• Member Since 27th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Jan 11th, 2019


I live on a farm of plotbunnies.

More Blog Posts35

  • 307 weeks
    Replaying Dragon Age 2

    I am so proud of his beard, really.

    5 comments · 503 views
  • 326 weeks
    Untitled Sunlight One-shot Page and Word Count

    Remember this blog post I made awhile back? Yeah, I decided to do it. Going slow but steady so far.

    1 comments · 467 views
  • 345 weeks
    A Little Discord in Life

    Probably should have done this a long time ago but eh, I'm stubborn and slow and I love my AIM and my Skype. Anyone who wants to hit me up for a chat or wants to recommend any groups can send me a PM, I'll share my info with ya.

    2 comments · 493 views
  • 356 weeks
    In Which Photobucket Blows Up In My Face

    As you all may have noticed by now, my primary image hosting site for when I, well, post my own images and such is Photobucket. This is mostly because I am A) lazy as all heck when it comes handling such matters and B) I've been using Photobucket since I first came online and began posting content, which I'm sure gives away many implications about exactly how old I am at this point and

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    4 comments · 586 views
  • 363 weeks
    RariLight Word Count

    I forgot to add it in the screenshot, but at this point I've hit nine pages. I'm pretty satisfied with it, now I just need to figure out how I want to end it.

    1 comments · 463 views

An Update on Life · 11:43pm Sep 27th, 2015

Hi everyone. As you may have all noticed, I've once again fallen behind in any manner of being active on this site, whether it's answering private messages or posting new content. While on the latter issue a small part of the problem is my muse being a fickle, picky mistress, the issue itself is much larger and I felt I owed everyone who follows me an explanation, as at this time I'm not sure when I'll be in a place emotionally or mentally to pick up writing again.

In October my grandfather came to live with us after a series of falls in his apartment made it clear he was no longer fit to live on his own. He's well into his eighties at this point with a bad ankle, clinical depression, and a history of mental instability. In the beginning, while he was unhappy with the arrangement, he gradually came around on it and seemed more or less settled in, with only a few minor hiccups along the way.

Mid-August we were informed by his doctor that the medication he'd been on for the last twenty years to help him for his depression was no longer working, and in fact had never been enough to address his depression in the first place. At his doctor's recommendation, we made the move to gradually wean him off of his past medication and to switch him over to something new that would hopefully help him handle his depression better. To say he handled this poorly was an understatement, as besides the fact that the medication wasn't even helping him to start with, after twenty years he'd become quite addicted to it and suffered severe withdrawal. Combined with the fact that the new medication was taking time to set in and, well, it was a mess.

I've had the unpleasant experience this September of learning that my grandfather is, and has always been, an emotionally abusive man used to getting his way through threats and bullying, and of throwing truly epic fits when he doesn't get his way. When we refused to put him back on his previous medication, he made several comments to his doctor where he claimed he was concerned about hurting us and possibly suicidal, all in an attempt to get himself placed into the hospital and placed on something he believed would be 'better' than the current medication we've been trying to ease him into on his doctor's recommendation.

My grandfather is currently in an acute treatment facility, being monitored 24/7. He'll be there 5-7 days to be examined, and depending on the outcome he will either return home, hopefully having realized this whole trip accomplished absolutely nothing that he wanted it to, or he'll be transferred to a new facility to continue whatever treatment they think he needs to help him.

To say I shut down after being informed of this by my mother is a bit of an understatement. I've spent this weekend throwing myself into Dragon Age Inquisition and talking to only family and close friends, and truth be told I still can't say where I am right now on the situation. All I know is I'm emotionally and mentally drained, and I don't have the desire or the energy to even try writing.

I want to apologize for this regardless, as I know I made some comments regarding future content that unfortunately will be delayed until I've straightened myself out and gotten my head back on straight. I want to thank all of you who have stayed with me through this, and once I'm back in a good space to start writing again, you will all certainly know.

Have a pleasant night, and thank you for reading.

Comments ( 6 )

Eugh, sorry to hear it. I've been through something similar with a grandfather suffering from dementia in his old age and turning fairly hostile. Not a pleasant experience.

All I can say is to give your parents as much love and support as you can. They'll need it.

Don't forget to accept as much love and support as you can!
Family situations are always difficult and who better to abuse you emotionally? and worth your attention.

Writing is something you should do for yourself, if and when you feel like it. Sometimes it's a good way to unwind and release the stress of a bad place, but sometimes the best thing to do is take a thorough break from it.

I'm sure after a brief hold, your grandfather won't be much more disagreeable than he's been - whether from a new cocktail of meds, or the realization that institutionalization isn't his bag (or that it is what he likes and you won't have to deal with his insufferable behavior) :facehoof:. In any case, count on us to listen and be here for you. :eeyup:

I'm really sorry to hear about your situation. Don't worry about here or anything; take all the time you need to recover.
You and your family will be on my mind.

Sorry to hear that you're in such an uncomfortable spot, :fluttershysad:

Your life should always come before stuff like Fimfiction; no one here will be upset with you over something like this. In fact, if you need us for anything you know right where to find us, :raritywink:

Sorry to hear that. Don't worry about making new content. Focus on taking care of yourself. If you need someone to talk to you can message me. I can't promise to fix it, but I can promise to listen.

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