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Lord Of Dorkness

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Questions to all readers of Horse Feathers! · 2:14pm Aug 25th, 2014

The next chapter is just a few lines away from being done. (Not yet sent to my editors, but the writing itself is almost done.)

Thing is, the next chapter got a wee bit beefy. Just short of 30000 words beefy, to be precise.

Since my own guideline for Horse Feathers is 10-20 K words per chapter, that was rather beyond intended.

However, there is a point about half-way through that would make a half-arsed break-off point. Not good enough for a 'proper' chapter end in my opinion, but good enough for a "part one of two" type deal.

So my question: Should I start sharpening the scissors for the cut, or is 30 K readable for most of you?

(I am of course a sadist as usual, so if that cut happen I'll go a day or so between updates to game the system give folks time to read the previous one. Just fair warning in case it effects your vote.)

Comments ( 27 )

Beefy 30k words? Of course it's more than readable.

Not yet sent to my editors

Don't forget yours truly. :raritywink:

I prefer 30k!

Even though I prefer chapters that are shorter than 9K, I have no problem with the 30K full chapter if it'll bring a smoother reading experience.


I munch entire novels in a day, bigger is always better!

I personally only object to excessively short chapters. 1-2k chapters for example. That itself is only because I download the whole story and listen via a text to speech program. I have to then mark each chapter as read, which would be a lot of clicks.

I suggest the one chapter.
Can't wait for editing.

30k is long for a chapter, but if it doesn't make sense to break it up, don't. I think you'd have to get into the 50-60k range for it to be a problem.

30K is do-able occasionally. Just don't make a habit of it, 20K is the magic number. Also did you finish that partial rewrite that you wanted to do?


Also did you finish that partial rewrite that you wanted to do

Not quite yet.

There's a few niggling things I've noticed that doesn't fit any more, but unless I missed something big I should be able to shoe-horn in the new stuff with only a changed line or two.

I intend to do that after the new chapter goes up.

Horse-Feathers 30K!!!

Definitely 30k

Considering everyone's agreeing it doesn't seem I'd need to chime in but... 30K
Can't wait to read this!

30k man. I love a good, long read. :raritywink:

Go for 30k,

30k word long chapter?

I'm conflicted. On the one appendage, I love long chapters. On the other, I've gotta edit 30k words.

Really, I'm fine with either, though I'd prefer the long chapter.

I don't mind thirty thousand. Now, one hundred thousand. ... Maybe not as much.

2399758 2399764 2399771 2399877 2399916 2399924 2399948 2400064 2400103 2400222 2400251 2400275 2400880 2402126 2403101 2405371

Damn, didn't expect an almost unanimous vote.

30 K it is! :yay:


I download the whole story and listen via a text to speech program

The program you use any good?

Might betray my age with this, but last time I tried that trick the end-result sounded like the unholy spawn of R2-D2 and Alpha 5 with a bad flue.

Kinda distracting, yeah... :unsuresweetie:

2408633 it all depends on execution. If you write that much while keeping balance, go for it! Not every author can, but this doesn't seem to apply to you.


Dang it, now you've made me feel old. I remember Alpha 5 on the TV...

Well, on this side of the border, TV shows like that one were usually delayed quite a bit, and re-runs for years were common...

Still makes me feel old, though.

2408633 Well, I use the IVONA text to speech converter, and use the AMY UK voice. Its not ideal, but is the best one I could find. After a few weeks of a bunch of other horrid voices, which I sort of got used to, Its pretty good. noone else in the house can stand it, so I have to use headphones tho.

I dont want to soun impatient, given that a 30 k chapter would probably take some time to edit, but will the chapter come soon:fluttercry:? Damn, I need to man up and shit up, I sounded lik a child.


Always hard to tell that, sorry.

It just depends on how much needs changing and polish is needed. Sometimes a chapter will just glide through editing, and other times it takes longer than actually writing the chapter.

That, and since neither me or my editors have this as a day job? And I think I'm on a different continent compared to ALL of them? Sadly not that uncommon for every back-and-forth needing a day each between answers, and that quickly adds up.

I can however tell you that I'm about an hour or so off from being done with my own final checks before the chapter is ready for editing. Hope that's good news, at least.

And no need to feel like that for just a polite question. :twilightsmile:

2416229 I get that editing takes awhile, especially for such long chapter but isn't over a week a bit much? Do you have any ETA on when it's finished?


I get that editing takes awhile, especially for such long chapter but isn't over a week a bit much?

The mixed blessing with being on different corners of the world, I'm afraid.

Know it might seem silly, but the pattern: 'Change something, wait twelve hours for reply, react.' quickly adds up.

On the other, it does mean all parties involved have time to think their responses over, so it isn't all bad.

Do you have any ETA on when it's finished?

However, we're almost done for this time. So unless something big pops up last minute, it shouldn't be more than a day or two.

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