• Member Since 6th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen 25 minutes ago


Still a monster...but less of a bastard. Wish Superman was real so I could get a hug.

More Blog Posts14

  • 9 weeks
    Status Update and a peek at my idea

    Okay. Still working my way through Season 1. Thanks to work I can only watch on the weekends, but I'm slowly increasing the amount of episodes I watch by the day. Just finished Episode 16 tonight.

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  • 10 weeks
    ...Biting the Bullet...and possibly coming back....

    OK. For the record, I'm being completely serious with this.

    After a long, long, long, long, long, long time of letting my pride get the better of me, the Plot Bunnies have finally worn me down.

    I bit the bullet...and am now watching the show. Specifically, I just got through the first episode of Season 1 and...it wasn't bad.

    Not as bad as I expected anyway.

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  • 15 weeks
    Plot Bunny Up For Adoption #1

    Hey, all! Long time no post...

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  • 136 weeks
    I'm Back And (Hopefully) Better Than Ever/Crossover Annoucement

    *Sees that my last blog post was more than 4 years ago*

    Well, I certainly have been gone for a long time.

    Hello, everyone. Wow, a lot has happened since the last time I made a post for...anything.

    Now, I'm not one to pad before news, so I'll get straight to the point in a few bullet points:

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  • 367 weeks
    One Last Blog to Explain my Absence

    Hey guys/girls/assorted peoples.

    Been awhile.

    Let my start by saying, I've been staying away from this site on purpose.

    The reason I've been avoiding this site is because, I don't like MLP.

    I wouldn't say I hate it with a burning passion anymore, as I've calm down from my "edgy teen" phase, but I am not a fan nor brony.

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Update....yet again.(You can read this if you want to) · 2:08am Dec 27th, 2014

Hey guys! I know most of you have been waiting for a new chapter to the Protectors. I am working on it, it's just that I have been in a bit of a slump. You ever start writing a chapter for as story, then a couple of ways through you just feel like stopping? Yeah that's how I feel when I try to write it. However, I have decided to suck it up and finish the chapter! The main thing I wanted to say was, I will be off fimfiction for a little bit. I will not be canceling my stories, it just that I'll be off the site. This is primarily because, I figure that it is time to take a break from all this MLP shit. If you haven't already figured it out, I am a non-brony and am only here for the fics.

If you guys have any kind of fics that you suggest I read, please let me know. But know a couple of things about stories I look for:
OC Human Character
1. Either has to be a badass, become a badass later on, or get powers, magic, whatever in someway.
2. May be able to go ahead and follow Equestrian society, as long as they don't be like "I wanna be turned into a pony!" or some shit.
3. If they fight the ponies, make sure they either have a fighting chance, or aren't just crushed immediately.
4. NO HUMAN ON PONY SEX! WILL NOT ACCEPT ANTHROS! Unless the story is good enough that I can move past those parts(oh, and no romance or them hooking up with a pony).
5. Please no transformation into a pony.
6. If a human is in the story, make sure that they aren't a wimp. I know number 1 probably already covers this, but I just want to reiterate.

Anime/Video game/Book/Cartoon Character
1. Their personality has to stay the same as it does in the show, book, ect. AT ALL TIMES! No exceptions(unless they are a video game character like Commander Shepard(Mass Effect), The Courier(Fallout New Vegas), or the Lone Wanderer(Fallout 3)).
2. They have to have their badass powers and abilities.
3. If they clearly have more power than the Princesses and they end up fighting at some point, do not make the Princesses win for plot reasons! Please!
4. Like above, NO HUMAN ON PONY SEX!
5. No transformation into a pony.

Stories that include rape, heat season, ect.
1. I do not read rape stories at all, unless you count Fall of Equestria, but for the most part I only read the ones where the Caribou get their asses kicked. However, if there is a human or pony being raped in the story at some point and it is shown, and there is no retribution for the victim, no thanks.
2. If a human is a main character and heat season comes around, or mares find them irresistible, DO NOT LET HIM OR HER GET RAPED/CAUGHT/FORCED MARRIGE, ect.

Stories regarding human mages or humans with magical powers
1. The only real thing for this one is, please let them have real magic. I will accept ones that have limited magic, such as Maledius and Darth Vulcan, but I would like to see a mage with REAL magic. I'm talking no limits, no rituals, no casting times, just snap their fingers and boom a planet is gone. Or with a wave of their hand, an entire army of skeletons sprouts from the ground. And please don't make it so they're evil just because they use dark magic. For those of you unsure of what I mean by real magic, I mean magic that is just that.....magic. It doesn't cost mana, there are no limits to it, there is no 'good magic' and 'bad magic'. I mean magic that can do just about anything. Magic that can create an entire planet out of the energies of the universe. Something sort of akin to the Force, except more powerful.

That's about it really. I'm gonna go work on The Protectors now. I know that a lot of my request for stories may seem impossible, or high, or whatever you're thinking. These are just my preferences for a story. I will still read a story if it is good enough, and doesn't reach my criteria. Plus, maybe this will give you guys some ideas for stories that haven't been done yet.

Also, if any of you know a Herd Mentality story let me know. Basically, in our world, horses have a hierarchy that is usually dominated by a strong individual horse, which is usually a mare. Since ponies are just small horses, then they should have the same herd mentality as them. This is evident by the fact that all of the leaders of are females, and they are the strongest of all of them(the strongest being Princess Celestia, the leader). And in a herd mentality, when the leader grows old, weak, or dies, they get replaced by the next strongest in the herd(in this case Twilight). However, if one other member of the herd were to challenge the current leader to a fight and win, then they would become the new leader. This maybe different because of how these ponies have human emotions, but that is also what makes a good story. This makes it so that if a human were to defeat Celestia, they would gain her place as head of the herd. They wouldn't have to become the new Prince/Princess, but they would have immense political power and pretty much have the final say on any law or whatever that is passed. On top of that, every, single, last, pony in the kingdom would be running to them to become their mate. Can you imagine the comedy that would create?

Also, I know a lot of what I asked for makes the characters seem OP, but to tell the truth, I like those type of stories. Now, I wouldn't only read OP character stories, because sometimes it is good to see the main character get into a situation and then get out in a cool/funny/anit-climatic way. But, I just love the way that with OP characters you can basically just go ape shit with the story and have whatever you want happen. It makes you free to have fun. And to me that is what writing stories is about, having fun.

Some of you may disagree, but remember, this is just my opinion. You can have yours and I will have mine. That is all. And thank you all for your support. And don't worry, I will not go off until the next chapter in The Protectors is written.

Report DontFearTheSuperman · 414 views · Story: The Protectors ·
Comments ( 1 )

What if the transformation is involuntary and reversed?

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