• Member Since 20th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 20th, 2017

Pirate Jesus

Mae'r gwynt yn chwythu am byth ymlaen

More Blog Posts101

  • 409 weeks
    So, I changed my name a bit.

    Now before you lot start thinking I've been getting into the rum, let me explain.

    So, as some of you remember, the last picture of me in the flesh I put up here about a year ago, and some of you commented even then that I looked like a pirate due to me growing my hair and goatee out.

    Well, I kept growing it and now, thanks to my Jewish blood, I literally look like Jesus.

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    2 comments · 464 views
  • 409 weeks
    Oh, Hey guys!

    (Blows dust off old account)

    Hey, y'all. Sorry I was gone for a bit.

    What'd I miss this time?

    7 comments · 365 views
  • 439 weeks
    Can Someone Summarize this Blasted Show?

    So, As you all know, I left the fandom for a while, and I'm now trying to get in some faculty back into it. However, I've run into a problem: apparently I've missed a lot since the Season 4 finale. So, what I'm asking of you my dear followers, is there any way y'all can bring me up to speed on what's been going on with all this? I don't have enough time to catch up on last season, or even the

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    3 comments · 498 views
  • 443 weeks
    School's Out For Winter!

    Yep, just got my transcript for the semester after a particularly long finals season. 4 B's in Medieval European History, Modern East Asian History, Leadership and Interpersonal Skills, and History of Alabama, rounding it out with a solid A in Leadership Theory. Needless to say, I'm relieved.

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    0 comments · 332 views
  • 455 weeks
    I Can't Stop!

    I should probably be working on the paper due in an hour and a half, or at least on my story.

    Instead, I can't pull my eyes away from this.

    6 comments · 372 views

Shuttin 'er Down · 12:28am Aug 15th, 2014

Sorry, guys, but it's time to pull the plug on Starcrossed. I just can't write it. I have tried to keep going, but ever since- really right after I published the first chapter or two- it has been an uphill battle. And you know the worst part about this? It's not that I lack time, or skill, or energy, or even the attention span to continue this. The problem is for worse than that.

I just don't care.

I no longer have any passion or creative drive for this story. In truth, I had very little to begin with anyways. This story mostly just started out for two reasons: try writing a ship fic and give flash sentry an interesting personality. The first one, I learned, I might be capable of doing with a more interesting, smaller scale romance for the main ship. The second one... I just don't know. I had a really cool idea at first on making Flash out to be a thief with a heart of gold, only bound to the criminal underworld by poverty but truly having a desire to be a morally right guy.

That got buried under a mountain of unimportant details. Likely the biggest place I went wrong was including him in Canterlot Wedding as it just shifted the focus towards an action adventure. That was never my intention for this story in the first place. This was always supposed to be a romance at its heart. Sure, there were going to be some actions bits like the part at the beginning with the house heist and there was going to be a part later in the story with Flash fighting an attempted assassin to save Twilight, but even the few action scenes were always meant to serve the purpose of focusing the romance plot. Somewhere this got derailed into just another adventure story, and I'd hate to create that.

That said, one of the biggest things I hate about when a story gets cancelled is not knowing the rest of it, and I'd like to spare you guys from wondering that. So, in the blog post after this (lest some people don't want to be spoiled) I'm going to reveal to you what the rest of the story that I planned for was going to do.

Again, I'm sorry to cancel like this, but I just lack the spark necessary. I could probably write this story, I may even be able to write it alright, but without that passion I'll never be able to write it well, much less excellently.

Report Pirate Jesus · 297 views · Story: Starcrossed ·
Comments ( 17 )

You could just give the story to someone else to continue.

Hmmm... I could do that. I'd have to find someone who's good at writing, likes to write shipfics, and is a Flashlight supporter, but I suppose all three criteria aren't impossible to meet.

2371000 just give it a shot. I'd help, but I have my own share of stories to do, and I'm still working on my writing.

I totally understand. As of right now, I'm going to label it as Cancelled as to not confuse people. If I find an author able and willing to write it picking up where I left off, then I'll totally let them take over. After all, I don't hate this story, I just know that I can't write it to the quality that the fans of it deserve.

I'll also cancel that spoilers blog that I mentioned in it since, if someone else does pick it up, I'm going to hand them that outline as a starting point and they can change anything from there as they see fit.

2371027 if no one wants it, then go ahead and give the spoiler.

My thoughts exactly. If I don't find anyone who seems like a good candidate in a week or two, then I'll just tell the story.

2371042 If no one else takes it, I suppose I can.

We'll see. Since you're so busy I'll try to look for someone freer first.

That's a real shame.:raritycry: It was really starting to pull me in.

I know. I still do love the story, and it pains me to part ways with it, but the truth is I'd rather it be adopted or at least die with dignity than have me fuck it up by writing the rest of it subpar, especially since I had some really emotion driven zingers in the latter part of it. :ajsleepy:

Aww, man. This sucks. First a good story obstructed by RL problems and now the plug is being pulled. If I wasn't busy with other projects, I'd take over.

Well at least I know it was Canceled for Real this time .

Sorry, man. I know it sucks, but it's better now than later.

Yeah, it's official this time. Unfortunately nothing feels right about the story anymore. Like the time a few days ago when I said I was writing, I tried to continue it at least five times, each time scrapping the entirety of what I had written because it was so soulless.

2372225 Well, I could tell from the writing itself though, that it was a boring endeavor for you so it isn't a grand surprise. But it was a good experiment. I wanted to see a FlashLight story with Unicorn Twilight rather than Twilicorn to see if it was Twi the Mage or Twi the Princess that Flash would like.

Shame it didn't work out for you.

The plan was for that to be the point toward the end of the story (Don't worry, this doesn't spoil anything) without getting too specific, at one point a character questions Flash's loyalty and asserts that the only reason he gives two shits is so he can become a prince, and he basically says he's been in love with her before even she knew she would be a princess.

I really wish I could just skip the boring plot maintenance with the canterlot wedding chapters and cut straight to the part about the romance itself that I looked forward to writing. That would be fantastic. Say, whatever happened to that inspiration manifestation spell? :raritywink:

2372225 Well at least you tried.

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