• Member Since 4th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen April 26th

Flynt Coal

Cool guy extraordinaire. Writer. Storyteller. Shockingly Canadian.

More Blog Posts134

  • 99 weeks
    Chapter 12 tomorrow

    Yes, you heard right. I'm not dead, and have a new Bughorse chapter ready to go for tomorrow at the usual time.

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  • 111 weeks

    Yes, I bring good news of Chrysalis story. I have finished the first draft of the next chapter and the editing team has already made a first pass on it. There's still a lot to do to polish it, but I'm hopeful that I can have it up and ready for your hungry eyes in one week. Keep a lookout!

    1 comments · 304 views
  • 124 weeks
    Life is Snow

    No really, this isn't some vague metaphor. My life is literally snow right now. I'm drowning, send help.

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    4 comments · 304 views
  • 126 weeks
    New year, new chapter

    Hope everyone is having a great New Year's Eve (or if you're in a part of the world where it's already 2022, hope the new year's been treating you well so far). Good news: the next chapter of Paint the Sky is written, we just need to take it through a few rounds of edits and revisions before I'm ready to post it. It will probably go live at the usual time on Wednesday.

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    2 comments · 330 views
  • 141 weeks
    Chapter 7

    2 comments · 240 views

2-6 Recap · 10:26pm Jul 19th, 2014

Looks like this is the last one of these I'll do in a while. Also, I recently noticed I surpassed the 100 followers mark. According to my calculations, that's *counts fingers* 100 more followers than I ever expected! You guys are the best!

Anyway, get this chapter's recap below:

Previously on IAIMAY

"The other Freelancer A.I.’s and myself are closer to what you would call a ‘fragment.’” Delta stated.

Twilight looked at the small green spectre curiously, “A fragment? Of what…?”

“The only Smart A.I. in Project Freelancer: the Alpha.”

In that moment, the clearing was completely silent. Twilight and Church looked on as Pinkie Pie kept the possessed pony standing. O’Malley looked around, his eyes different now. They were still filled with anger but there was something else in them as well: a sense of confusion and perhaps even fear.

Hmm... curious. I’ve always been angry, but I never thought to question it before now…

“Don’t worry, O’Malley! We’ll solve this mystery together!” Pinkie Pie grabbed O’Malley and pulled him into a hug. O’Malley grimaced, but oddly enough he didn’t fight back. He just stood there and allowed the pony who claimed to be his friend to hug him.

The other figures all gathered around as Sigma leaned closer so that all Derpy could see was his orange, burning face.

“We Are The Meta. Join us, and be whole again!”

As the lingering feelings left by Omega vanished, so did everything else. She barely even felt the pain anymore and as darkness closed in around her, Derpy didn’t feel anything.

She just didn’t know what went wrong.

Rainbow quickly pulled out the letter and unfolded it. Fluttershy watched her eyes move back and forth as she read its contents. The more she read, the more Rainbow Dash’s face seemed to turn into a scowl. When it seemed that she reached the end, Rainbow hastily crushed the letter in her hooves and began crumpling it up, glaring daggers into the paper.

“Um… what’s wrong?” Fluttershy asked.

“Nothing. ‘S just a stupid letter from a stupid jerk!” With an angry grunt, Rainbow Dash tossed the offensive paper over the side of the cloud that her home sat on.

A small, crumpled up piece of paper lay in the grass nearby that wasn’t there when Grif went to sleep. The man in orange armor looked up, wondering if it had been dropped on him. There was nothing above him but a particularly large cloud. Shrugging, Grif decided it would be a good idea to just ignore it and go back to sleep. He took another look at the crumpled up paper, and soon enough curiosity got the better of him.

Hey, Dash.

How’s it going? Y’know, Wonderbolt Academy is taking applications soon. You might want to start thinking about applying!

You won’t have to worry about seeing me there, my dad found us a new client and has the whole company on the move again. As always, I can’t tell you where we’re going in case the authorities get a hold of this, but let’s just say we’re going to need to dress warm...

Simmons stopped and turned to Grif as he passed the driver’s side of the Warthog. “Y’know, Grif, there’s more to command than just making other people do all of the work you don’t want to.”

“Yeah, but it’s the only part worth having!”

“If you want to keep command, you’re going to have to start being more decisive,” Simmons simply said.

The chimera looked at the Reds. “A few days ago, we heard a sound unlike any we’d heard before. A great, screeching whine that shook the whole swamp. We went to investigate the source of the noise. That’s when we saw it. It was like the two of you only less… red. It was bigger than the both of you. Had a shinier head too, and carried a big twisted blade.”

“It sounds like someone landed a ship in this here swamp. I reckon we ought to find this ship! Might give us an edge against those dirty Blues!”

Sarge then turned to face the wounded alien predator and crouched so he was at eye level with the beast. “Now, listen here! We have the means to heal ya, but we’re not gonna do it for nothing!”

Both tiger and goat head eyed the man in red suspiciously “And what would you ask of us in return?”

Sarge simply stood and faced his red fellows.

“Men! What’s the number one rule on Red Team?”

“Don’t settle for walking,” Simmons answered dutifully.

“Exactly! We either ride in the largest vehicle available to us that’s as bad for the environment as possible…” Sarge turned and looked down at the chimera, “or we get the biggest, meanest land mammal we can find and saddle that puppy up!”

The two heads of the chimera stared up at Sarge in disbelief. “... he’s joking, right?”

Grif just sighed, “I really wish he was…”

Church and even Twilight looked at the white, armored pony with plenty of confusion. “Who the fuck are you?” Church asked.

“It’s me Church!”

Church didn’t recognize the voice and he sure as shit didn’t recognize the pony, but he could recognize that tone coming from anyone.


“Delta. The Meta took him,” South coughed some more. “He left a message before he was taken. Something he wanted me to pass on to you guys:

“Memory is the key.”

“Memory is the key?” Twilight repeated. “What does that mean?”

With as much strength as she could muster, South managed a smile and a shrug. “Dunno. He just said Wash would know what it means.”

Twilight looked up at the man in cobalt standing over her and tried to find her voice, “Church… we need Washington. Delta left a message for him!”

Church shifted his weight and rubbed the back of his helmet, “Yeah, about that…”

Report Flynt Coal · 211 views · Story: I Against I, Me Against You ·
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