• Member Since 7th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 20th, 2018


[shitposting loudly]

More Blog Posts1042

  • 367 weeks
    I'm back, bitches, and still kickin'!

    So yeah. Sorta went awol out of nowhere without really saying anything. Big 'pologies there to anyone who missed me lol u probably didn't even realise I'd fucked off did u

    Truthfully, I was getting sick of the site.

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    4 comments · 450 views
  • 387 weeks
    Rest In Peace, Buster.

    November 7 2000 - January 7 2017

    So long, old friend. You were the best damn fifty bucks we ever fuckin' spent.

    goddamit, I hate goodbyes

    12 comments · 631 views
  • 387 weeks
    oh yeah, that's right. the year ended did it?


    I spent the last couple of hours having an emotional breakdown. fuck you, depression

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    7 comments · 575 views
  • 388 weeks
    It's very fitting they used 'meh'

    Not even the movie itself sounds excited, holy shit

    of course the shit is classy and British

    I can't wait for the Snapchat Filters Movie to come out in 2017

    2 comments · 406 views
  • 388 weeks
    Mein Gott!

    So you're telling me that

    A video game made by DICE in 2015 on the Frostbite engine
    Looks better graphically...

    Than a Battlefield 1942 clone made by a dead developer in 2005......

    I am 3shocked. Never saw that one coming, not for a million years.

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    6 comments · 505 views

ಠ_ಠ · 9:31pm Feb 16th, 2016

it's the fucking SOPA shit all over again... Can we please not?

Wanna see something interesting and educational guys?


Y'know why it's called the Trans-Pacific Partnership?
Because it's the fucking Pacific Rim
Literally, you're all freaking out about losing your freedoms and fanfictions over an agreement one tiiiiiny little portion of the world is making.
Just think about this for a moment.
Imagine, say, you're in Germany. Let's just go with Germany. It's in Europe, it's decently sized.
Imagine you're a German, sitting on your compooter, and you go to log onto FimFiction.net and find it blocked and/or deleted because the Pacific Rim said so.
Imagine the whole of europe saw that happen.

Imagine the fucking uproar over that, orrite. ya think people would stand for mass censorship by a partnership they're not even in?

Guys. Twelve countries, most of which are tiny little south-eastern asian countries, can not control the entire bloody internet. I don't care if America and Canada are in the agreement. Just stop freaking out for a minute and just think long and hard about controlling the internet.

INTERNET!. The In-this thing!

Calm your pixelated tits.

Besides, you're already breaking the law with Fanfiction. Hasbro just lets you live.

Comments ( 8 )

really? this is really a thing? alrighty then

you're already breaking the law with Fanfiction. Hasbro just lets you live.

Writing fanfiction is not illegal, making a fanfiction website is not illegal, profiting of such fanfiction and/or website however could be a violation of ownership rights and fall into civil court law.

Just wanted to make that clear.


PS: blocking, censoring and regulating the internet is technologically possible. Whether or not it's a good idea and who could possibly do so are a completely different matter.

Hmm, aren't fimfiction servers in the UK? Which happens to not be a part of this agreement?

3759148 If my memory doesn't fail me, they are actually in the US.

Well, at least Knighty is safe... Not sure if that's a good news...

Well, at least a few thousand members will be fucked if this theoretically goes through, considering all of North America agreed to this shit. :applejackunsure:

Besides, you're already breaking the law with Fanfiction. Hasbro just lets you live.

Ha ha ha

Joke's on you Stiggs


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