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    Why are people messed up here?

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Why are people messed up here? · 7:56pm Jul 9th, 2014

Look, I feel like I need to vent, I've been bottling up what I feel about this website and I need to talk about it. I'm sorry if anyone is annoyed or offended, but right now I don't give a damn.

When I discovered this site, I found many things: creativity, originality, humor, but most of all.... depravity. I'm no stranger when it comes to dark and sexiual humor, in fact there are tons of fics on this site that I really like that I would never tell anyone in real life about. But there is a fine line between using concepts like rape, gore, sex, pedopelia, etc. for a legitament way to tell a story, or just to make an erotica story.

Now, once again, don't get me wrong, I understand and relate to the many urges and sexual needs we all have, and I respect that people would do this through writing instead of doing those same horrific concepts I described in real life (I hope).

What I am disturbed with is the.... creepy fondness of these concepts, it scares me that many find these fetish stories think they are more than just what they are then just smut and many support the "serious" nature of these stories. I don't want to name names, but I am creeped out by many authors making stories that FOCUS on the rape, pedophillia, etc. for story telling reasons, not just something to jack off to, and the commenters that cheer on a character being raped does not help.

That's another thing that bothers me, most of these herd/harem rape fics are all the same: mare(s) make up an excuse to rape a stallion/human/antro, whether it be heat or estrus, rape commences, and played off as a joke or ignored later on in the story or story ends. I bet if I, or some other author, wrote a story where the dominate gender was stallion and they went through something similar to a heat cycle, and the story is the raping of mares in the story, it would be downvoted immediately, BECAUSE DOUBLE STANDARDS!

Let me close off my rant with this, I do not want people to be banned for what I'm describing, I am absolutely against censorship of any kind. I'm just saddened that I have become the weirdo compared to most who go on this website, that I am shamed for disliking the support of pedophelia and rape, it scares me.

Comment whatever you want to say, or don't, I don't mind.

I hope whoever reads this understands that I just needed to rant because this has been plaguing my mind for months now, and I feel like sometimes I need some help because I could just be overreacting.

This website, and the whole internet in general over the years, has made me question beliefs, morality, principles, and actions, and I want to reach a point where I can live without having to be angry at this, and worry about more important things in life, I just want to say: "It's just a story", but I just can't now.

Report BearGlitch · 491 views ·
Comments ( 27 )

I agree with this, but I don't feel like complaining about people I've never met. If you really don't like what someone is doing, distance yourself from them, don't give them any attention. They don't deserve that much. If they are actively causing a problem for someone besides just you and your personal tastes, THEN you grind them into the damn dust until they are stopped. That's usually done in the physical world through law enforcement.
The internet is a chaotic realm of ideas and words, not actions -for the most part-. Still, words carry power and spreading something vile around the internet is as bad as spreading nasty rumors about someone in real life. What you say or write still effects people. If you write about nothing but depravity, then that will be on the minds of those who read it, Plus, some people are more susceptible to that kind of influence then others, especially the younger people who absorb information far more easily then the older set. It CAN be a poison, it doesn't have to be, but it can.
People need to chose their words with care.

It comes with the sicking notion that a man can not be raped. More to the point that regardless of the situation and mental/ physical abuse the man/stallion/ anthro suffers, secretly some part of him must have wanted it! that idea that a man must want it is bullshit of course.

Now I have dabbled on both sides "lust of mares" and "love of mares" made people love the female characters despite the fact they raped a guy multiple times. But in darker paths and shattered memories the female characters do it once and are hated. it comes down to how it is told! With Lachlan it was "leave it, don't make a big fuss and it wasn't so bad" and even had him blaming himself at points. That and the fact he was so ashamed that it was locked away and that he got no emotional support, people ignored and forgot the fact he was raped repeatedly.

With the others the fact that the protagonists were so vocal about it and the fact they developed problems from it, got mixed reactions. Some were demanding Celestia and Luna's death, others were saying that the character was a pussy and just to get over it. The fucked up thing was that many were saying that the guy is being a pussy when it was stated that because of Nightmare Moon he developed Equinphobia, trust issues fear of women fear of rape and several other fucked up potentially dangerous psychological conditions.

The problem is that people still live under this illusion that men are rapists and women are innocent or worse delicate flowers. This is despite the fact that 49% of rapes in america, prisons excluded are female on male or female on female.

It is slightly higher with physical/ verbal abuse sitting at a scary 50.5% which means at the moment more women are abusing men than men are to women. Yet turn on any media and see the horror stories about women and how they got though it. Turn on a funny video channel and you will see a drunken women hitting a man or a women verbally or even physically abusing a man and it is shown as a joke.

As a man that has seen both of these personally and experienced it first hand I can confirm that women on male rape is very serious and men are twice as likely to commit suicide as appose to women. This is not to take power away from women that have been raped, but rape does not mean man on women!!!

Thanks for bringing up this topic!

2303589 Thanks man.

Also, I've thought about it for some time, and I want to say two things to you: I'm sorry for my immature rant against you, and I understand why your story bothers me so much. While the story itself I'm no fan of, I can see you are definitely not a supporter on what the mares are doing, and I am thankful for that.

What your story, out of the many in heat/estrus rape fics that exist, differs is the major response you have described: People saying the main character is a pussy, he should be happy from what the mares are doing, saying he should be raped, etc. And it rubbed me all the wrongs ways. Another thing that differs from the other stories is that yours has a decent following, while others may be known, you have a ton of people in the comments that say those same things over and over.

I may try to read the story again, because I want to understand what you are trying to make a point about (who am I supposed to support, care for, etc.). But that may take a while, and I don't want to say anything (more) I will regret against you.

While I still question your desire to continue this series, I no longer see you as some deprived pro rape-fetish sicko that I blindly described you as. I think there is a reason for what you have written and I plan to find out someday.

Once again, (whether you remember me or not) I'm sorry for my immature rant last time I talked to you, and I hope I can fully gather myself to read your stories....

but, and this is just a guess, I think you are trying to do something similar to what Zamairiac is doing with "Subtle Manipulations" (make sure to read the previous story if you have not read it). He is one of my favorite authors here, and this story is a well written (so far) description about the draining sanity of Celestia who clearly has an incestual desire for her "son". And if you are wondering the reason why I actually love this story, and don't cringe at it like yours, is that it may describe the sexual acts of Celestia, the story is very well written enough to make it described as very very WRONG! And unlike your commenters, the general statements are against Celestia, they don't even focus on the clop, most of them talk about the story as the story focuses on the issue.

I think, and I'm not insulting you for this, that you focus more on the sexual acts then an actual plot most of the time, and I think that's why your commenters support them so much, because they are written very....:rainbowwild:.... yeah, and people don't care about the human or the story, they just want to read more fucking. And if that was your goal, I have no issue, but if you were trying to make a legit story to pay attention to, don't get rid of the clop, try to focus more on the characters, the problems, the setting, etc.

That's just my advice, not a forceful criticism on what you SHOULD do, but what you COULD do.

2303690 The thing is the main problem is sterotypes. Men are not seen as beings with emotions but as strong sex driven machines. In lust and love of mares Lachlan is forced to push this down and deal with it silently, why because he is a dad. This is a dig at those bastards that force a man that was raped to raise the kids. Now i did not want him to hate his kids. I wanted him to grow to love his rapists and kids why. Because it shows that Rapists are not these soulless monsters. But at the same time regardless of intent the consequences of actions regardless of intent do not change.

What I mean is A rapists could have no idea they have raped or have no idea the effect they are having but still commit the crime. Now the problem here is who is the villain. This is the biggest problem because the good guy, victim and villain is not always so black and white. This is what the stories go for. His herd are not evil, they love the main character but later on I plan to have Lachlan start having nasty panic attacks/ suppressed mental health. Que a trip to the human world with the mares and reading up on what causes these attacks. They find that rape is the cause and BOOM, we see a new side. Up to now Lachlan has only ever used the rape as an angry retort . But when they learn that it is far more serious and deadly than they thought.

I have more planned and as said English is not my primary language and I do struggle but regarding that author he followed me yesterday so I am happy. Also I hold no ill will towards you, you were upset that is understandable and i am sorry that my story offended you or gave you an idea that i support the disgusting crime of rape. it is just that I am kind of fucked up I have experienced it when I was a child but it is also one of my fetishes. Go figure

Thanks for replying mate. This is why I hate falling out with people. Because I am more than happy to be everyone friend. I had a falling out with Sir Hat sent him an apology never got a reply. Wither he doesn't care or didn't get it I don't know. But we were really at each others throats if he sent me a message tomorrow saying I forgive you I would be delighted. Maybe I have a naive an child like innocence to the internet but i don't like being a troll or a dick for no reason.

So friends?

2303702 First, what a coincidence, I had a fight with Sir Hat too, tried to apologised and just called me an asshole and still kept the comment ban (he was probably right).

Also, I still disagree with the whole there is not clear bad guy in your fic, I can say for the certain the rulers who kept rape legal and domestic abuse legal too for a THOUSAND years are clearly villains needing to be punished for what they have done. They have to earn their redemption, in my opinion, not to say: "Were sorry, but we love you" and then everything is all fine and dandy. Love is not some magical force that excuses or gets rid of the horrible acts you or others have committed in the past.

I also believe that rape is the worst thing mentally and physically you can do to a single person. A rapist not only physically invades another's body, but they make the victim feel a variety of emotions and feelings, they feel dirty, violated, and may even become depressed or suicidal. Rapists and pedophillies, in my opinion, are truly monsters that need to be locked up and/or punished humanely. I would never EVER wish rape on ANYONE.

So I stand by the believe that none of the mares are likable in your story, but I believe you have potential for other stories.

I wish no hard feelings, but I guess we have such different moral beliefs that I don't think we can relate on the rape subject, and i'm not going to call you "fucked up" for that as we all think differently.

One question though, If anyone raped any of my friends or family, whether they regretted it or not, would you blame me for calling them "soulless monsters" or wish them to be imprisoned with no forgiveness? Cause I would never ever forgive someone who would EVER violate my family like that, no matter what they may have said or done to "deserve it" or want the rapist claims why they did it.

(ok now for a less serious question, so don't take it too seriously)


2303719 True but the nobles are the villains and in chapter 23/24 those bastards are going to die. What does this achieve ponies that the alicorns can manipulate into helping them stop the oppression on stallions. Hell even the two Changeling queens are fighting for stallion rights. For most it is ignorance more than evil. For example men who had shell shock during world war 1 were shot for being cowards. were the men killing them evil no they were following orders which were to shot those that did not go over the top.

With lachlan they don't have ant excuse now for not trying to help stallions. And the ponies will help them in love of mares I did a special chapter in love of mares going twenty years into the future where stallions now have equal rights.

But the thing is though in chapter 22 or 23 the one I am working on at the moment you get a small bit of talk between them detailing some of their past. And very little of it is good. But i agree as a whole the nobility are evil and they will die.

As for raping someone no I don't think Lachlan has maybe had rough sex with a mare but never raped. I could be wrong though. In real life rape is a monstrous crime regardless of the intent. What i think is worse is false rape claims as they under mine rape. That could be something that Lachlan picks feminists up on back on earth. But good chatting to you and yeah Sir hat is an asshole but hey I don't hate the guy.

2303725 Wait... so the immortal rulers who have ignored this injustice for thousands of years are ignored by your intense hate. But the mortal nobility who have been influenced and raised by backwards thinking are the real to blame?

If I had to chose who has the most power between the goddesses that raise the celestial bodies and the snobby mortal nobility, I would think the goddesses are responsible for what has happened to stallions for thousands of years.

Can you explain that? How these fucked up rulers are given a free-pass for punishment? Is it because of the "love" for the main character? That sounds to lenient and convenient for them.

Now, if this whole stallions treated as a lower class was a subtle thing unnoticed by the busy but benevolent rulers, I MAYBE would have sided with Celestia, Luna, etc. But you don't give me a legit reason to support them.

2303725 Also, how is killing the nobility going to kill thousands of years of tradition? It's not that simple.

While slavery was wrong in the US, and it was going to be banned back then, it could not be as easy as fire the southern officials, thousands of people and their ancestors for years have lived and used slavery. It took even more time to give equal rights to the black race in the US.

If your purge plan is going to work, you would have to kill the majority of the Equestrian population, because no matter what Celestia or the human says, their way of thinking is not going to change from one, or even tons of speeches or fights.

2303738 No maybe not but think about it sexiest cunts pass down their position to ponies with the same ideas. Kill them off and get ponies like fleur and things change. how did women get the vote or blacks their will be rioting, protests and so on. Shit gets changed I end the story and finally get to write something else. But that wont be for a while. Anyway good chating to you

2303747 I think we are getting no where, because I still think your Equestria deserves a French style revolution. And you know the king, queen, and the nobility did not get off well
But I still had fun chatting too! I'm glad we can talk without ranting at each other (well mostly me). And I won't let this story ruin that, and you may make me question your thinking, but I think we can get along without all the drama.

The ONLY thing that would make me give at least a like for your story, is some form of justice against the ones truly responsible for letting this chaos go on for so long (ironically not Discord): Celestia and Luna.

And no amount of cheesy love proclamations to the main character, or pathetic apologies can excuse thousands of years of torment for the male gender. I especially was peeved at Celestia's attitude toward the human when he told her that her kingdom was sick, and she THREATENED him and showed no regret, sympathy, or understanding. She responded like a bigot, and the rape did not help either.

2303752 That is true, all I will add is that i don't think they deserve to die look at our people in charge the government a couple months back in britian tried to have me cut off from disability allowance why because their were to many people on it and rather than getting rid of junkies and drunks they targeted people with Autism I fought and won but can you honestly say that earths goverment is any better hell no. All I ask is give me time my reasoning is not great but I will try and show the transend that will appease both of us. I actually want to have a crack at women in Equestria just to show guys is it alright when a man is replaced by a women. Though i may do female do the raping first just to ease them in then hit them hard when a stalion does it. So chapter one Luna rapes girl, chapter two blue blood rapes girl both with as much venom as each other and see which people hate more. Call it a small experiment.

As I said rape is frowned apon in Equestia, always has been it just isnt illegal because they have no idea the mental effects it causes. Physically abusing a stallion is illegal which came into act recently over the course of one hundred years. Celestia was a monster they all were when they were younger they killed and were quite cruel. All I am trying to show is what motives a rapists. it is in part my way of dealing with what I forced to deal with from a girl ten years my senior. As I have said i agree with you that the plot is maybe not so well thought out and that is due to my English and my lack of motivation to make the story into a good one. it was just meant to be a clop fic for more hard core fetishes. The violent rape fetishes but without the back lash of feminists and white knights. But it changed and it is hard to make charachters likeable when they were meant to be the dominating rape loving, bastard type.

2303758 I don't know man. Im happy living in a country where people treat each other as fellow humans, and I don't have to live in fear of being raped or abused by the entire female gender. We may have problems, but at least US is generally civilized and morally stable.

But if you think Rapequestria is a better place to live, then that's your opinion.

2303764 Oh god no it would not be better. America and Britain are great but I just feel that atleast Equestria are kind of ignorant to some of the stuff they do whilst our governments know what they are doing is wrong but do it for money.

but how many times has he actually be raped. For the most part ponies don't rape. Nor do they beat or do any of the crap that they can do legally. So whilst rape and beating and all that crap is legal only the bastards that control the rules practice this shit. It is a war of class rather than sex. Because a stallion like Blue Blood could rape a mare or stallion and have no problems. So in a way it could end up like the French just ironically enough with the princesses and Lachlan leading the front.

So in all the only reason stallions are specifically victimized is because their are so few of them 83% of the population is mare and only 17% male. So I have a population estimate of about 22 million ponies so that is 18,260,000 mares and about 3,740,000 so for everyone one stallion he would have 4.8 or five mares. Huge gap in ponies. But sadly that is the pony species as a whole so many stallions are found in staliongrad. Which is home to 50% of the stallion population due to the females ponies being a slightly different breed to ponies from Equestria and as such more likely to have either male or female offspring, but at the cost at being far less fertile.

so all in all their are about 1.457,000 million stallions in Equestria and about 14,260,000 mares in Equestria. So we go up to about 9 or ten mares to a stallion. This is why so few stallions are in power. But as it goes Lachlan finds out that it more a war on fascism than sexism which either way will be fun.

Jesus that is a lot of info sorry about this

2303826 At least our current leaders are not rapists, and the only sexually deviant president the US had was Bill Clinton, and he did not rape a women.

I want you to answer me something though: Why do you want to make rapists likable? That seems to difficult and impossible to do, if you just wanted to make a non-serious rape fetish fic, why bother?

2304133 True but my story is far better than Fall of Equestria. That shit actually repulses me. Mind breaking, torture and mass rape disgusts me

2305796 My guess was right! If it was males doing the mass rape (or any rape at all) in the story people would hate it! But because your story has mares doing the majority of the mental scarring with rape, people love it!

Also... caribou?

2305918 pretty much dude it is sexiest towards males. also foe is a disgusting piece of shit because it likes mind breaking rape which is far worse. as the victim losses all that made them, them

2304133 but the thing is their are more rapes in america alone than in Equestria all together something like 1.1 million rapes and that is just men on women women on men is about the same so about 2 million rapes a year are committed in america. That is tenth of the equine population so ironically enough whilst it is legal it is actually done far less due to the lack of stallions and motivation to do it. As said Nightmare Moon was really the only one to rape him. Molestia Lachlan kind of struggled with but he was willing and with Lyra and that he was far stronger than them so really just went along with it despite them kidnapping him. Eris got consent after the main guy bitched for a while and Razor Fang was actually approached by Lachlan for sex after kidnapping him of course. Also Celestia and her sisters do not hold the same power the nobles do. They could cripple equestria if they decided to take their business abroad or could cause ponies to riot if they wanted to. Rape is not okay never will be but Lachlan got raped three times he got over them and moved on.

2305941 Um, rape in general is a mind breaking action towards the victim. If I was raped, if anyone was, I think their mental stability would be tipped off. Rape, in it's actions, IS mind breaking. Like you said in your later chapters, your human character will go through mental breakdowns because of the rape he had gone through.

I think you are doing the exact thing you hate. Though, on the part of losing all that made them, them, I don't know the human's personality in your fic, he's just on object to fuck with (literally). What are his dreams? Goals? Unique beliefs? Likes? Dislikes? etc.

So what did this human lose that made him, him? Or did not lose? I don't know!

Also, it's not the number of rapes that matters the most, it's the ratio between population and the numbers of rapes. Because America has a clearly larger population than (your) Equestria, America would be more flavorful as the chance of someone being a rapist, as it is lower than in your Equestria who is still in a time of ignoring victims and causers of rape.

or maybe you're just saying this for plot convenience for your character and story. "He got raped three times and moved on...." Once again: EXPLAIN WHY! WHAT PART OF HIS UNKNOWN PERSONALITY GIVES HIM AN IMMUNITY TO SUCH A MENTAL SCAR!?

You can make up any bullshit to make your Equestria sound better than America, it's like trying to convince someone Candyland is better than America, it doesn't fucking exist, so you can make up anything to make the argument for Candyland sound better and convenient.

No offensive, but are you trying to make me take this seriously? Are you REALLY trying to tell me your fucked-up version of Equestria is way better than the civilized country of America?

To be honest I would rather live in China or Israel then your Equestria is given the choice.

Didn't you tell me this was just a rape-fetish fic? Why are you taking your story so seriously?

Do you want me to take it seriously as a commentary on society or some shit or just a rape fic for people to jack off to?

2305996 His mother. His mother beat him so violently that she broke him as a child. This is why he is immune to it because at the age of three lachlan was broken. he can get angry he can feel love and everything but he can not hold a grudge. Personality Disorder is what Lachlan has it prevents him from processing his emotions correctly. The rapes were nothing to him as in the orphanage he suffered at the hands of far worse. Lachlan being in Equestria save the rape is actually helping to heal him. the magic is helping to mend damaged brain tissue which later on will see him change even more.

I didn't want to reveal the plot vice yet but remember when lachlan and Eris had sex a second time resulting in another egg. remember how they had no idea why they did it but we are told that Eris's mother manipulated them into doing it. Well this applies to everything that has happened so far. The draconequus is a villain whom takes joy in causing misery to others she is the goddess of lies, misery and dissection . Nightmare Moon would not have raped Lachlan had she been in control none of them would have. They might have still herded but it would have taken longer. Eris mother was Tirek's Lieutenant. The love they feel for each other has been manipulated by her and when she is defeated that will leave and the herd will have a big question do they still love each other. i plan for it to be yes but for them to say no to begin with leaving a heart broken Lachlan who's answer is yes. So in a fucked up sense the relationship both parties have is only due to Discords ex-wife and mate.

So their, the plot is neither side is bad just the bastard controlling them

Also why are you so against this Equestria? The worst that has happened was the guy got raped, he has never been dragged into the streets and beaten nor was he beheaded for speaking out against the ponies. They don't have slaves they have a fair media that tell news without any propaganda. I mean physical abuse was not made illegal in England until the 1970s so how is equestria worse when they are about four hundred years behind earth but outlawed slavery a thousand years ago. The only thing that is shit is the rape but that gets changed! Why because ponies did not see it as bad rape was only illegal when done to foals. Also the vulnerable were also off limits like handicap and mentally handicap. So the only victims were adults and even then it was scarce. rape is legal but is nearly unheard of. The only reason Lachlan was targeted was because of his scent which is a pheromone that acts much like heroin or cocaine to a pony and that he is smaller. So maybe it is worse to live their than in first world countries but it is far better than any third world. as I have said the only real ire is that Celestia was to scared to act given that raising both the sun and moon left her exhausted and doing both day and night court meant that she never even looked into how stallions were being treated. But as I have said it is a class problem rather than a gender one. I mean at least if a Nobel fucks up and gets caught they get jailed but in Britain and america a rich politician fucks up and if he has enough money he gets off Scot free.

Look the rape is very trivial in the story he is only really raped once and then after that we move on. When Nightmare Moon and Luna were separated the two were cleansed off the darkness that had made them the monster they were so in short they got a fresh start. neither have raped Lachlan and neither have attacked him since the castle three years ago. if you read the comics for MLP you see that the darkness that corrupted Nightmare Moon is an actual entity which I have was created by Tirek himself and used by eris mother to cause Nightmare Moon to go bat shit insane and eventually lead to Lachlan rape. The darkness is evil and when as i said the two alicorns were separated only the darkness shell was left with nightmare Moon, her body gaining Luna's memories but her own soul. Look at Spike from Buffy the vampire slayer her raped and killed but when he regained his soul he suffered. This does not make him a bad guy and that is the whole point to the story.

Nightmare Moon and lachlan have to move past the fact that their first meeting was due to the darkness and the manipulation of a monster. neither know of the draconequus involvement yet but they do know that the darkness is evil. So Lachlan forgave her for it because it a way it was not her fault.


rape is actually helping to heal him

I literally have nothing to say about that.

Also, you are basically just making a character we are supposed to pity, so his only personality trait is having an abusive past. THAT DOES NOT MAKE A CHARACTER!

A character needs something to distinguish it from the thousands of others who have gone through the same thing this human you made has gone through, something to make me care about the actual abuse that happened to him! If all you are giving me is: he was beaten so that means he does not care about rape, then I don't give a fuck about this bland character.

This is really really bad character development, as there is no development!

In "Your Human and You" over time we learn not only about Max's past, but his personality with the actions he goes, through, I don't care about him because he got captured and starved, but his character gives me the desire to see him triumph. He gives reasons why he goes on even with his deep scars he gains, and I and other readers admire him for that.

In "Hollow in Equestria" Ulquiorra (you have to watch Bleach to at least understand his background though) while cold and illogical, I support his victory and progress in Equestrian society not because he is from Bleach or he is powerful, but his actions, personality, goals, and desires give him a character I care about and find awesome too. Kinda sad someone so emotionless is more interesting than most humans in most fics on this site.

In "Never Judge A Bug By Her Cover" (which has actual rape scenes in the sequel) I care about Richard not because he was raped (technically, in a unique way) but because I got to know him and Chrysalis through their growth as a legit relationship, and his quirks and character he shows are shown. So when Celestia ruins their relationship, I want them to get back together because it is written so well to describe their strong bond through actual events, not just saying: "They love each other" like your human character and his herd.

While with your story: He was beaten and was an orphan, so that means I have to pity him. Somehow (not explained in depth) he does not care about the crimes against his mind and body. I literally don't know one thing about this guy, I can't even remember his name. He likes to play games on his phone.... that's a thing. What is his character besides cliche awkward, white, American (I think) teenager? It's the same thing with that MLP fan cartoon Snow Drop, I don't know anything about this mare except that she is blind and is bullied, that's it.

If you want to make a legit story, give what's-his-face a personality, and tragedy does not automatically make one. Have you ever heard of the literacy terms flat and round characters? A flat character is a two-dimensional person that does not change or learn anything new and uncomplicated, and that is a big no-no in the writing world. In contrast, a round character is something more complex, as they undergo development throughout the story to make the reader learn, support, and surprise the reader.

2306046 Sorry that was a joke. I was joking. about the rape healing him sorry bad timming

2306047 ummm, ok? I was not offended or anything, that just really confused me. :derpytongue2:
Basically this

I think I remembered that, before I brain bleached myself I remember something about what's-his-face having to be fucked to fix his legs..... what the fuck?

I'll say it once again:


Wait a minute, I get it now!

The underdeveloped characters
The constant sex scenes
The constant need for sex
The shoved in story that makes no sense
The over-the-top fetish body descriptions and actions
The poorly written plot
The whole "scent" concept used as a catalyst for the sex
The rape being easily ignored by the victims and offenders



2306058 In a nut shell kind of. The problem is if i wanted this to be real I would have to put a lot of effort into it which would mean re-writing it. The result another thousand likes most likely the cons effort. So for other stories like traditions and customs and raising generosity I know from the start what i am doing so it comes across as more character based.

2306065 I've read your "Raising generosity" and I will admit it's a hell big improvement writing wise when compared to your clop stories, but I'm sorry I have some big peeves about it too:

The pacing, holy jesus, the pacing. You are going WAY too fast through this story, and have left no detail or development of any characters. Just like your human from "Scent..." the only characteristic of this one is tragedy, he is a drunk and he is sad, and that is it. If all I know about him is that he is an emotional wreck, why should I care about him if I know nothing about his personality?

You have to give more story to give us a reason to feel legitimately sad about the characters, you only got my pity because none of this human's past with Rarity's family has been given except: they took him in, and he became a godfather. How these deaths were such a big impact on the human, because this is my caring of his feelings so far in a nutshell:

Another "Snowdrop" story, put in a tragedy with no character development, and cheap feels from the readers.

I would STRONGLY suggest a rewrite by splitting this chapter into maybe 4 of them, and give them progress to why the human becomes an alcoholic, why he cares about Rarity's family so much that he would become a father, and how did ponies like Berry Punch get to know him. And much more that you crammed into this chapter. Put in meaningful dialogue that is not just in snippets, actual full conversations to show us what these characters are like.

So basically:

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