• Member Since 24th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 23rd, 2021


Every antagonist is the protagonist of their own story.

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  • 336 weeks
    2018 Resolution

    A few hours early, but I figured I would write this while I have some free time instead of squeezing it in when I don't.

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  • 389 weeks
    2017 Resolution

    Another Year, but not much should change.

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  • 390 weeks
    Holiday Story Dec 2016

    2 years ago today, I wrote a story called Cold Outside. It didn't get much reception, but I still read it sometimes for the feels. I was looking at it again, seeing as the holidays were coming up, and I wanted to write a follow up part. Last year I wrote some human holiday thing that didn't end up very well. I wanted to delete that story because it didn't feel like a story. I hadn't, mostly

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  • 401 weeks

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    Carry the Fire:

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  • 426 weeks
    Lost and Found

    This is a personal review of my story Lost and Found.

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On Writing · 2:01am Aug 26th, 2014

(2nd attempt at this Blog... I can't even remember what I wrote before it refreshed the page... Sometimes I hate this website. It's a mutual hate.)

This is for writers or those just curious about my personal writing habits.

To start the writing process, you'd need a story idea. I mainly get this by thinking of some cool scenario or character and forming the story around them. A story that only revolves around that will not do well. While that has been done correctly, it needs to be more advanced than a small detail in the story. The second and most recent way I've been thinking of stories, is with an initial thought or message I wanted to get across to the reader. While I wouldn't recommend this for a first time writer (For various reasons I will not mention) It also lacks depth in plot and story, unless done right. The story needs depth and detail, as well as hours of thought and development. The first chapter needs to be the chapter where you think the most about, as well as wonder how your story will do before you publish it. Is this really something you'll be proud of? Every idea must be refined and calculated. And then you can write the bulk of it.

The process of writing can be done in long sittings and often finished quickly. I used to do this and I wouldn't recommend it. I don't do this simply because I'm lazy (I'm super lazy, to tell the truth. It's because if you give yourself less time to write, and more time to think on what you're writing, you'll find the ideas come freely out of you when you do write. The story will also be seen more times by you, every time with a fresh mind and a different perspective on the same thing. It makes a difference. I should know, I used to write in 10k word sittings, and that story is now in HEAVY revision. I now write 4k in about three sittings, and I look forward to it. It's short, but I get a lot done, more than just type. I look at what I write with a better view and I look forward to posting what I spent a long time writing, instead of reluctantly hitting post chapter and then sitting in the corner wondering what I've done. You should have fun writing the stories, it's not a job. You shouldn't feel rushed, and unless you're weird like that, you shouldn't use a schedule. It makes the reader more comfortable, but it puts stress on you.

The OCD part of this is now to come. I personally keep a backup of EVERYTHING I write, and my harddrive is now on its deathbed. I keep copies of stories before and after a revision, as well as another copy if I make a big change to plot in case it doesn't work out. Also, I keep a notepad for each character I write about, keeping track of what I have written that's important for them. This helps becuase I have 16 story IDEAS in my folder, while only 6 has been posted and only 4 finished. I used to read multiple stories at once, and I got used to keeping track of the details, but once again its a good practice to learn. I actually have it all well organized. (I know right? Even I'm surprised about that.)While you don't need to be OCD to the max, you should still keep backups. I don't know how many times I've written something and then Word decides it wanted to flip the finger and walk out of the room, leaving on the floor in tears.

Finally, now that my fingers have died from writing this TWICE, I decide I should talk about the process inbetween. This is one of the only things I agree with when it comes to Stephen King. (I don't think I've liked any of the books I've written by him, with the exception of On writing, which is what I based this on.) If you plan to write a story and it turns out you have to choose between reading or writing, PICK READING. If you write and give up reading, you might as well start doing drugs too. It's a BAD idea. If anything, you should keep reading and enjoy yourself. The reason being, if you can't read a good story while you write your story, you have nothing to compare, and nothing to strive for. I stopped reading at first too, and it wasn't until I started reading again, that I realized reading was the GOOD kind of drug. Also, I used to write LATE into the night, and I had to go back multiple times to fix this. Honestly, I put those chapters into a separate folder and I don't even want to look at them again. (For those of you wondering why I haven't posted any of What a Mask Shows recently... now you know why.)

Finally, the last thing I have to say, is that a story you write can only be judged by you. While reviews can tear the story to shreds, and pull out your heart with it, it can not change how you feel about it. Of all of the stories I've written, I can not say I regretted writing any of them. Even those in the works are still being worked on, BECAUSE I think they can be good. While this won't be seen by many, I'd like to say that even what I've written has been something I'm confident to post. If any proof of this can be given, it's that I wrote all of this twice, even though I didn't have a copy to look at, I wrote what I remembered, and if I realize I forgot something, I'll come back and add it.

Thanks for reading this far, now I'll get back to work before...

And, there goes all the time I had to type today.

Thanks Rito Knighty.

Report Slywolf930 · 203 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

But... But...
They are in paragraphs...
I just forgot the indents... and the spacing... Give me a second.
Edit: Fixed... they' were just really long paragraphs.

I just wanted to keep the ideas together, instead of spacing them out.
Thanks for the help.:pinkiesmile:

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