• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 10th, 2023


I'm a writer, science enthusiast, and a Christian. If you want a story you can read without worrying about language, you can be sure mine fit the bill.

More Blog Posts27

  • 436 weeks
    Music and Cheering

    Hello people of the world, YoungQuillMaster here. Today something happens that most if not all of you are not aware of. Today, I have once again grown a year older. So that's a thing that happened. For my trouble, I've gotten a bacteria in my lungs and revelation that I got scoliosis, though fortunately it is the non-life-threatening type.

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  • 440 weeks

    Well, once again the Earth has gone the long way around the Star we call the Sun, and what a whirl of a ride it has been. Four stories started, three of which are yet to be published, around twenty-seven chapters of Darkness of Ages, and a move started. I've had a whirlwind year, but all in all, it was a good one. So here's to another good year, and may times allow for me to get back to writing

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  • 442 weeks
    Sounds of Celebration

    Hello everyone, YoungQuillMaster here with an update. Now, those of you who read Darkness of Ages might have noticed a lack of a chapter, and there is a good reason, that being that last Saturday my family grew a bit. My sister gave birth to, which threw a wrench in doing anything but visiting with her along with the rest of my family. At the same time, I am still getting things in order to

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  • 444 weeks
    Veni Vidi Vici

    Well, I did it, I'm tired. I thought I had beaten NaNoWriMo a few hours ago, but it ended up my word counting system was off by about 2.5k or so, so I spent another hour and a half writing a chapter out of nowhere, and ended up winning despite the system not wanting me to. This month was terrible for writing, especially since I got the bomb of 'You're Moving' thrown on my lap at the first week of

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  • 448 weeks
    NaNoWriMo days are here again

    Hello everyone, Y.Q.M. here with a small update. Well tomorrow is the 1st of November, meaning that nationwide, people are going to be cracking their knuckles and getting down to business as they attempt to write 50k words in the month of November. I am going to participate once again this year with the hope that I will be able to reach the goal in an efficient manner. Last year's NaNoWriMo,

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The time has come · 9:40pm Nov 18th, 2014

Hello everyone, Y.Q.M. here with some news. First off, you can now, if you didn't notice before, follow how many words I have in my NaNoWriMo story thanks to our brand new, handy dandy, official NaNoWriMo word counter on my front page. Check it out if you want to see how far I've gone up to now. Currently those 50k in 30 days is looking more and more likely as I near the 30k mark today.

Next on the agenda: as some of you might know, Sons of Equestria was the second entry in the My Equine Adventure series. Well, after serious thought, I've decided that on Saturday, the 22nd, it will be removed from this site. Back when I wrote it I would say it was a good story, but as time goes on I realize that it is not the great story I thought of. Because of certain decisions I have made in it in its direction it has fallen from grace, you might say. I have, therefore, decided to take it down from FiMFiction. Why this Saturday and not today; you might ask. Well, because I want to give anyone a last chance to read it. Even though I no longer consider it good, it's still a part of the family of stories I've produced, so it deserves a final fair well. If you want to read through my horrible writing from way back when (being one or two years ago) give it a read and see how my writing has changed. Either way, for those who liked it and wish to have seen it end, look at the very bottom of this post to get the general gist of it all. Until next time, this is YoungQuillMaster, signing out.


Now it's time for the finale. Basically it goes like this: Jason leads the combined forces of the worlds against the enemy armies in a final attempt to push them out. The battle takes a turn when the Cybermen take the Doctor captive and are going to hook him up to their ship for a new power source. Jason tells them he is, himself, a halfbreed timelord that contains far more energy than the elderly Doctor, and will give them all the power in him in exchange for them leaving this world and all others alone for the rest of time, and if they come close to attacking, he'll stop regenerating. The Cybermen agree and take him instead of the Doctor and are about to hook him up to the ship's engine when he starts to fight back and dodges their attacks, letting them hit their comrades. He makes an escape to the munitions section of the ship and sets off an explosion, jumping out of the tight-orbit ship as the explosion goes off behind him. He lands... well, let me just give you that part in its proper narrative form.

I felt the air rush by my form as I continued to fall from my great height. Blast of energy shot past me; the last attempt of the Cybermen to take me down. I turned around in my descent to look at the ship as it exploded, sending shrapnel all around. Sparks of blue shot across the ship as it fell apart, the front and back halves crumbling apart as the structural integrity of the vessel was compromised.

I turned back around towards the ground and saw the broken remains of the city below as I finally passed the uppermost layer of clouds. The ruins of a once tall building were directly below me, its broken frame closing the distance quickly. I turned again, not wishing to watch my own fate occur before my eyes, rather to let it just happen.

"Jason, you have only a few more seconds left!" Orion shouted at me. "Adjust course with your boosters!" I shook my head solemnly as I watched the counter on my screen descend rapidly as my altitude drained away.

"Sorry, but that will tax the system too much." I replied, fully accepting my fate. "Besides, it won't change things to much. Only where I land, and that won't help too much." Orion's face suddenly engulfed my visor, his eyes looking into mine. If ever an A.I. looked human, it was them and there. Suddenly I felt a shock of pain shoot out from the small of my back as I made contact with the building. In an instant, my shields shot to nothing. A picture of a man in a 'T' pose appeared on my visor showing the back area and a small portion of the front a vivid red in contrast to the rest of the picture's blue hue.

I bounced of the point of impact with a resounding boom. As I tumbled through the air, time seemingly slowed down to a bare minimal, I saw my crash area fall apart with the sudden addition of a near three tons object falling at near terminal velocity. I once again stopped as I struck earth, but this time stopped completely as rubble fell on top of me from above. My screen had a massive crack in it that heavily impaired my vision and distorted Orion's face.

"Jason!" He shouted at me. I shook my head and looked around through my broken visor. "Jason! You vital readings are gone! Are you alright? Tell me it's just the system malfunctioning after that crash!"

"Yeah, I'm still here." I replied before falling into a fit coughing. I looked at my visor after it passed and saw a splatter of crimson fluid. I looked at Orion in concern when I suddenly felt a massive charge of pain surging from my chest through every fiber of my being.

"Turning off pain receptors!" Orion shouted before I felt a small jab in the back of my head and then... nothing. I looked around, the pain entirely gone. I went to get up, but my armor locked up on me.

"Orion, the suits jammed, I can't move. Mind fixing that for me?" I asked, only to have Orion's broken image shake his head.

"You're still very much injured, I can't let you move yet." Orion stated. Moved my neck, one of the few flexible areas left, and looked towards my chest. I saw the one thing that had caused my pain, a piece of bloody rebar sticking through my chest.

Any who, back to the none narrative format. A distress beacon gets sent and everybody comes. Johann takes Jason's helmet off and listens to his son's final words, a command to Orion. Orion then bypasses a memory block in his system with the access granted by Jason that allows him to tell the others of Jason's true secret. It ends up that the U.S. army set up another way to keep important figure of the army alive, namely bio-androids, made of real human parts bound by machinery that functions just like a normal human, which is connected to a sim-pod that allows a person to control it. Jason, along with a select few others were chosen for this experiment and it tends up the Jason was actually the last one to stay in an android state. He comes back in his true body and thus begins the rebuilding Equestria. Soon after, the war ends. Afterwards, it's discovered that the U.N. had expended all resources on trying to gain magic, which was an ultimate failure.

The End.

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