• Member Since 15th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen April 15th

Regina Wright

Waterworn doesn't mean squat when you're an eternal flame, baby!

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Some More Thoughts On Yesterday · 8:12pm May 28th, 2015

To Stroke A Heart of Granite sounds hilarious.

I don't care what anyone says about it.

My working title was A Stony Evening With Her Aching Rock. That was progress. Progress, I tell you!

I wrote this story in a thirty minutes after making last night's blog. The gist of the story clocked out to 488 words and I was like... Crap, how the heck am I going to get this masterpiece to 1,000 before the mods go to sleep! But I pulled through. It exists. Bwahahaha! Of course, after thinking about it... I should have considered more rock puns.

This is my favorite line.

In time, she hoped, they could overcome the quarry in their hearts.

I don't know why but it just makes me laugh.

Now that I'm all caught up with the episodes. Does anyone want to dish about it? I'd write a Tree Hugger fic but it needs to sit in my head a little more. Huh? Suddenly, I remember this Roseluck fic I was going publish a while ago. I need to get on that. It's done but...

Comments ( 11 )

Oh man...I've been waiting for somebody to ship Pinkie Pie and the statue of King Whatshisname :rainbowlaugh:

I hope it scratches your itch.

3106046 Eh heh-heh. Griffon statue. Griffon. Talons. Scratching.

So, what are your thoughts on Season 5 so far?

It's pretty alright. The gags are funny, the pacing is nice, ponies pony, the reasoning is questionable (and full of fanfic full). Have you watched episode 8? That moment when Pinkie jumped into the abyss and she took the rest of the rope tied to the rock with her. I just went :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:hahaha. That was really silly and I loved it. If I could do stuff like that in my fics, just blam in the squishy parts, I'd be a happy camper.

I look forward to the next episode. (And I skipped the episode that was at Appleloosa. I'm going to go back to it but if its a CMC episode, I'll probably wind up writing Scootaloo again.)

Yeah, the abyss scene made me chuckle and shake my head. IRL I'd probably be swearing like a sailor, crying like a little girl, or both. :rainbowlaugh:

Darn it, why did they have to make a few week gap in between episodes?

Must be the weather. A lot of shows are going hiatus for the upcoming summer. I think we have about six weeks left before the marathons of reruns and summer shows start rolling in. I can't wait.

Ugh, reruns.

Good thing I'll be too busy having a Training Instructor in my face down in the Texas heat to have to deal with them. :rainbowlaugh:

Once you get used to the heat, it's the sweat that will kill you.

I'm sure you will have a fine time. Bunking in close quarters with the heaving heat of your squad-mates and hearing the cranking sound of an air condition blowing in the other room. You go to check, your pores clenching in expectation. But alas. It's only the poor soul of that day's line up, wrenching free the mop he uses to swab the floors.

Or whatever.

3106195 I don't even want to know what my inboxes will look like when I finally get back online.

Anywho, I'd have to say the Smooze episode is my favorite episode thus far, as it confirmed a few of my fan theories.

I wasn't actually sure what to make of the smooze itself and the fact Discord had know him/it for centuries. Does it link G1 to G4? Is it all canon! We will never know because it might have been a gag in of itself. Maybe? Or maybe not?

3106233 If it links it to G1, then however they manage to pull that off would probably blow my mind.

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