaia, I'm willing to entertain suggestions. :twilightsmile:

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