• Member Since 18th Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen May 25th, 2023


I enjoy writing with my friend, Ringmaster 1336. My profile picture was made by the very talented Lime Overtime. I have a soft spot for HiE stories. MadMaxtheBlack is my inspiration for writing.

More Blog Posts27

  • 246 weeks
    It's good to be back!

    *inhales deeply* Ah, you smell that?

    The smell of debauchery, clopfics, HiE stories and a random blogpost from some loser who thinks he can write.

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    2 comments · 262 views
  • 246 weeks
    Obligatory blog post bashing myself for going MIA again

    We really do need to stop meeting like this, don't we?

    For the gajillionth time, I'm sorry to all you amazing peeps for not uploading just about anything at all for another whole year! Believe me when I say I want to pump out chapters for these stories just as much as you guys have been wanting more chapters to be uploaded!

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    0 comments · 200 views
  • 289 weeks
    Life update!

    Hey, guys! So, if y'all remember, last time I checked in, I wasn't necessarily in the best place. But, thankfully, that's kind of turned around! I'm happy to say that I've got a great-paying job now. I work at a Tesla assembly factory, and I build cars for 12-14 hours a day, five days a week. Yeah, I'm tired as all hell when I get home, but now I have a home to go to, which is awesome! Things are

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    0 comments · 269 views
  • 299 weeks
    Had planned to upload a chapter last night, but...

    ...writer's block is a bitch. I got down a few thousand more words down on a DiE chapter, and a new Canterlot High chapter is in the works. I think I wanna do a few one-offs soon, they've really been my jam recently. Stay tuned.

    Deuces, guys!

    1 comments · 248 views
  • 299 weeks
    Where I've been for the past year...

    Hey, all. I know it's been a long, long time since I've been active on here. To be honest, I'm sure a lot of you guys have given up on me ever updating my stories again. I believe as my audience and friends, you deserve to know where I've been, and why I haven't been really uploading anything here for the past year or so.

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    6 comments · 317 views

Blog Time: Lots to talk about! · 6:30am Sep 17th, 2015

Hey, everybody! Plagueboy here! Just had a few things on my mind that I feel I should talk about, so here goes.

First things first: As you guys all know by now, school has started up again. Everyone who has to go to school, I'm with you, I feel your pain! School sucks, but I just try to find the silver lining, and you guys should too. It makes school, at the very least, bearable. Anyways, for most authors n this site, the start of school means smaller or less frequent uploads, and for all of you guys who just want to kick back and read a new chapter on you favorite fimfiction, on behalf of all student writers here on this site, I want to say sorry. Trust me, the writers hate not being able to write a lot just as much as their viewers hate having to sit in an upload drought for week at a time. I HATE only having a fraction of the time to write that I had during the summer, but I have to put college first, I'm really sorry, as I'm sure all the other student writers are. Just bear with it for a few months; lots of writers, including myself, are planning on doing a HUGE chapter upload marathon over winter break, so just bear with the drought until then. You guys are awesome~

Segueing off of that last sentence: YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! You Thought You Knew Canterlot High has OVER 300 VIEWS! That is absolutely crazy! I never thought that any of my stories would ever get more than a few dozen views, let alone my first story; Teachers' Tales, Canterlot High's side story, has over 150 views! needless to say that when Ringmaster and I were at a loss for words when we logged on and saw those numbers! We're so psyched, and I would like to thank you guys; genuinely from the bottom of my heart, I am so grateful! You guys ROCK!

As a display of gratitude for your guys' awesome love and support, and also because I can't think of anything else to do, I'm thinking of doing a Q&A. Go ahead and ask me anything, be it upcoming story ideas, real life stuff, whatever you want! Just post a comment on this blog with your question and I'll answer it in my next blog :D I'm hoping to post the answers in either two weeks or a month, depending on how many questions I get in two weeks time.

Another thing I feel should be brought up is the comments on my stories. I know there's not a whole lot of comments on my stories, but I haven't gotten any hate in the comments section yet, and for me, that is such an accomplishment; sometimes when I read stories on this site, I see a bunch of hate in their comments sections, and it really does break my heart to see people being hated on for trying their best to produce something for this community, or to see people being belittled in the comments for their opinions, and I'm glad to say that those things haven't happened on any of my uploads. Thank you guys for doing your best to make our comments sections safe and welcoming places. I salute you!

I would also like to reiterate something that I posted in a blog a few weeks ago: I'm writing an OC story, and I need your help to write it! I want to build a relationship with my followers and viewers, and one day I thought to myself, 'What better way to do that on a website about writing stories than to WRITE A STORY with you guys?' I really want this idea to become a reality, and I want to interact with you guys more, so you can find all the details and post you contributions here.

One last things that I want to leave you guys with is a kinda cheesy but honest topic. I have goals that I want us, as a whole, to achieve in the mlp/fimifction community, and that goal is something that many before me have said, and no doubt many after me will say: Love and Tolerance. Yes, I know it seems diluted and overused as time has gone on in our community, but I believe that it can still be achieved, despite the amount of hate and opposition that this goal is faced with on an everyday basis. I want to encourage you guys to love your fellow bronies and pegasisters, regardless of their opinions of preferences, IF they believe in something that you think is wrong, don't belittle them and call them stupid or hate on their ideals, simply accept the fact that they have different views than you, and move on. Just focus on the beautiful fact that we are all brought together on this by one common interest: My Little Pony. Regardless of where we come from, what we look like, what language we speak, or anything going on politically in the world, we should all become unified in the fact that we all share something special.

But I guess I'm preaching to the choir, huh? XD Anyways, I just want that message to be spread throughout this community, and every singe person that reads this can do that, just support people through their hard times, and try your best to defuse comment wars. I believe that together, we can build this community the way it should be built: an example of unconditional, unbiased love.

Anyways, I think I've rattled on for long enough. you guys all have lives to get back to, as do I, so I'll leave you guys with a (most likely overused but still powerful) quote, and let you make of it what you will.

"Don't underestimate the power of your vision to change the world. Whether that world is your office, your community, an industry or a global movement, you need to have a core belief that what you contribute can fundamentally change the paradigm or way of thinking about problems."
- Leroy Hood

And with that, I'm off to write a six page essay on the history of prehistoric art! Stay in school, kids!

Deuces, guys!

Comments ( 2 )

So... a few things I would like to advise...
Make a new blog, call it in a way that ponies will know that it's a QnA thing
Because frankly, this blog is really long and has a lot of info in it. Most ponies will not understand that it's even a QnA thing! :rainbowlaugh:
This is just an advice though, u can ignore it :rainbowdetermined2:

So Mousetrap, I've heard you're Vinyl's cousin. She's my friend (my only friend for now... I've met her and Octavia just a few days ago, but she hasn't talked too much about you.)
So, I'd like to know who are you related by, who's older and who came up with that manedo? I mean... your manes look really alike! :trixieshiftright:

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