• Member Since 27th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen April 22nd


I've not touched this in years, but I'm here I guess. Profile Pic by the wonderful KoaPony!

More Blog Posts101

  • 124 weeks
    Gender is a Performance!

    And mate, if that's true, then I'm a whole ass 1 person Broadway band show.

    That's it, that's the blog post.

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  • 136 weeks
    Personal Fandom Review: My "Brony Bucket List"

    Ok, so I'm bored and in a reflective mood, and thus I decided, "Hey, let's look back at my time in the fandom!"

    And what better way to do that than to look at something I put on my FiMFiction page years ago: my "Brony Bucket List". Let's go through each thing on there. (Copy and pasted, I'll put it below and then review each in turn.)

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  • 137 weeks
    On the Nature of Redemption Arcs

    Lately, I've asking myself: why are there so many examples of redemption arcs, not only in established, canon of MLP, or in published fiction in general, but in fanfiction as well?

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    0 comments · 230 views
  • 139 weeks
    I'm...back??? Life updates, I guess.

    Not really. I don't really plan on writing anything, this is just sort of a social place for me now. Hell, I haven't even read pony fanfiction in YEARS. The only thing that drew me back here was the recent movie, and my curiosity as to what the fandom would produce in the wake of a new movie and a new generation. And honestly? Not disappointed at all! I was incredibly touched and entertained by a

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    0 comments · 181 views
  • 361 weeks
    Long time no see! Have a few laughs, my friends.

    So...it's been a while. Just wanted to share something with y'all, then I'll pop back into hiatus mode!

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<Professional/Promotional> UPDATE! I finally wrote a new story! Also, update for Assassin's Creed: Musical Overture. · 5:56am Mar 23rd, 2015

It has been over a year since I updated or posted any new stories here on FiMFiction. It has been a dry spell for me, with nothing coming to mind that I was able to flesh out and write.

Today, however, that dry spell ends.

I have submitted a new story, titled "Semper Fidelis" in for review by the FiMFiction mods. Should it pass, it will be the first story I've written in over a year that I published here.

Does this mean my hiatus is over? Perhaps. I wrote this story to get back into the swing of writing. For the few of you who actually follow me and read what I write, (or heck, even remember me) I am trying to get on top of things. Some of these things include a complete rewrite of Assassin's Creed: Musical Overture (more on that later) and the new war story, That Others May Live.

Along with those will hopefully be more oneshots. I've gotten some pretty interesting ideas during this hiatus, so maybe those ideas will become full fledged stories.

Now, on to Assassin's Creed: MO. Oh boy...this is a big one.

As you may know, I put the story on hold because I didn't like where it was going. I had started with an idea of what I wanted, which was an ancient artifact being a key piece in the plans of the Templars to take over Equestria. That was still a part of what I had written, but I ended up going off on random tangents while writing the drafts that ended up making it into the full story. Because of that, I soon became dissatisfied with what I had written, almost ashamed. I had wanted to turn this into an epic story, but instead it was becoming a one-sided story with one-dimensional characters. That was not what I wanted.

So, I will be completely rewriting the entire story. When will it come out? I have no idea. But whenever it does, know that while the basic plot and premise will be the same, there will be many major differences. These differences were mainly the different "tangents" I went off on. If you don't know what I'm talking about, here's a list of things, most of which were those tangents, that will be different/not present in the rewrite.

1. The Assassin Hierarchical system - Originally I had thought this was a cool idea, especially since it would kind of give my story a bit of uniqueness. However, I soon came to find that this only caused problems for me, as in the games the Assassin's didn't really have a hierarchy. (Well, at least not the way I had written it.) Thus, that is being scrapped.

2. The classic Assassin's uniforms Now, a lot of you will have a problem with this. The uniforms of the Assassins is part of what made them so cool, right? So why get rid of it? Well, long story short...they're too obvious. In a crowd of ponies in modern day Equestria, it'd be pretty easy to spot the pony trying to kill you if they were wearing some really fancy hooded outfit. So, I'm trading those in for either simple cloaks (similar to what Tirek wore before he went all super centaur on us) or simple colored hoodies. I'm talking plain white or black, maybe brown. This will be similar to what Desmond wears in the AC games, and will fill the stealth role nicely.

3. The death of Twilight Sparkle Now, this on the other hand, I think will have a lot more people celebrating rather than crying. This was the biggest problem I had with the original. It was by far the worst tangent I ever went on. I never really gave a clear reason for the Templars wanting her dead (other than to cause imbalance amongst the Elements of Harmony, but even that sounded like bullshit) and it just felt really weird and rushed. I had wanted to introduce some heavy action and death into the story, and it took the form of an idea I had after a late night of studying. Yeah, not the best. Not only that, but her funeral scene was just as bad if not even worse. So again, Twilight Sparkle is going to be alive in the rewrite.

4. The Templars Themselves This was a complaint I had gotten from several readers even while writing the original story. I had written the Templars out to be simple, one minded villains who said the same insults over and over again and were basically just cannon fodder for the protagonists. In the games, these villains were crafty and challenging foes for the Assassins, and in my story they were anything but. So, instead of just being simpleminded fools like they were in the original, I am planning on actually writing them as they're supposed to be.

5. The Main Characters: Octavia, Rainbow Dash, and Vinyl Scratch This is the last one. Now, before you ask, no I still won't be shipping any of these three together. What is going to change is their character. Much like the Templars, they were very boringly written and were simple characters. They started out okay, but much like the story, the quality of their writing gradually got worse. I may end up dropping either RD or Vinyl in the rewrite, but that's unlikely. I just want to make sure I get their characters right and well written. (The most problematic of the three is RD, because Vinyl and Octavia are fan characters, and thus are malleable. )

So yeah, there's that. Hopefully that answered questions and brought hope to fans of my long-begotten story. It was my most popular, and believe me, I still love it. I just want to do it better this time.

So until next time, toodledoo!

Comments ( 4 )

Semper Fi? You couldn't possibly be doing a HiE story with a Marine... Right?
If so, I will either be your biggest supporter, or your hardest critic. Let us see how this unfolds Quillin... Don't worry, I'll still be a fan, regardless of how this one turns out.
Also, did you ever read any of those stories I sent your way? What did you think of them?

2904157 Well, the story didn't make it through moderation because they said it wasn't MLP related enough. Fair reason in my opinion; other than the fact that the characters were ponies, it was more or less just a short war story.

And no, it wasn't a HiE story. I legit don't know how to write those. :twilightblush:

2904157 If you'd still like to read it, I could share the GDoc link with you. However, I do plan on writing 2 or more chapters to make it known that the story is set in Equestria and then resubmit it. So if you don't care for spoilers, I could share it with you.

2905219 Sure, I'll read it! I have about 200 stories sitting in my 'Read Later' box, but if you send it my way, I can defiantly prioritize it. I'll give my opinion and all that jazz to.

Ya, I've never written one, but apparently, just from the amount of people that fail at it, HiE's are hard. I was considering doing one after I finish my current work, if nothing else to see if I could't do any better. But first, I have to actually WORK on my current work. Been ages since I just sat down and typed... :ajsleepy:

Also, should I take that as a no, that you haven't read any of the stories I sent over? You definitely should!

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