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  • 6 weeks
    I forgot how to make a blog post

    I spent like ten minutes trying to figure out how to make a blog post. Don't worry. I figured it out.

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  • 114 weeks

    The world is a strange place. I'm a little on the older side, but I just had a first for me. One of the people I helped raise died recently. She didn't have the best life. Her family was difficult, and I like to think that mine provided a reprieve. I helped change her diapers, taught her to read, and watched her grow up even in a difficult household. Her family loved her very much, but didn't

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  • 273 weeks
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  • 338 weeks

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  • 342 weeks
    Check yo self.

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Archive of old chapter one of Competent Villains:Chrysalis · 6:05pm Aug 19th, 2012

Chapter The First: The taste of Victory

Today was a good day. A really good day. Chrysalis was ecstatic. Her wings buzzed nervously as she looked out the window to her new kingdom. After just besting the most powerful figure in equestrian history her heart was racing. Years of planning, months in an undercover operation and it all came to fruition. Now she had everything she ever wanted. A safe future for her kind. Food for her brood. Toys to play with and entertain her. Those pathetic ponies had fled once they saw their princess fallen and wounded. Now they were her ponies.

Now the mind of the Princess was hers to devour. Chrysalis turned from her window to watch a some of her lovely children wrap the Princess up in her new cocoon. This pod would allow the Queen complete access to the thoughts of the ancient goddess she had subdued. Think of the wonders that creature held in her mind! Thousands of years of information, all the secrets of Equestria, and they were all going to belong to Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings!

The future she had secured for her kind was unprecedented. Perhaps she herself would now taste immortality with the secrets of the Goddess? That would be fitting. As the conqueror of this land she should have all of it's riches, even the Sun itself. Her brood would never need another queen, and she would rule for eternity. Yes. That would be worth it.

First though, she should do something about that purple pony. Yes. Twilight was it? That little runt had nearly foiled her plan. To think she had nearly been exposed by the horrible little creature was downright embarrassing. Now that Chrysalis was Queen of the ponies, as well as her brood of changelings, that little mare would suffer for her transgressions. Some sort of punishment maybe.

Perhaps the Princess knew some secret of the little thing. They seemed close indeed for a monarch and a subject. The way Twilight held Celestia in her hooves as she lay broken on the floor. Come to think of it, the other ponies would barely look at their fallen monarch. Curiously, she dug into the mind of the princess looking not for ancient secrets, but more modern ones. Celestia groaned and Chrysalis grinned widely. Oh. Oh! This was going to be fun. Oh so fun.

Now she had to prepare. Her children would bring those silly mares back to her soon, and if she understood the Princess's thoughts correctly those pitiful ponies could actually be dangerous. It seemed they had bested Discord and Nightmare Moon. That was dangerous. You don't let something like that wander around as your enemy. Oh no. You make it your friend. Or you break it.

And it seemed as though the purple one was the linchpin in that little group. Chrysalis loved it when her plans came together like this. It was always nice to mix work and play. Of course now that she didn't need that other princess, the one sitting quietly in the corner trying desperately to not cry, she should dispose of her some how. It would be good practice for when the other six showed up to try and fight her. That seemed appropriate.

Perhaps she could simply render her powerless? She had plenty of time to experiment with these ponies and plenty of ponies to experiment with.

Chrysalis confidently strode up to the distraught mare and laughed gleefully.

"Oh you poor thing! Does it hurt watching your beloved like that? Does it hurt knowing you helped bring the Princess of all Equestria to her knees? Does it hurt knowing that you helped fuel the fall of your kind and the rise of mine? I can make it all better little pony. But first, I'm going to make it hurt a little bit more."

Cadence whimpered and cowered away from the gleeful queen, sparing a stolen glance at her enchanted lover. "No! Please... Stay back. Just go away. Please... Just go away..."

With a smirk and a strong hoof Chrysalis brought Cadence's face up to her own. She began to stroke Cadence's mane, long slow strokes that made the mare shudder in revulsion.

Cadence was terrified. This creature had done terrible things to her lover, and now she was completely at its mercy. Aunt Celestia was trapped in some glowing cocoon thing, her Shining was under some sort of spell, and Twilight had ran off to "go save Equestria." She looked at the monsters cruel green eyes, and then looked anywhere but as a strong slick black hoof held her face pointed up at the creatures own.

This was the end. It would snap her neck right now. Maybe it would use magic to make her explode. Cadence's mind drifted towards her grim fate at the hands of this monster. Why was it still looking at her, they hadn't moved for almost thirty seconds. Was it deciding how to best kill her so it could have Shining Armor forever? The wait was maddening. The long slow strokes down her back were horrible. It was as though it was trying to comfort her on her deathbed. It had been almost a minute. Curiously Cadence raised her eyes to the Queen's face once more, only to see something more terrifying than before. The Queen was smiling. Widely. Her eyes were positively glowing. And actually glowing. As though she just had the best idea.

Cadence quickly dropped her eyes again. She didn't want to see the Queen's face anymore. She didn't want to know what her fate was. Tears streamed down her face as she remembered all the times she was mean to every pony. All the times she had made a remark or said something un-princesslike. She could have been a better pony over the course of her life. Of course she still was a pretty good pony. She was as nice as she could be most of the time. Her mind flitted to her happy childhood with Twilight, her early encounters with Shining, and ... Was that breath on her forehead? It was time.

Cadence relaxed and closed her eyes. It was going to be over. There was nothing to be afraid of. This happened to every pony eventually. "Except of course Auntie," she mused. She felt the Queen's hot breath dance up her face. Starting at her muzzle. It was warm, almost comforting as she felt the strange smelling air come in slow gasps as Queen gently moved her mouth up Cadence's nose. It was between her eyes now. Cadence was getting confused again. Why wouldn't she just end this? She could kill me with a thought right now. And that's when things got weird.

Queen Chrysalis was enjoying herself. This pathetic creature was delicious. She could taste the emotions rolling off it. Fear, disgust, devotion, shame, even flickers of love. Strangely she didn't taste any hate. How odd. Well, such a creature shouldn't be simply disposed of as she had originally planned. Oh ponies were such amazing food. So many flavors in even the most pathetic of them. Well, this thing was still dangerous. Even a weak alicorn was a problem. Luckily Celestia had some information in her massive head on how to fix this little problem. And what a glorious fix it was. So she began to remodel.

Fully aware of the implications, the Queen gently licked the tip of Cadence's horn. A gasp of surprise was her reward. And then she put her lips over the tingly tip. That felt interesting. Chrysalis was giggling as she began to suck, just a bit, pulling the tip with her lips and her tongue. She felt Cadence shudder and try to pull away, but her strong hooves kept her still.

"Why.. What? Please just stop this... I don't want this. Please stop."

The thing was begging her to stop! How silly. Chrysalis smiled as she pushed the horn deeper into her mouth. She began to massage it with her tongue, doing things that no pony could ever do. Milking it with her lips, forcing the magic to come out. She could feel the alicorn resisting, trying to hold it back. But the end was inevitable, Chrysalis knew her biology as well as any changeling. And she had practiced this quite a bit with Shining Armor.

She heard the pony's sobs begin anew as its pleas fell on deaf ears. The pitiful thing was building up quite a bit of magic there. That might have been dangerous if she had bothered to control it. But now it was just going to be blown out her tip, and right into the Queen. Oh how she loved creatures with horns. She decided to taunt the thing a bit, pulling away for a moment to speak to her.

"Oh but dear, Shining Armor loved it when we did this. Didn't you ever play with his horn? He would give quite the show."

Stroke her back, stroke her horn, pull a bit. A little nibble, a moan, Queen Chrysalis knew her way around a ponies horn. And Cadence was beginning to understand that little fact. She was beginning to understand it intimately. She had never been a big fan of hornplay but Shining had occasionally convinced her to go with it. Now she understood his fascination with it. Had he really done this with this monster? Of course he had... They had months together and the Queen would have needed to pretend to be her. Her Shining Armor had been here, under this monsters loving, caressing tongue while she had been trapped in the crystal mines, starving. Cadence felt something deep within her harden, some deep indescribable pain. She also felt something else; her magic was building, an unanswered desire building in tandem with it.

She opened her eyes to see the neck and hooves of the monster who was tormenting her. She grazed her eyes across the room seeing the other changelings watching her with no emotion. It was if they were watching someone eat, or sleep. They didn't care at all. Her once lover looked much the same, simply staring straight ahead, not even glancing at his beloved. Her eyes wandered to the Princess of the Sun, hanging in her cocoon. She looked so sad right now. "Please don't watch me princess. Please don't look." She felt a nibble and her breath betrayed her.

That felt so good. But what was this monster going to do to her? Sure, raping her in a room full of minions wasn't what Cadence wanted, but it wasn't being outright killed. Why was she doing this? Was this to torment Celestia? Was it to torment her? Why was Cadence's body betraying her like this? She didn't want this to feel good. She wanted this over. She didn't want what was coming. That pressure pushing her forward. She felt her breathing pick up and her face flush.

Cadence's eyes drifted to the changelings in the room, gazing at them in silent contemplation. A soft moan could be heard from her once in a while. She was no longer resisting Chrysalis. The Queen felt her toy warm up, and felt the magic begin to leak out. It was close now. Pathetic ponies. Still, the emotions bleeding off and out of this pathetic pony were delicious. Chrysalis let her hoof wander from the alicorns back to its rump, feeling the soft flesh by the cutie mark. She inwardly laughed as she saw the poor mare begin to lift her tail. What a pathetic creature! Maybe she should take some pity on her?

She actually laughed at that thought, nearly poking herself on the horn in her mouth. She pulled her mouth off the excited mare and grinned triumphantly. "I'm afraid all good things come to an end my precious Cadence. Now I'm going to hear you sing. Are you ready?" She gave roguish grin and winked at the disheveled mare.

Cadence wouldn't look at the boasting monster. She didn't acknowledge the break in stimulation, and wasn't about to betray her pride by speaking any more to it. It could do what it wanted. She felt her horn cool as the monster blew over it, bringing a new tingling sensation. Cadence cringed as its hooves slipped closer and closer to the base of her tail. It was going to have its way with her. It was having its way with her. The monster ran a long wet tongue up her muzzle, tracing a line from the tip of her nose up to her the base of her horn. She felt it circle her horn, teasing the magic that was built up there. Pulling it. Drawing it up.

This was it. Cadence stood at a precipice. She pushed back, desperate to not fall in. The unstoppable force pushing her towards the widening and deepening hole had other plans. She would fall. She knew it, and the monster behind that force knew it. Cadence felt her hoof slip in the hole. As she lost her footing, she screamed.

Chrysalis was gleeful. This pony was so much fun. She felt the thing convulsing under her touch, screaming out as her magic spewed out of her in embarrassing squirts. Oh did she sing! Such a glorious noise, a herald for her triumphs this day. As she felt the quivering wet and weak pony beneath her began to slow down and relax, as she felt the pony having its mind come back to her, Chrysalis inwardly sighed. As much as she enjoyed playing with horns, this thing had to go. And now that the magic was drained from it...

Cadence didn't know what to think. She was lost in a sea of emotion and pleasure. As she coasted back to the shores of consciousness her worries and fears slowly returned. That monster had sent her there. That monster that destroyed her lover. She felt disgusted. How could she have done that, with all of those changelings watching, with that monster hanging over her. She couldn't look at Celestia. She couldn't look at Shining. She felt sick. Betrayed by herself. Violated, and wrong. This was horrible. And the monster still had her horn its mouth, circling its tongue almost absentmindedly. As though it was distracted by something.

She felt both hooves return to her head, holding it firmly in place. The gentle caressing mouth of the Queen became firm and unforgiving. She felt her horn being pushed deeper into the creatures mouth until the entire thing was buried in the queen's face. And then she felt something horrible. Teeth.

Sharp, painful teeth closed around the base of her still sensitive horn. Cadence began to beg, knowing it was useless. "Oh Celestia! Please, help, somepony help me! Please stop! No.. NO!"

Her begging quickly turned to screaming as she felt the teeth penetrate her hard alicorn horn. Magic fizzed and sparked as pain shot through her body. A vein burst open and blood began to stream down her face. There was a sickening crunch, and she felt the worst pain in her life. She began to vomit, unable to hold it in, completely giving up on trying. Blood and tears rained from her as she slowly lost consciousness, hearing a crunching noise as she felt the last of her horn ripped from her forehead.

Chrysalis finished tearing the horn out of the pathetic creature, still holding her up so she would not fall in her own vile juices. Levitating the horn out of her mouth, she looked at it. It didn't look incredibly dangerous now that it was removed. Sure, it was a bit bloody. Maybe she would start a collection. She glanced at the now terrified Solar Princess, hanging in her green cocoon and winked.

"Children, can you come clean up this mess? I'll let you play with this when your done."

She threw the now unconscious pony to the side. She still had plans for today. After all, those six troublemakers weren't back yet, and she needed to make sure they couldn't cause any more trouble. She had a plan for the unicorns, but how to handle the other four? She certainly didn't just want to kill them. They would be far too much fun alive. And now that she had achieved all of her life goals, she needed a hobby. Time for some more research. And this time, she wouldn't be gentle. Celestia screamed as the Queen's eyes glowed green.

Report tailsopony · 739 views ·
Comments ( 3 )

That said, well done, love the story and i would love to see it continued, thank you.

Thanks! This is actually the old first chapter for my (poorly named) story "Competent Villains: Chrysalis" or CV:C.(because I hate writing that out.) The new chapter one is a very much revised version of this. I changed basically everything. There are a few paragraphs that are the same... ish.

Well i for one loved the whole thing, especially Applejacks chapter, the plot was great and i liked that Chrysalis wasn't mean, she seemed like someone doing their best for their hive.

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