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Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.


Self improvement questions · 6:47pm Jul 12th, 2015

1) What is my greatest strength as a writer?

2) What is my greatest weakness as a writer?

3) What can I change to improve my writing?

Comments ( 7 )

You're very good at making us hate Discord, make things awesome, and giving us insight into how things work in Pony POV, the way you wrote the angst/wangsting Nightmare Manacle however, to say the least, was irritating, as for improvement, sometimes the characters, even the villains, feel TOO smart.

1) What is my greatest strength as a writer?
-Emotions and combining plots

2) What is my greatest weakness as a writer?

-Ummmm....I got nothing.

3) What can I change to improve my writing?

-Keep oing what you dobest.

Now if only I had someone that could tell me these three.

1) Interesting characterizations and power interactions
2) Sometimes you just write something that gets really really long and repetitive and tedious and boring and long and repetitive.
3) Maybe work on noticing when you're repeating yourself and condensing those sequences?

1) World building, big ideas, and characterization
2) Trying to put too many plots/characters into your stories; having dialog where its unclear who is speaking
3) Try to drill down and focus on only one or two plot ideas at a time; get an editor—not just a proofreasder—someone who will actually tell you "Hey this needs to be pared back".

1) Lots of characterization for everyone, including villains and peripheral characters, which always impresses me because your stories have so many moving parts.

2) I love hearing the exposition speeches characters give, even during a fight. But sometimes it seems like they are expressing the same point over and over again, that could probably be cut down. Also, it seems like you/your characters put a lot more effort than necessary into pre-emptively rebutting arguments against them, which can bog things down. This may tie into your fight scenes, which are extremely awesome, but can drag a bit as everyone reveals their final form (this might just be a matter of taste, I thought the Tirek/Twilight fight in the show went on a bit two long and that was like 2-3 minutes).

3) When a character is making an argument or expressing a point of view, if they've already spelled it out clearly they don't need to do so again. The character may need to explain something to a new character, but if we the audience have already heard it, you can skim and the audience will understand it was explained "off-screen."


Can you pretty please with sugar on give examples where the character was spinning their wheels after they've already made their point?

3233577 To be honest, a lot of that I'm remembering from the Dark World series, which was a while back. You may have changed your style a lot since then, but I do remember the grand fight scenes had a lot of repeated assertions of superiority/trash talk that didn't really change much, at least for a given character. I suppose that could be pretty realistic, from the point of view of trash talk, it just seemed repetitive as a reader.
I guess I would amend that to try and make the trash talk more varied or else curtailed, even if a new villain/hero is being fought and would not have heard this stuff before.

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