• Member Since 26th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen Nov 22nd, 2015

penn hoofen

A commission writer. PM me for rates

More Blog Posts8

  • 445 weeks
    Setting down the pen

    I'm sorry if this seems sudden, but I'm not going to be doing commissions anymore. Things have been eating at me, and I'm finally coming out and telling all there is to tell, and why I'm going to be walking away from the fandom. For good? I don't know, maybe. Am I still a brony? Yes, because I enjoy mlp. I consider that to be different than being apart of the fandom.

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    8 comments · 275 views
  • 445 weeks
    Lets call this a realization

    Before I begin, I want it understood that I am trying to do what I feel is the right thing for myself. You are welcome to disagree. Please do not try and attack or shame me for this, because if places were swapped, I'd try to understand where you were coming from. I simply ask for the same curtesy. To those people who have paid me for commissions as of yet, I will be offering full refunds because

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    15 comments · 320 views
  • 446 weeks
    Feeling much better

    Hey guys. I'm still a little sick, but I'm feeling much better. I'm starting to work on commissions again. here's my line up.

    1. 6k- working on
    2. 5-6k not started
    3. 10k (Continuous series) not started
    4. 15k (sequel to My Little Love)
    5. 15k

    You guys are awesome, and thank you for your patience.

    For any who don't know my prices here's my rates.

    First 3k = $5

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    0 comments · 228 views
  • 446 weeks
    Productions at a screeching halt

    So, I'm not in a position to write anything right now because my computer decided it wanted to not work. The solution? factory Refresh, which makes it so I have to pretty much reinstall my writing program, amongst other things, and on top of that, I'm sick, feeling very miserable with a massive headache and HOLY COW I hurt! Make it stop, make it stop.

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  • 447 weeks
    Update on Progress

    Let me start off to say that My Little Love is enjoying her spotlight in the Popular Series list. It's still there if you scroll through the available stories.

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    0 comments · 212 views

Lets call this a realization · 3:51am Nov 18th, 2015

Before I begin, I want it understood that I am trying to do what I feel is the right thing for myself. You are welcome to disagree. Please do not try and attack or shame me for this, because if places were swapped, I'd try to understand where you were coming from. I simply ask for the same curtesy. To those people who have paid me for commissions as of yet, I will be offering full refunds because of the content of this update/blog.

I suppose I want to be accepted by my peers, do things that they enjoy and ultimately be praised by what others approve of. But sometimes there things that you feel are too important to rely on other's for and even if they don't agree or approve you must press forward and do that which you feel is right for you to do. So, here we go.

I'm no longer going to be commissioning nsfw stories or rps, and I will be taking down the commissions that I've done so far. I am offering full refunds and will be contacting those people privately about it.

There are multiple reasons for this. Honestly, while it might not bother me particularly, smut stories are not what I want to be known for, and that is the reputation I'm getting. If I can't find commission for other things, well, then I guess I won't do commissions anymore. But that's beside the point.

My mother and I are close, however we've been drifting since I've started these commissions. Part of it is shame, I'm not going to lie. She is deeply religious, as I use to be, and I know that if she were to read the stuff on this account, she'd treat me like I was six and ground me from every form of the computer for life. Okay, tad over dramatic, but my mother's approval is important to me. So what, I'm a mamma's boy. But the fact remains, that writing about porn, basically that's what it is I'm doing. Writing porn, we've been drifting, and I don't want that.

As before mentioned, I use to be religious. I'm not going to go into why I'm not anymore, because frankly that's not the internet's business, I feel the need in my heart to become religious again. Before all you jump on the band wagon of 'this is why I hate religion' this is between what I feel God expects from me. So it's between me and Him. Not me, Him and the world.

Why am I telling you all this? I suppose it's to give a reason for why I'll do what I'm going to do. Do I expect hate? Yes. Is it going to make me sad. Yeah, but you know, I'm going to do what I feel is right. You do what you feel is right. In the end, can you blame me for doing what I feel is important to me? If you can, the comments section is open.

I sincerely apologize to anyone who has been waiting on a commission thus far, because all of them are nsfw stories. I will be open for commissions of the follow categories:
Slice of Life

I hope you all understand. If not, then I'm glad you enjoyed what stories I was about to finish up till this time.

-Penn Hoofen

Report penn hoofen · 320 views ·
Comments ( 15 )

Well, thanks for doing what you did. I just want one thing from you, I want to know, will you ever do commissions for adventure stories?

3549850 Oh sure. I didn't put that in there? I'll fix that right now.

3549852 Thanks, I think I will have a commission for you.

other than the whole penis "enhancement" i considered the bio-droid twilight thing to be rather sweet.
that said it's the only thing of yours i've actually looked at you can write sure and i know people are willing to pay you to write but the people who are more than happy to pay for random stuff are going to simply want fetish fuel.
i could tell from some of your other blog post that you really was hoping to not be stuck with the fetish part of the MLP community.
but as someone who has been apart of the community from the start seen it's origins and even seen it slide from something that i could somewhat openly talk about to basically me walking up to someone and telling them i lurk the pokemon porn section of most websites i can tell you that it's very hard to make a lil money from the fandom if you don't do porn especially as a writer.
i've seen more than a few people who draw make money and only do the random "sexy" picture etc but meh you are asking for money for fanfictions and as such comes with the territory.
to be blunt i can find romance/ship fics for free about pretty much anything from the show (mind you half of them are dead but anyway like paying you close up to 70$ to do a full story meh)

anyway regardless of what i was saying i'm personally happy for you at least you are not delusional about it allot of people i've known in your postion (who did art/stories) ended up getting greedy and just did it for the money and whenever they tried to make another account people would always recongise there art style or whatever especially in the early days.

TLDR-it's good that you have come to this point if you were not okay with doing those type of stories even if it would of been easy money then you have more integrity than allot of people.

also if you are open to the it i might be up for giving you a steam card for a romance story but really i would want a little clop in it not as a thing to jerk off just feels more natural when a fic written about a relationship does not just skims over the whole physical aspect of said relationship.

3549966 I appreciate what you've said. This decision has been weighing on me for a while, and it wasn't easy, but I feel like I did the right thing for me. While I might not write clop, I can make a romance story have some physicality, to keep with the way most relationships are, but it won't be anything too deep. It might start something, and then jump to the next day, but I'm sure we could settle on something.

ah well it would be sometimes next month before i actually got the steam card to pay you with (just in time for some winter sales btw) i'll actually end up giving you mostly free control about how the story goes i'll just give you a character and maybe some form of a setting but the rest would just be up to you.
and yeah about the clop part i'd not expect you to go into allot of detail and all that.

also i'd be asking for a HIE deal just as a heads up.
right now i'm thinking that it might be cool to have a lone human crash on the planet be rescued etc all of those seem to just die off after a few chapters and it would be nice to see one fully done.
the idea would be that he would have some tech he could kind sell to the royalty or do good deeds far as medical advancements (maybe helping the changelings by giving them a energy source from a machine besides the energy they get off of emotions)
i'd want to keep it away from grimdark make it all mostly happy and shit not un-realistically happy but yeah.
as for the paring maybe twilight pre-princess (leaving that part up to you) just because all of the tech and knowledge would be of interest and make it more natural maybe.

3550020 If you're really interested, pm me, I'd love to have a commission from you :twilightsmile:

would you be okay with the steam card? also the brainstorming is kinda nice i was just trying to think of something to keep it from being a run of the mill HIE ship.

3550043 idk about the steam card, I've never had one before. So I say, why not? :twilightsmile:

You buy games with it on steam.
it would be a 20$ card.
i'm guessing you don't really play pc games eh?

3550066 Noooo, buut I'm considering trying minecraft on pc.

i think they sell lil pre-pay cards for minecraft now so maybe that will work.
honestly you should totally make a steam account the sales are wonderful plus all the games you get stay forever tied to the account and not just the PC or disk etc.

honestly my minecraft account is so fucking buggy it's a lil funny i got in on it during the beta and i'm not sure if there system knows how to handle it at times plus i keep messing with the settings to play the updates i enjoy.

Are you going to do the new categories?

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