• Member Since 5th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 25th, 2023


I do nothing of merit. On occasion, I give the impression of being creative, but this is a deception. I am merely derivative in clever ways.

More Blog Posts225

  • 215 weeks
    Dropping in to try and find some art

    So my hard drive bricked back in the fall, and I finally replaced my computer with the stimulus money. But I don't really have a good way to try and recover the stuff that was on there, so that sucks.

    But, I was hoping for some help in finding one particular bit of pony art that I haven't been able to dig up again since then.

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    3 comments · 400 views
  • 241 weeks
    a brief summary of my life the past few months

    June 17: I wreck my car.
    July 5: My cousin I grew up with dies after an extended illness.
    July 26: Neighbors threaten to sue us over payment for repairs they did on a shared driveway, wind up paying them over $1,000.
    August 15: Dropped my phone and busted the screen.

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    2 comments · 476 views
  • 248 weeks
    Welp, that's just... everything fucked, I guess

    So back around June 20, I wrecked my car.

    Then back on August 28, the tires on my wife's car got torn up hitting something on the road, and we wound up needing all new tires.

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    3 comments · 412 views
  • 249 weeks
    I don't think my cat likes my work

    So it's been a struggle to write anything, for various reasons, but I *was* trying to get back onto Legacy Ch 4 not long ago.

    Then today I was sitting at the table and started hearing faint tearing noises from behind me. I turned around and discovered that somehow my rough draft had wound up on the floor and the cat had done this:

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    3 comments · 374 views
  • 267 weeks
    Random Encounter

    This was a fun moment. Choppy cause I had to remove a bunch of game speech commands and the usual bit of racist shit-talking.

    Also this was before I found out Scribbler did another reading of my stuff. I would have probably said that instead of RCL.

    2 comments · 445 views

Reminiscing Gamer · 2:30pm Jan 20th, 2016

So, a friend of mine recently had a bad day and asked people to post good things about him or good memories with him. I contributed a pretty long post, since I had plenty of stories, and most of them were from games of various stripes, since we became friends in the first place mostly during a Shadowrun campaign. I thought I'd share what I posted here, if only as an amusing series of snapshots into the kind of things that happen over the course of a few years of gaming together. Plus, adding a few annotations to my anecdotes.

I still have some screencaps from us playing Diablo 2: LoD together way back when, and you kept talking about eating people and shit in the in-game chat.

This is the only image from that set I'm still able to find.

How about playing Amtgard in my mom's backyard, and you started head-blocking every shot — and were even diving to head-block things that would have missed you anyway.

Pretty sure he eventually broke his glasses doing that.

Or when a bunch of you guys came out to the Dunbar City Park Amtgard group with me and played a tribe of Goblins like you were Warhammer orks.

They got into a huddle and started chanting "orks orks orks orks ORKS ORKS ORKS ORKS ORKS ORKS ORKS ORKS WAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" and charged the other team, then got slaughtered.

Or that time in D&D where you were basically playing Inigo Montoya, taking a -4 to all your attack rolls to simiulate fighting off-handed, and still slaughtering everything until an orc got a random lucky crit on a greataxe and split you in two, which wound up being the first death of a Total Party Kill in the very first room of the dungeon.

The adventure was Forge of Fury. Only two of the four characters died in combat. The other two, for some reason, insisted on climbing down a broken rope bridge because they were convinced the correct path lay in the ravine below, rather than the open doors on either side of it. They failed the climb checks to get back up, badly, and both fell to their deaths.

Then there was the time in your Shadowrun game where there was a huge fight for the finale, and my character was going to kill Z's, but Z's character killed himself rather than face me.

My character was basically V from V For Vendetta, and everyone was terrified of him.

And then there was the time Sam was being an idiot in-game and Levi started yelling at him, so you made Levi's yelling in-character and we almost blew the run.


And then there was the time we all worked together to needlessly sacrifice Levi's character without his knowledge in a stupid plan to derail a train.

Alex actually called Levi at school to get his permission to involve his character in this plan, and neglected to tell him he'd be on he train we were derailing.

And the time in my game where Z tackled Levi out of a chair and started humping him while screaming some shit about Evangelion.


And the time when Levi fell asleep at the table at like 5 in the morning, so we got on his laptop and found his weird porn.

Amazonian futa-on-male domination roleplay. He was the bottom.

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