• Member Since 29th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 17th, 2023

Good Christian Ethesto

I have a lot of friends and I make a lot of money, my rhymes are so sweet 'cuz I dip 'em in honey.

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How many flapjacks would a flapjack flip if a flapjack could flip flapjacks? · 1:47pm Jul 29th, 2014

Hello you grotesque, miserable autism batteries. I'm still not dead, unfortunately, but good news is I have a 3 day weekend for the last time in the foreseeable future. With that said, I'm probably gonna waste the majority of my time playing Magic 2015. If any of you closet-homosexuals want to join me, my steam name is, you guessed it, "Ethesto". You can add me, and we'll have a gay ol' time. Don't forget to bring an umbrella though!


Report Good Christian Ethesto · 294 views ·
Comments ( 19 )

write more stories faggot

Rest your scrumptious, little head. I'm sure I'll give into my despair sooner or later and write something really awful. It's only a matter of time.

Lol, what happened to this old comment? You'll never know because fuck you.

Also, still play Call of Duty.

>Call of Duty
>Real game

If you said that to my face, I'd whip out my cock and 420 no-scope urinate all over your pretty, little mouth.

>believes Call of Duty isn't real
What are you, an ignorant atheist?

No, I'm an arrogant agnostic.

Fæg, Ï'll ræp ÿöür möm wîth ã põñy.

>still believes in the possibility of things
I wish I could ball up all your child-like naivety, put it on the end of a little stick, and give myself a swab test with it.

you willing to pay good money for that swab test?

My mouth's not pretty. Yours is, though. And I'll ræp you so hard with my temper 360 noscope ladder stall crossmap bitch slap.

Is there a such thing as "bad money"?

Counterfeit money.

You couldn't no-scope your way out a paper bag, you embodiment of feline Leukemia. I bet you K/D isn't even top 3 like mine. Farm more boars and get on my level.

It's only 'bad' if it was made poorly, in which case it isn't even money at all.

You don't know what I'm capable of. I've taken on Optic, FaZe, and Obama after smokin on dat good koosh and sippin on dat purp.

You know what happened after they won? I found your dad and made sweet love to at least thirty pairs of his pants.

How many flapjacks would a flapjack flip if a flapjack could flip flapjacks?

About twelve.5421, you steamy onion tube.

Jokes on you, that's exactly what my Dad wanted you to do. You're just another cog in the machine. Wake up you sheeple!

That's insightful, and the mention of onions made me salivate!

Good job, the Illuminati have finally brainwashed Shrek, but he actually brainwashed them into brainwashing him, so he's actually totally fine and the onions are good too. Eat up!

2325728 huzzah! Truly you are a merciful god, Ethesto!

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