• Member Since 9th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen Saturday

Quill Scratch

Dubs Rewatcher once described me as "an intense literary analyst". I describe me as "a room of monkeys with typewriters."

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A Pinkie Promise · 4:52pm Sep 15th, 2014

Dear Princess Celestia,

Over the last few weeks I've learned that it's very easy to slip back into old habits—especially when those habits are nothing more than a lack of productivity. I've been trying an awful lot of different things to get my productivity up and to get writing (and, of course, studying. I wouldn't want you to think I was neglecting academic progress whilst I wrote!) but none of them seem to have had much of an impression upon me. Starting tomorrow, therefore, I promise I shall be going to be going to libraries in and around my local area every day, both to study and write away from the many distractions that litter my home, since occasional days in the library have been the only thing that has come close to working before. My hope is that this will give me a better work ethic, and might result in my finally doing something more than re-reading the opening of the next chapter of Plans Change and closing the tab in embarrassment and/or laziness. And to make that commitment as certain as I can:

Cross my heart, hope to fly,
Stick a cupcake in my eye.

Your faithful student,
Quill Scratch

P.S. Plans Change updates will be recommencing on 27/09/14 and from then on shall be fortnightly, as I'm going to take two weeks to return to a position where I have a few more chapters ahead drafted and term is rapidly approaching. Keep an eye on the "What I'm Writing" panel on the side of my profile if you want to see how I'm doing—it should be regularly updated as I finish my sessions with my new writing/revising regime.

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