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Rated Ponystar

"You think you know me..."

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To My AssassinationVerse Fans: About the Last Chaper of Aftermath and Other Things · 7:57pm Mar 18th, 2015

Okay guys, I feel the need to post something regarding the last chapter post. I honestly didn't expect this and I have to say I'm a bit disappointed this happened. A few people seem to be angry that I made Big Macintosh gay. Can I ask why? I mean, it's not really the focal point of the chapter. Hell, I only mention it twice throughout the entire chapter. Now, I can understand some people being upset over this and maybe disagreeing on certain parts.

I will not, however, have out right verbal attack on people. If you have nothing nice to say, do not say it. I ask that not only you respect what I have written, but respect each other so you can be respected. This isn't about what is canon or not. This is a fanfic, what I write is what I want for the story. So i I want AJ or Big Mac to be gay or Twilight dead or Flash to commit suicide I write it for the sake of the story I have created. If you don't like any aspect of the story, I don't mind people telling me you are free to your own opinions. Please, however, keep any discussions to a reasonable level. If I find things like this again, I will do something about it.

Now the next thing. I thought I should remind people that I do allow other writers to take what I have written in this universe of the two fics and write their own stories around it. A few have already, and I know a few who are planning to do AU's on the series. You are free to do, just let me know so I can give you permission and make sure that you state where the fic is inspired from as well as being "NON-Canon" with the real fic series.

Anybody who wants help is happy to PM me

Comments ( 35 )

Didn't really bother me TBH.

Haters gonna hate, I guess.

Yeah, I mean that abortion thing on the last pinkie pie chapter for a brief moment on the issue of doing it or not, that I can understand angering people and I accept that. But Mac being Gay? Kinda through me off

Quite honestly, I've been a bit surprised and confused by this, too. Because, as you said, your story, your storyline, your rules! Period.

And again, to be honest (if you can't tell, AJ's been my head a lot today:ajsmug:), I've seen more stuff than this chapter in this story where Mac was shown as being gay. (Just check out some of the stuff on DA, if you don't believe me.) So I very honestly say that all the vitriolic, hostile comments have me totally and completely bumfuzzled.

If writers see some of the MLP cast as gay, then it's their right to write them that way.

Because, as you, yourself so wisely pointed out, this is a fanfic of fictional characters from a cartoon. That alone should be enough for people to cool their jets on this.

Besides, I'll let y'all in on a little "secret" of my own, concerning some of the MLP characters: In my own head-canon, I write both Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Twilight (as well as my own OC, Wolf), as all being happily bi-sexual. As for Pinks, Flutters and Rarity, I write them all as straight, as I also do Mac himself. But that just me, and I can see AJ, Dash and Twilight as being that way.

As you and I have both said here, your storyline, your rules. Period.

Oh, and Rated, one more thing: Don't take no guff off nobody.

That is all.

This is the first I've heard of people having issues with characters being gay... I don't know, just finding it rather odd to have such a problem on a site where the majority of the stories written seem to have somewhere between gay and very gay characters.

I should probably actually read the story for my own input on it, though...

I understand what you're getting at and the Equestria Chronicles Transformers Age of Extinction arc which will crossover with MLP FIM that was inspired by your two Assassination stories.

Your work is amazing and I'm surprise they're not trying a Brian Griffin or Days of Future Past thing, but I get your point why as it could potentially cause a Pandora's box thing.

With that said, I want to ask you this since you have given me permission to use Lord Hex for the Arc I'm working on: if you were to give him a vehicle mode from the Live-Action Transformers Movies, what would it be? Just asking.

I don't like transformers so I can't help you there. How did my fics help yours out in what way btw?


By showing the emotional impact and how well they were crafted by showing multiple views in the second story of how one life can affect so many. With that said, will there be any mention of Uncornia in the future?

Also, I see your meaning and if you want me to, I can drop Lord Hex and replace him with an oc if that'll help.

No you can keep him. And Yes, Unicornia will return

Wait... they were angry about Mac being GAY? What in the actual fuck? :rainbowhuh:
Considering about half the fics on this site with him in it depict him preferring sausage over tacos, I imagine that those people must be SERIOUSLY butthurt (no pun intended) about the whole fandom in general. In all seriousness, to me, Big Mac's sexuality is a non-issue here.

And on the topic of side fics, I think I shall do one as well. When I have it written it up, I shall message you the link so you can take a look, and give your thoughts on it.

Keep up the excellent work, my friend, and do not let the over-opinionated ones get you down.

(ok... maybe the pun was slightly intended...)

Thanks for letting me use him in the arc.

In your opinion, if some one was to write a fanfiction in the MLP FIM if it was to start at the beginning of Season 1, should they follow every episode or can they chose which ones they want to cover and ones they want to skip. Just asking your honest opinion as I want to improve my fanfiction writing.

With you mentioning that Unicornia will make a return in the near future of the AssassinationVerse, will they play an antagonist role in third fanfic you got in the pipe or will they be still mentioned lightly.

i liked it is was understated and subtitle like a persons of his personality type would think. (i though it was a typo at first) I personally see mac as a ace or some one with a severe dysfunction social or physical other wise he would be beating the girls off with a stick by gender ratio alone. I don't see a call for the hate this have received it was not like he stopped the story for a five hundred word rant on gay rights or something it fit and was well written that should be end of it

It would be spoiler if I say what role they will play. And fanfiction can be anything. Anything can go in a fanfic

Thanks for the advice.

I honestly didn't see any problem with it. It's fanfiction, the story and characters ultimately are and do what the author wants them to. I didn't feel that it took away from the chapter, or that anyone was OOC, and it allowed for a little joke.

Comment posted by Metroid Prime deleted Mar 19th, 2015

I think everyone looking into the gay joke is taking the chapter just a little *too* seriously. I personally saw no problem with it at all, and I felt that joke at the end was funny, given the context.

You have Big Mac getting out and being more social. It's made apparent that he's gay, but in a no-big-deal sort of way. Which, that was the perfect way to go about it. Then you hear AppleJack's revelation, and it's unexpected because you just think that AppleJack took it hard because of her parents' death.

The joke was harmless at the end. Big Mac made it to break some of the tension and looming gloominess of Twilight's death and how it weighed her sister down. And AppleJack may not have known about Big Mac either, necessarily, so it served to make each other aware of things like offspring.

If people are going to harp on "legacy" or what have you, you need to chill. If you believe that a biological "legacy" is no laughing matter, what are the chances that that sort of mindset will carry onto the child, and make it unnecessarily hard on him? Besides, if the Apple Family are really concerned about having offspring, there is absolutely nothing stopping them from finding donors for the sole purpose of having children. Or adopting, as adoption is, in my opinion, just as legitimate as procreation.

As an aside, I am surprised to see outrage about a character being gay on this site. We see gay characters all the time here. Why would this be different? And this is a site that tends to be more open to things like homosexuality. Makes no sense to me.

It is your story and thus your rules, I see nothing wrong with having Big Mac as gay. It's subtle and not an overt part of the chapter besides many of the romance stories on this site feature gay characters so I'm not seeing the reason for the hate and this is not the first gay Big Mac I've seen.

I might do a story about Granny Smith and the 'Rabbit Army'

I don't have a problem with Big Mac being gay, buy like the abortion talk from the previous chapter it was kind of distracting and I didn't feel like it will add anything. Bringing up Applejack's homosexuality made sense because it was tied to her grief for Twilight.

I don't see the point of getting angry over this either. It's fanfiction. My head canon could be that Octavia and Lyra have loved each other forever, and it is just as valid as Octavia and Vinyl Scratch or Lyra and Bonbon aren't canon and anything is possible in fan fiction.

I'm infertile. Had cancer and the surgery left me alive, but unable to procreate. I'm an only child. My fiance has PCOS and will likely have a hard time getting pregnant even with invitro. Do we not deserve to be happy and get married even if we have to adopt? Your stance reeks of immaturity, ignorance, and an inability to empathize.

In a way, I feel sorry for you. Even with all of the difficulties I've overcome, I'll still be a better role-model and parent.

Comment posted by Metroid Prime deleted Mar 19th, 2015

Our current world population is about 7.2 billion people and rising at an alarming rate. Even with an estimated 20% of the population being homo or bisexual.
We are even now straining the limits of our fresh water and agriculturally viable land.
With those numbers, who cares if two people love each other and can't produce offspring together. It's not like we're a floundering species.
According to UNICEF there are ~153 million orphaned children worldwide. Children that need and deserve loving parents.
So if two men or women get together, who cares? I sure don't. Let them adopt or find a sperm or egg donor.
I'm not expecting to convince you, but I'm hoping that I can at least get you to do your own research and form your own opinions.

Edit: I want to apologize for taking up space in your notifications for this argument Rated Ponystar. I've said my peace and won't continue.

My guess is that it's the surprise inclusion of a headcanon that's been done a lot of time, and some probably want a twist on that or some sort of forewarning (no criticism intended).

2889496 Aww... its not Tuesday today...
I love taco Tuesday! :twilightblush:

I personally just dont care for m/m ships. Period. Not my thing. I made no commentary in the story page. I honestly have been avoiding reading this one because I have lots of other fics to read, and didn't want to dehydrate out my face just yet. I ended up reading this chapter, just to see what the fuss was about.

Personally the joke really feels tacked on. It was also like really, really gay! :trollestia:
Eeyup! :eeyup:

Spooooooky facepalm from the graaaave! :facehoof:

honestly, people need to calm down. it is a fan fic for buck sake! if you want it to be a gay micbeath go ahead! nothings stoping you! problems like this is why I lose fath in humanity be cause frankly, it sickens me. it sickens me that we can not just let others write or even talk about what they want without being attacked.

to those who hate the chapter because of this I am sorry but you should not ruin the expiriance for others. I personally found it refreaching and you need to keep your non helpful critisism to your self

2890404 It's actually Weiner Wednesday...


Now if you will excuse me, I will now go ready that explicit RariPie fic with ScootaDash on the side.

As for a legitimate answer, I would that it is partially because the fandom is (I'd assume) overwhelmingly Liberal (in the US sense) in social issues, so the place is nearly an echo chamber for people believing that gays are cool, abortions are fine, and all the other things that come with the left-leaning political stance. However, when that 1% of the fandom comes out and says "Hey, I don't agree with this Liberal-leaning idea because of X, Y, and Z," the fandom absolutely must respond and tell him why he is wrong or else MAH HONOR!! Of course, that typically means that the original person will reply back, elaborating in some extent.

At least one of these people will throw a subtle or blatant insult at the other, then we have the argument.

I think it's fitting in the verse.

Anyone that gets butthurt over fanfiction can suck a huge donkey-dick.

2890624 Sorry, I don't practice this holiday/observance... :twilightblush:
**Backs away slowly. Tightly clenched.** :twilightoops:

2891092 MWA-HAA-HAA-HAAA! :moustache:

in this day and age...? :facehoof:

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