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    Still On Hiatus

    Yeah, what I wrote last time still stands. So stop asking me when I'll be back on, everyone. I'll tell you when I'll be back.

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    I’m going on hiatus because I have some personal business to take care of. I’ll make a big announcement when I’m back. Until then, you can message me but don’t expect an immediate response.


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    Song of the Day: August 31 (Gary Clark Jr.)

    Song of the Day: “Ain’t Messin’ Round” by Gary Clark Jr.

    Thus we have come to my final Song of the Day! It has been a lot of fun taking you guys through my widely varied and eclectic musical tastes this month. I might continue posting songs once in a while, but it won’t be daily. Have a good one!

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    Song of the Day: August 30 (Gene Wilder)

    Song of the Day: “Pure Imagination” by Gene Wilder


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Everything Wrong with Bloom and Gloom · 8:28pm Apr 24th, 2015

Hey, another review! For the record, I'm sorry I haven't been getting caught up on my episode reviews for MLP. I hope I can actually manage to start putting these reviews out within a reasonable time after each episode. With that said, today's episode is Bloom and Gloom. Now this comes at an interesting time, as there has been a lot involving Apple Bloom in the fandom recently. Within practically the same month, we got Apple Bloomers, the most elaborate April Fools prank in the fandom, as well as several Apple Bloom related fanfictions and pictures, including mine, Spring Is in Bloom. (Warning: NSFW)

So in the midst of the Apple Bloom craze, we coincidentally got a new episode starring the little filly. Now I'm trying to be more optimistic, so I'm sure this episode will start out great!

...well, that was abrupt.
Yeah, apparently Apple Bloom has called a meeting of the Cutie Mark Crusaders together to reveal that Babs Seed has finally received her cutie mark. My only problem with this is, why didn't they show it onscreen? It's never really explained or shown how she got said mark, and I would have liked to have seen it. Isn't one of the primary rules in storytelling to "show, not tell"? Why show a pony getting her cutie mark if you can't, well, show a pony getting her cutie mark?! This episode has already lost me, and the first minute hasn't even passed yet!
According to the letter, Babs' cutie mark is a pair of scissors. Well, that's even better. I'm sure bronies will find absolutely no way of misinterpreting that in a perverted way! Ugh, I've been on Derpiboo.ru too much.
Actually, it turns out she's a hairstylist, because... she's always messing with her bangs and tail? Honestly, I don't remember that in the episode she was in, but I'm sure it's explained in the comics or something. Hey, as long as she's better than the guy from A Flock of Seagulls:

The blonde Wolverine style was very popular in the 80's.
I must say, there is no way this episode can possibly regain my confidence.

...Go on.

So yes, this episode is questioning the whole principle of cutie marks, and bringing up several topics related to them that, and I can testify for this, several members of the fandom have wondered for a long time. "What if you get a cutie mark you don't like?" "Will the CMCs fall apart if they all get their cutie marks, or will they stay friends?" "Will the Apple family disown Apple Bloom if she doesn't get an Apple-related cutie mark?" I think the one question that's on my mind is, why are we just now getting to the episode asking these questions? We should have asked this back in season 1!
It is interesting to note that all of the CMCs' voices sound a little weird in this episode. Not just because they're older, since their voice actresses are growing up. No, the weird thing is that the characters themselves don't appear to have aged at all, still looking like little fillies, but with the voice of teenage girls. I'm not suggesting they replace the voice actresses, as that would be cruel, but at least have the characters look a little older? Hey, it's still better than in Animaniacs, when Skippy Squirrel's voice actor grew up and they had to repitch it, making him sound less like a little kid and more like a fuckin' chipmunk.
Anyway, back to the episode. Apple Bloom is troubled by all these questions as she goes to bed, but Applejack brushes them off and assures her that nopony is going to make her move out. Then she sings a lullaby to put little Bloom to sleep, and she is reassured that she will be satisfied with her cutie mark. The end!

Oops, sorry! It was just too tempting to not bring that old gag back.
The next morning, however, we discover that... somehow or another, Apple Bloom finally got her cutie mark! Well, apart from the fact that it's obviously a dream. But what does it mean?

Well, as it turns out, she has become a "pest pony," whose job is to get rid of an insect called "Twittermites." Okay, we're all thinking the same thing:

This isn't a clever observation on my part. Everyone who's ever seen this episode has thought of it.
I give this episode credit, we do get sort of a funny gag where the older pest pony is questioned about parasprites and says that "anypony with a trombone can get rid of parasprites."

So the old man warns her that once the twittermites escape, things can get "shocking." And then he... flat-out unleashes the twittermites he has, so they can electrocute Apple Bloom. Wow, what an asshole! And speaking of assholes:

Oh, piss off! Seriously, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon should go kill themselves. I hate these two little brats so much! I wouldn't mind if they were at least developed some so we could have some reason for why they act like this, but no! They just bully our main characters for no reason. If they died in the bloodiest way on the show, I wouldn't mind at all. Hell, the show would be BETTER without them. GO DIE YOU LITTLE BIT--ahem. Sorry, not a fan.
So after Bulk and Skull here make fun of Apple Bloom for being more useful than either a diamond tiara or a silver spoon, she goes off to the forest where a mysterious voice offers to take away her cutie mark. Uh...

Nah, Apple Bloom wasn't even in that episode.
So Apple Bloom's mark disappears, but at that same time, the twittermites break free and--

DERPY! Ahem, I mean, they invade the town. Apple Bloom tries to stop them, but finds that she can't do so anymore because she gave up her cutie mark. The damn mites even go after Sweet Apple Acres!

Oh no, not again!

Apple Bloom finally wakes up from the nightmare, and just in time for deja vu!

This time, she has a potion-making cutie mark! And a nice rump! She's also only a filly, Kirb! (slaps self)
Before anyone questions how an earth pony can do magic, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo have some choice words for Bloom.

Wow, ponies in this episode are assholes! This is still a dream, isn't it?
Apple Bloom goes back to the forest to get her cutie mark removed, but as it turns out, both of the other Crusaders also have their cutie marks, and still hate her! And then of course she wakes up again. Unfortunately, this time she has a cutie mark... WITHOUT APPLES!

Hey, don't worry! At least now you can become friends with Darwin from seaQuest!

Of course this also turns out to be a dream, and it's about time! I'm not sure how much more of this "dream within a dream" nonsense I can take!

...oh. It's still a dream. Geez, when did this suddenly turn into Inception?

Okay, for the record, I haven't actually seen Inception, but I'm guessing it's somewhat similar.

Hey, look! It's the shadow pony from the end of Castle Mane-ia! Maybe he'll actually serve a purpose now.
But as she tries to run, she is greeted by best princess!

Well, who else would it have been? Also, I like how the episode leaves a pause once she appears for bronies to applaud and cheer.

Uh-oh, she's taken you to the set of "Magical Mystery Cure!" Run, Apple Bloom! Run before she sings to you and turns you into an alicorn!
So Luna reveals that both Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo have been having nightmares about their cutie marks, too. Scootaloo worries that instead of becoming a racer, she instead becomes a chef, and Sweetie worries that instead of becoming a singer, she'll become a janitor!

Hey look, cameo time! Also, it's my rating for "It Ain't Easy Being Breezies."
It is a little weird, though, how Sweetie and Scoots seem to know their talents already, as they're evident to them in the dreams. By this logic, how haven't they gained their cutie marks yet? I'm guessing through the magic of plot convenience and that the show's creators want to torture these three for as long as possible.
All three Crusaders finally meet and talk about their cutie marks and how it won't change who they are or what ponies think about them. They also agree to send Babs a care package when they wake up in case she is feeling the same way. And what is Luna's response to all this?

Hah! That's adorable. And that's also why Luna is best princess.
So Apple Bloom wakes up and eats breakfast. While she's at it, I hope she sends a letter to Babs asking how the heck she got her cutie mark in the first place. I've been wondering that during this entire review!

So that was "Bloom and Gloom." How was it? Well, to be honest, it was pretty good! Granted, the "Dream within a dream" plot has been overused, I was confused about some things, and Luna barely served a purpose in this episode, but apart from that, this is probably the best new episode of s5. And I'm beginning to notice a new theme with this and the season premiere about cutie marks. If this becomes a running theme with the season, I'm looking forward to how they deal with it. So I'm giving this episode a 4/5 rating.
But I still have one question, and it's not "how did Babs get her cutie mark." It's, why hasn't the fandom started shipping Babs with Snips yet? I know the only connection is that they have similar cutie marks, but it's taken less for other shippings to come about. The fandom created Mauxie on the basis that they both worked at the same farm, for crying out loud!

-Kirb, got sunshine in a bag. (ytdatr)

Report Kirb · 237 views · Story: Spring Is in Bloom ·
Comments ( 7 )

As for Babs messing with her mane and tail, in every single appearance she was almost constantly blowing her bangs out of her eyes. I guess that qualifies.

If the Va's are growing up, just do an episode where they find their talents and make up with DT and SS already! Its just wrong that they are now probably around 12 years old and every pony else got their marks at 9!

You missed out the best part! Pinkie Pie doing a fly-by whilst clucking like a chicken!

Comment posted by Awesomo3000 deleted Apr 26th, 2015

3013475 I guess it does? Then again, that's like saying that Rainbow Dash's talent would be making cider because she drinks it a lot. :applejackunsure:

3013734 Perhaps. According to a lot of bronies, only one year has passed between the first season and today, and I guess that's what the show is trying to imply. I don't buy it, though. How the hell does all this craziness happen in just one year? Also, winter has passed at least twice during said year! I call bullspit! :rainbowhuh:

3014467 Hah, I suppose I did! I usually type my episode reviews while watching the episodes, though, to save time, so sometimes I miss out on little details like that. Sorry :twilightsheepish:

3018558 Copying the NC's style? How did I copy his style? In this review I didn't use any of his jokes, so saying it's a copy is... wait, I recognize that icon... oh. It's you again. (sigh) Hi, MunkTransformerLover. :ajbemused:

-Kirb, got sunshine in a bag. (ytdatr) fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2015/019/3/b/sig_by_flyingbrickanimation-d8elwjm.png

No, that would imply her talent was drinking cider.

3019409 She sure loves to drink it, that's for sure. Hell, I think that one of the better additions of seasons 4 and 5 was development on Dash's apparent cider addiction.

-Kirb, got sunshine in a bag. (ytdatr) fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2015/019/3/b/sig_by_flyingbrickanimation-d8elwjm.png

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