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Alright, I support bronies normally but this? · 4:07am Nov 20th, 2015

Alright lets talk about Ambient Prolouge...

lets start with the fact i'm a writer of FANFICTION. That out of the way i'd like to say normally I might be hyped for this but well.. After "Fighting is Magic" and losing Button Mash... let's just say i'm a bit bitter but really? The REAL problem I have with what i'm really annoyed about is THIS bunch of bull shit

If you don't feel like clicking the above link and no, I DON'T blame you. Here this is Krinita.

And this is Astrum.

So... Can anyone tell me why i'm so pissed off?

*throws hands into the air*

Also what the FUCK does Golden Veronica even mean????

Comments ( 69 )

These guys weren't trying to be creative where they?!


THIS is the sort of stuff that needs to get smacked with Cease and Desist.

That is just low.

Hasbro better C&D this so hard.

Or I'll be fucking pissed.

What the actual fuck.
Get this shit spread around!

at least Fighting is magic is getting the somewhat successor Them's Fightin' Herds.

But Golden. VERONICA!

Golden Veronica

I think that is something you pay for on certain websites.

Honestly, this project will die in the ass long before it gets a C&D. We've seen plenty of these kinds of things come along and they die as people realise a) they don't have the time or talent for a full project, and b) get bored with creating long before it's finished.

This ... I have no words for this.:facehoof:

Hasbro, where are you with a C&D for this thing?:facehoof:

This is plain ridiculous

I'm curious why Jim Sterling posted this on his account. Was it to bring it to Hasbro's attention so they can come down super hard on it?

Sad part is they can get away with it cause they have small differencec than celestia and luna and tney changed the names....sadly these small technicalities will allow them to avoid copyright infringement

The so called game mentions Star Swirl as having taught them... That I know is copyrighted

3554988 incorrect, they said "StarSwirlly" very sad, i know..............hopefully Hasbro find something they can sue them for

No, you don't get it. "Golden Veronica" was a tactical maneuver. By shouting nonsense, she hoped to confuse Luna Krinita and gain the upper hand.

Or it's just because the game devs have no idea how English works. Either way, I was in hysterics halfway through at Jim Freaking Sterling, Son's utter bafflement at the game.

FYI, you cannot copyright the idea of a magical land full of ponies, nor can you copyright the idea of immortal rulers who raise the sun and lower the moon.

The problem is that these two are uh, very blatantly Luna and Celestia. Like, I mean, they are literally Luna and Celestia - Luna even mentions Starswirl in her dialogue.

And this is on Steam Greenlight?

These people are going to be C&Ded so damn hard.

Unless they have a license from Hasbro, which, given the lack of MLP branding, they don't.

3554991 NO! Fuck That!! Do you have any ideal how fucked up the copyright laws are in this country are.

I'm just sittin' here, amused at how shitty it all looks. Oh, and yeah, C&D's a-comin', kids!

3555018 like i said, very sad.......someone really should inform Hasbro and see what they think

3555024 Sorry I meant fuck Hasbro.

That's assuming Hasbro even wants to affiliate themselves with this. If someone made this bad of a ripoff of my (hypothetical) copyrighted characters, I'm not sure I'd want to take credit for the characters.

"Yeah, those are my characters, so... shut this guy down, please?"

"You're saying that you inspired this atrocity?"

"... Y'know what? I think I made a mistake. This has no affiliation with me whatsoever, and none of this relates to anything I ever did except for maybe some dark sin I forgot about that God is punishing me for."

3555040 Do you have any ideal how much fan fiction they go after? How much good stuff we don't get to see?

3555051 um actually they're not allowed to read the fanfictions cause they're not supposed to be persuaded on ideas for the show...they cant be biased

3555062 Not here ! I mean some of the great works fans do on y tube. How many times has "Children Of The Night" been taken down?

3555071 you do realize animations are different right? Cause that is actually stealing and using tne characters for the persons own gain

3555074 Never mind you are one of them.

So, basically, this is just a big ripoff of Celestia and Luna.

3555085 im sorru, one of who exactly?

3555091 And all fanfics are the same? Just rip offs?

3555098 Are you being intentionally obtuse?


The difference is that if I write a story about Luna I write a story about Luna; I do not make up an allegedly-different character who is essentially just Luna with a slightly-different color palette and then crow with pride about my incredibly-original character.

3555098 no but animations are different...ujless they have permission from hasbro they are committing copyright infringement. However on this site its blatantly implied that the authornof a story owns nothing...thats why on Fanfiction.net, people always say they own nothing of the show they're writing about. In some animations they dont say that so its taken as copyright infringement

3555118 "committing copyright infringement" So what? Do you think Hasbro will lose 1 penny over that?

3555126 um its illegal and you can go to prison for it along with a hefty fine :ajbemused:

3555112 How many OC's are just that? Slight rip offs. Mine is not but that besides the point.

3555105 Maybe? What does that mean?

3555136 Ok thanks! Buck you. Buck you very much.

3555142 Alternatively:

You're welcome.

3555146 oooooh well played sir...im sure that will ruffle his jimmies :moustache:

3555153 Embedding videos in your comments is a thing. But given your earlier responses (and not just to myself), I can guess that's beyond your grasp.

3555157 What's wrong with links?

3555160 just the fact that you're responding and trying to insult back proves that your jimmies have been ruffled

Copyright laws in the US kill Innovation. Stifle creative and in general hurt us all. If you can not see that you are bind.

3555161 Not a response to this particular comment, but to you in general. The thing about intellectual property is that people/companies tend to be very keen on keeping them. It's not a matter of money, especially here since I doubt Hasbro will lose any money on this game being released. However, it's a matter of principles: if you own something, would you be okay with someone copying it and making money off of what's technically your design, without your explicit permission?

3555074 I think Fair Use can protect them if they're nonprofit and considered "transformative" enough. Not entirely sure though, some say Fair Use only covers things like reviews and parodies.

And yet another "let's all argue over it session."

Getting kind of old here, I don't log onto Fimfiction for this kind of stuff people. :ajbemused:

Sorry, that's a bit too harsh, I don't want to get sucked into this vortex of hatred right now, but all i'm going to say is that just letting it die out would probably be better.

This "spirit of arguing" has been happening for the past 5 years that i've been a brony, and i'm pretty much sick of it at this point, and i've matured enough to know that being repetitive like this does not help anyone's cause.

Seriously guys. This is making me have thoughts about leaving the fandom altogether and just watching it burn. Again. Like the last time this happened.

Please don't ruin the original ideal of the brony notion for others like me. It really sucks to see this happen.

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