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State of the Lemur - 06/12/2015 · 2:44am Jun 13th, 2015

Hory shiet, this still makes me laugh every friggin' time...

There are times when I think if it's all over. There are times when I go for weeks and months without producing anything noteworthy for SS&E, and I wonder whether or not the lemur's infamy has finally faded.

And then stuff like this shows up. I suppose if anything's ever gonna keep me afloat, it's that dayum story about a lime green mare in psuedo!philosophy!land.

Some smexy marsupial by the name of Rarity Advocate made their own rendition of the Nocturne of Firmaments, and girl-oh-girl is it a snazzy one. Standing at 25 minutes, it covers all ten movements with variety and bombastic smexxitude. If that last appraisal sounds vague, it's because I suck at describing music. But you know who doesn't? Rarity Advocate. So go check out their orchestration, and then take a peek at their other fanfictional horse bolero's. Brony talent's gonna brony talent, dreit?

Is it too late to be getting into this game?

Remember this good piece of art? No? Whelp, me neither.

When it comes to things outside the spectrum of horse words, I'm rather soft-spoken (or just plain mute). So I'll keep this simple by quoting what I said to Wanderer D in Skype when he questioned me about the matter:

If he (Ponky) should ever desire to share with the wonderfolk, then he will do so. Rest assured that the man behind the Ponk is alive, healthy, and fuzzy. Stardust begets irony, and irony begets neckbeards, but at some point or another all lemurs and marsupials must go the way of Vimbert.

Shine on, you crazy diamond. Fandoms are snazzy and all, but I'm a great deal more thankful for friendships.

So, tomorrow is the day. The day that will try neckbeards' souls. It's been a fun ride in this land of obscure lore and lulz. Personally, I look forward to new horizons of horse literature that will linger beyond the ashes. (I'm already rather stoked for mute!Vinyl / let's see what Lyra and Bon Bon bring, if anything).

So, for better or for worse, see you on the other side, marsupials.


Comments ( 21 )

I think what got most of us was the suddenness of it, not that it happened.

That's good to hear about Ponky. The vagueness of his "announcement" certainly caused a small panic by what I've seen. I hope him the best.

Good to know that Ponky's alright. I hope things are working out for him.

Is it too late to be getting into this game?

If you're not already playing Diablo, it's honestly not that good. If you're into grindey MMOS with generic stories and admittedly pretty cutscenes, then go for it.

I listened to that whole orchestral piece. It was calming in a weird way, which is what I needed. One of these days I'll re-read Background Pony. There's no other fan fic I've found as memorable.

If Ponky wants to move on (to whatever extent [and if that's what he's doing at all]), then that's his right, obviously. I'm glad he's okay, and I wish him the best in any instance. To echo what the others said, it was the suddenness of it that caught me off guard, since--publicly, at least--everything seemed to be going well in the world of pony!Ponk. That, and the lack of explanation, which seems out of character for Ponky, with his usual candor and emphasis on making connections.

Oh well. I'll guess we'll just have to see what the future holds.

Also, I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Oh, I'm sure there will be some wailing and gnashing of teeth, but I'm actually expecting more of it from the "omg, pandering! Bronies taking over the show!" crowd. As far as headcanons go: Larson has always been pretty close with the fandom, and I'm pretty sure he's aware of a lot of our theories. And, from the teasers, I don't get the impression that he's going out of his way to destroy said theories. Not to say it won't happen at all, but... I dunno. I'm expecting a fresh shipment of potting soil, rather than a barrel of ashes. And in any case, more pony is more pony, amirite?

I'm not overly surprised to see that Ponky is moving along. It's sad to say, but this fandom is... changing. Or should I say, has changed. It's a mostly different crowd since Ponky went on his mission, though it's not a bad one. Still, it's sad and somewhat depressing to see the bright, shiny stars who were once major contributors to our community slowly burning out and slipping into the dark abyss of life in society. I've never been internet famous, but I've gotten to tag along for this crazy ride and I regret nothing.

So, tomorrow is the day. The day that will try neckbeards' souls. It's been a fun ride in this land of obscure lore and lulz. Personally, I look forward to new horizons of horse literature that will linger beyond the ashes. (I'm already rather stoked for mute!Vinyl / let's see what Lyra and Bon Bon bring, if anything).

So, for better or for worse, see you on the other side, marsupials.

Does this mean you're on the way out as well? Or is this just in reference to tomorrow's new episode? If so, that's yet another nail in the coffin of my generation of the fandom. We've lost so many already... I guess it's inevitable. All good things must come to an end, and all men must die. These truths exist no matter how much we may choose to ignore them. If we don't see you or hear from you again, just know you'll be missed. You were always one of the best in the community.

Much love, mighty marsupial.


We've been on the ride a while, and truth be told I didn't think the show would make it this far.

I don't hold much love for headcanon and fanon. That is to say, I enjoy it when it tickles my fancy, but it's very much a supplementary thing. I'd never put it above the primary source.

That said, the fandom has changed. Change happens, whether good or bad. Me? I'll just stick around and keep watching pony until it bores me. And that doesn't look like it'll happen any time soon.

let's see who can get skirts to cry the fastest

There's nothing this movie doesn't apply to in some way, I swear.

3143758 Are you sure you're not secretly me? You wrote my thoughts.

3143748 It's a lot better now than it was at launch, especially after Reaper of Souls and the patches following that. However if you aren't wanting to spend endless hours grinding later on for the higher tier gear it's definitely not your game. It can take a very long time to get the best gear that you'll need but, trust me, it is fun once you do have that gear and you're basically a god on Torment 6 difficulty and a good way through the greater rifts.

I have no idea what's going on anymore.

If he (Ponky) should ever desire to share with the wonderfolk, then he will do so. Rest assured that the man behind the Ponk is alive, healthy, and fuzzy.

And that's the least I could have asked for. Good luck and best wishes for the fuzzed one.

Wow that song has held up really well! Now the rhythm's stuck in my head.

For some reason your new icon cracks me up so much. I can't take it seriously

Maaaaaaaan, this was something else. Crazy to think people are still making stuff based on Background Pony after all this time. Deeply flawed though that story may be (I have -never- seen a story with such purple prose) it sure does leave an impression.

Never too late for Diablo! It's a little bit of a grindfest once you hit 70, trying to get good gear, but with Reaper of souls and the latest patches it's so much better than at release. Ifyou're doing season heroes, I might be interested in gaming with ya :P (most of mine are on europe but I can hop to US at the click of a button)

Author Interviewer

He's never gonna finish Mantles :(

Comment posted by Sharp Quill deleted Jun 13th, 2015

3143748 Yes, that's my take on it. I'm playing the now-F2P Elder Scrolls Online and enjoying it a lot more. There's, y'know, actual writing and story and non-plop dialogue and that yummy Elder Scrolls humour.

I haven't nearly hit the level cap yet, so I can't speak to its longevity after that point.

SS&E is at the only fun part of Diablo 3. At less than level 60, the drops often give an upgrade and the monsters fall easily. There's no fun to be had getting killed at level 60 by an elite imp. Diablo's PVP arena sucks. The auction house is gone so no item trading. The game is now either a single player game or a game with three selfish assholes hanging out with ya that either want to run 1/4 of the game as quickly as possible or sit in town doing nothing for 4 hours. Either way they aren't helping you. Don't get me wrong, I loved Diablo 3 when I was less than level 60. Now I have no reason to play anymore.

Remember this good piece of art? No? Whelp, me neither.

That would be a very fitting picture for the story "Background Pony".

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