• Member Since 20th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 22nd, 2017


“Life is what we make of it. Travel is the traveler. What we see isn't what we see but what we are.”

More Blog Posts167

  • 354 weeks
    Small Poetics

    A few pieces composed on a whim yesterday (while drinking some Chinese tea made from the leaves of some plant related to the cucumber I can't recall the name now) I feel like posting:

    composing a poem on a whim
    is as difficult as
    summoning a breeze
    to caress the leaves
    and sooth the mind into
    poetic inspiration


    wisps of steam
    vanishing as they appear
    from the immortal tea


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  • 356 weeks
    Laptop--Not Mine--Only a Peek?

    How runs the world? Wears as it---
    I reside presently in a different state--depression is largely unmoved from, however.
    Anxiety has been a bothersome itch for too long.

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    17 comments · 327 views
  • 424 weeks
    Hello Again, Friendlies

    Good morrow to all you young lassies and lads still ripe upon the tree of life--

    Okay, pardon the verbosity--I'm actually completely unsure about how to proceed and expound upon my absence...

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    3 comments · 371 views
  • 452 weeks

    Perhaps it will have been noticed that I have been absent for about two or three months. This is almost entirely from necessity, and partly by dismay. Scratch that; reverse it. As circumstances are, I had been looking for a job for money, and have got none for my struggles.

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  • 463 weeks
    Do you think it is true, or at the very least for yourself?

    That once you're in the brony fandom, even after the new-to-the-fandom overload of pony-obsession--that eventually cools down into a steady love of ponies--you'll be a brony for life in some way or form?

    2 comments · 348 views

Found Something I wrote in High school · 8:49pm Feb 12th, 2015

My personal favorites, having reread them, are Blue and Black. Hope you enjoy.

A dying star floods the sky of red with a burning warmth as it strikes a flaming passion of love in a naked man painted a shining maroon from the violent brush of the morbid heavens. The man’s cheeks flood elegantly rosy from the over-whelming happiness his heart is too small to cleave. The corpse of the man grows a deeper shade as the ardour of the passionate colour of the light pour out of the neck of his crimson victim, and into him. O! how the liquid-life artfully kisses the man’s scarlet blade and then dances off up into the bloody moon laughing with a Cheshire-like smile in the glimmering ruby quilt aloft.

The golden noon sun shines brightly yellow thru the mist, setting the Great Pyramid so majestically hot that mist begins to swirl all around. Yellow are the beings in witness of this spectacle of the sun. The crab flops over in struggle; the wild mutts yelp and skip, with their tails to their rear; the people screech and scatter like frightened ants; the birds are none. The luster of the palmtrees sways and creaks as the great force tears away their colours, covering the needles and wood a sandy-yellow. The rocky ocean ruffles and crashes against the Great Pyramid with relentless velocity, fearing it too must be carried away into the lofty heavens. A great and mighty hand, fair and vivid, breaks from the sky and lays itself on the pinnacle of the Great Pyramid. Hark! The gods want their ice-cream cone!

Blue-birds cut through the sky like oil through water, distorting too the mirror of ocean far below. The lofty sky so azure it changes the sun to a bright blue moon as its rays slide along the expansive ocean, exchanging light infinitely with its airy partner. There the air is still and cold. Ripples break the sapphire mirror causing the air to tremble and depress. There is a man stuck in the water, jumped in with despair. He doesn’t now want to drown. His skin grows clamming and gray as the frigid waters pierce his body with their chilling blades. He fights vainly to fly free. The water is pulling him down, chilling his warm soul to ice. A blackish-blue obscures his vision. The aimless current, sad for this man, tosses him violently, wanting to rid of him. The wind falls and flies haphazardly as mirror to the disturbance of the ocean. The blue sun, now a faint black moon, falls into the water, becoming too now the victim to the upset wrath of it. A fear of regret swims round the man as his body gives way to the crushing force of this emotionally disturbed god; and he too becomes a part of the infinite blue.

I see The Death. He looms here, on a carpet of smoldering black ash; all around Him is darkness; all He touches is no more. With Him there is no hint of light, not a breath of life in any animal or plant for a league round; all fall under the gravity of His bleak soul. I see nothing where should His face be but only a black depression where, once, there may have been, please, something; but that long forgotten time must have passed away many ages ago. How there is that black void in place of His façade—if He were in a hooded-cloak I would ken—but, here there is none; He is a nude man; revealing to me His grotesque gray corpse, dried and deceased. His granite nails seem crumbing away—but cling violently on as if they are his little children shrunk and placed upon his bony appendages as some comfort to His own broken conscience. His decomposing limbs have fallen away, and are instead joined together by a molded rope to the base of His decrepit spine, dragging in the scorched dirt in His wake as some kind of artificial tail. The body of The Death cracks and snaps at every movement, though he seems to float. His body blows away flakes of His skin and innards off into a terrifying cyclone as the wind howls around Him; producing such an artful requiem of hell as to send one mad. The smell—like nothing that I can compare—worse than a tomb of a thousand rotting souls; it induces in me a sense of a drug making all seem to be one sight in night and not as all separate things and coulours of the day. My heart falls into a black despair as He creeps near and near to my collapsed body shivering in fright and pure awe toward this completely new sensation. He raises his hand—detached as it was of all life, it moves as fluidly as running oil—and places it to the tips of the black hair of my head. All things I see then suddenly fall. It is just me, and Him. This must be the end, and all life will end when He wills it to. My hair His finger touches disintegrates away and I feel His cold finger touch the skull, and a frightening blaze as he strokes it down to the centre of my face pale as sheet. His black face moves onto mine with no breath or jolting movement. He speaks! “Sleep this Night. No fear will become of thee. Eternal darkness awaits.” My heart stops cold, my lungs break black, and I fall back into a realm of neither light nor dark—but I never hit the floor. I fall and fall with no impact. I am not emptied of all as I thought, but all the Truths of the world begin to fall into me; I am no longer one, but all; and I, for all of infinity, and for the first time, know: Peace.

Broken lines of a pale-White-darkness are the base of all things. Like the wind as it flows and flutters does it create the shapes and the colours of all, unbridled and wild—never truly seen. Endless motion, both known and unknown, creep, crawl, and fly—this white force fills in all the cracks and crevasses of life making all one. The White is in words, plays, operas, paintings, music, and in the souls of all living things—it is in the spirit of the universe and even of the land of Koe; and never shall the vivid Whiteness fall as long as there its true form is: Eokaro

Report HeartTortoisePigeonDog · 242 views ·
Comments ( 11 )

Hey there, long time no see! How are you, dear?

Also, Blue and yellow are my favourites.

2791235 Been alright, my friend. Been busy away from the comp, and little reading or writing--so all in all, school--the myriad of small things in life one must do to "earn a living," rather, are monsters:derpytongue2:

But, in truth, I've been up and down between doing :twilightsmile: and doing :fluttershysad:. By far the best moments have been those quiet moments I read and do a bit of writing, and some short moments of being and/or talking with friends. School has its ups too, though: learning Spanish is great, and zoology ain't too shabby either; american indian studies law is kinda a drag, but the work load is light and the people who sit near me are pretty cool, so it that ain't bad at all!:pinkiehappy:

And how are you, my friend?:rainbowkiss: (I'm sorry, I haven't really been keeping up with anypony's blogs cuz of time off the comp:applejackconfused:)

I been pending between thise as well...school is putting lot of pressure on me and more and more things appear and scare me. Like today.

Eh, at least what happened back then is cleaned up now...and yeatserday, and the first birthday party of the two I went to that day, which I was convinced would make the rest of the day not as enjoyable, turned out to be wonderful and I spent the rest of the day happy.

Party cannon indeed. And my cousins are adorable. The younger ones.

2826921 :rainbowkiss: I'm glad to hear all is well, you had a wonderful time, and you launched your older cousins out of a party cannon:pinkiehappy:

Yep! How are you now? And shut up my older cousins parents can't know what I did. They thought he took an earlier train back since he got school in the morning

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