• Member Since 13th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 19th, 2017

Eternal Aviator

One man's 'magic' is another man's engineering. 'Supernatural' is a null word. ~Robert A. Heinlein

More Blog Posts93

  • 417 weeks
    Welp, it was a good run here guys...

    ...but I'm gonna be stepping away from the site now. No I don't have cancer or something and I'm not dying or moving to Mars or being hunted by a mob, I just don't want to be here anymore to put it bluntly. I've got my own stuff going on and my time here has just gotten progressively more and more not-fun, partially due to some certain recent events both in and out of the site.

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    9 comments · 850 views
  • 444 weeks
    Jazz Music _3_

    Moving alone with the pickup of my music blogs, I'm gonna make sure I start evening out the playing field with more Jazz material that I've practiced over some years~

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    0 comments · 439 views
  • 444 weeks
    Concert Band Music _9_

    I'm really excited to start getting back into the groove of these blogs, no matter how many people see them, so I'm jumping right in with my next Concert band piece~

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    0 comments · 361 views
  • 444 weeks
    Concert Band Music _8_

    That's right, I'm starting this back up again! :D
    I've been getting into some pretty pretty awesome new songs lately with my band and I was going through my blogs and saw these... My god the memories.

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    0 comments · 426 views
  • 448 weeks

    I reached 200 followers earlier today (thanks to TheFanficFanPony)!!
    *eagerly checks off box on to-do list*

    Thanks a lot, you guys! I couldn't have done with without ya~

    1 comments · 517 views

I owe a lot of you... A big apology. · 12:50am Sep 1st, 2014

This is regarding my line of (incomplete) stories and those who follow me because of them, and not really me myself. I understand how that works, some follow me because we're pals, some mainly for my work and the updates, and some don't even follow me but have favorited TGUaT and can see this.

I am not an experienced story writer, I am not good at keeping up on things that are not absolutely mandatory (school work is an example of mandatory). I completely lack inspiration and everything you awesome people or myself try to do does not help. I am younge, a few of you may know exactly how old I am, while others don't. I'm not even twenty yet, hardly even close. This is a big reason why, and I've talked with my older friends and family about this, I cannot do this easily. I'll get on, start writing the next chapter for TGUaT, get about six hundred words in, and stop for the rest of the day.

Not I'm not saying I'm actually gonna drop writing completely, and if I ever do I'll make sure my incomplete stories to to a different author here. I'm just saying those of you who follow me for my work... may simply not find it worth it to continue following me. I'm sorry bit it's true.

Thank you all for your time.

Report Eternal Aviator · 383 views · Story: To Gaze Upon a Tombstone ·
Comments ( 35 )

some follow me because we're pals, and some mainly for my work and the updates.

And then there's me.

Well yeah, but that's because you favorited the tagged story, right?

2418119 I do follow you, just not really for any of those reasons.

2418119 and I noticed a typo in the short description of the tagged story. Just saying.

Oh, well don't take this the wrong way, but why do you follow me then?

2418138 I try to follow everyone.


they catch a glimps of Earth,

'glimps' should be spelled glimpse.

I don't remember following you!!

*looks at tagged story*

2418119 dude...this is fanfiction not a world class book club.

don't beat yourself up because you lack the will the write like you use to do in your younger day...heck just do the best you can.

i also know the feeling of ( I am not an experienced story writer, I am not good at keeping up on things that are not absolutely mandatory (school work is an example of mandatory). I completely lack inspiration and everything you awesome people or myself try to do does not help.)

and i am always looking for something to give me the energy to write as i use to in my youth...but try making a reason you have to write...something to motivate yourselves

Thanks, I appreciate it, man.

Hey man, don't get too beat up over it. I can barely write a coherent dialogue section, let alone write the great pieces you do. If it takes you a lot of time to do it, then so be it. It's not a world-ending deal if you can't churn out chapters like some authors can.

If you ever want a writing partner or just someone to do the boring proofreading, you know who to call.

Thanks, dude. I'll keep ya in mind.

Dude, don't worry about it. I'm practically the same way with one of my other stories, which hasn't even been published yet, and my current chapter in the story that is published is 500 words short, and I was supposed to have posted it yesterday. we all have those moments when even we don't know what is going on in our story, or where it's heading. And we're Authors!

Ah, shit. I just got an idea for another story, but I'm supposed to work on these other two, and my three original novels! Shut up, brain!

Haha, apreciate the support! Also what's your new story idea?

I follow you cause your cool. So no, I'm not going to unfollow you...

Seriously though, I get the pain. I suffer it as well. My readers hate it :ajsleepy:

So, yeah, an stuff... :trixieshiftright:

Yo, Watterson! Haven't heard from you in a while!

And thanks, I see what you mean.

2418940 A universal order of thirteen Authors that control the primary functions of existence, and Editors that travel the universe, using their control over Reality to ensure that everything runs smoothly. One Author goes missing while exploring a parallel universe, and an Editor searches it to find the Author. One of these places is Equestria, where Terra is located in the other universe, and it's where the last trace of the Author can be found. Discord is the name of the Editor, and this takes place before his descent into madness. Whatya think?

Damn, that sounds pretty intense. I LOVE IT

2418990 Damn, now I gotta write it. Wanna co-author it?

2418967 Yeah, life an stuff keeps getting at me when I try to do stuff/ actively communicate with people, and ignores me when I feel my worst.

Its like getting sucker punched;


Though, I'm glad you get what I meant. Decent people like you are rare, at least in my life they've been, and, if I haven't said it enough; cool .

If you can wait for about a day. I'm camping right now and I'm using an iPad. I'll be back later tommorow though and we sure can.

2419050 Ooh, camping! Much fun, especially without a tent!

Yeah, I can wait, so no need to worry about this extra helping on your plate. We'll still need a name, and an prelude for the crazy.

Don't worry, man, I'll be here for you when the going gets tough. Hell, you were there when I was just starting to make my image here, on my first story. That's why you're one of the few I follow, because you were there for me. Now I'm returning the favor.

Alright, cool. I'll let you know when I'm back and we can get shit together on a PM channel.

2419062 Wait, who's shooting at us? *grabs Alesana Kalashnikova and pulls on the slide* I will be ready!

Stupid iPad...
Thought shit meant shot.

2419078 Oh... *puts AK down* nevermind. We'll do that when you're able. In the mean time, I'll continue trying to get past this damned Writer's Block.

Well Im sorry to hear that man. I do understand as I was collaberating in a story and have simply let the rest of the story writers continue without me. No hard feelings man, do what you need to do. RL first. Hopefully you might take up the reigns again sometime in the future. :pinkiesad2:

Ay, Legion!
Yeah, hopefully. And thanks.

Hey don't beat yourself up about it, to me any good story is great reflection of the author even if it's incomplete or just dead, we don't know why they stopped writing so I don't judge for that, I simply enjoy reading them and act accordingly.

2419059 Thanks, its good to know there's someone out there that I can talk too... and someone who will be there with me to the end... :fluttercry: So glad I decided to talk with, and support you way back then.

Okay, now I have to know; are you going to any cons or anything this year or in 2015? We need to go hang out or something.

Sadly no, I don't usually go to those kinds of things, and even if I did I live in a place where is have to drive for half a day to get to one...

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