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Black John

There's only room in here for one, and I've decided it's not you.

More Blog Posts13

  • 371 weeks
    Looking for proofreaders, editors and the like!

    Black John, formerly WhoNeedsSanityAnyways. It's finally happened. I now have a functioning laptop, a stable internet connection, and I am resuming work on "Lost". That's where all of you, my lovely readers, come in. I can't do this story alone, not if I want to deliver the story that "Lost" and it's sequels are meant to be. If you're interested, or know someone who may be interested, in

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  • 485 weeks
    Hear ye, hear ye!

    Alright, I've got some announcements, and stuff and stuff.

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  • 517 weeks
    Chapter 1-9 canon update!

    Alright, while working on the next chapter, I decided to go back and clean up the previous chapters a bit, and fix the broken italics container in 'Getting an Upgrade'. Now, while the changes aren't really gamechangers, I would suggest that you go back and re-read chapter 4, as it now contains some canon information that I was going to drop later, but decided to do now, for lack of a better way

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  • 519 weeks
    Chapter 9 Plot

    Okay, for those of you who don't like to read rape or torture, here's the plot for Chapter 9:

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    17 comments · 532 views

Chapter 9 Plot · 3:57pm Jun 16th, 2014

Okay, for those of you who don't like to read rape or torture, here's the plot for Chapter 9:

Twilight wakes up, to find out that she has been captured. #72 roughs her up a bit, and takes her to the room where Liitlehorn and David are waiting. Littlehorn beats her, and strangles her. This causes David to break free of the mind control measures being used on him, and he utterly beats the shit out of Littlehorn and #72. I'll include the scene, since it simply entails David kicking ass. Also, if you want to see what it looked like when David kicked Littlehorn, watch/skip to 3:41 in this video: Stone Sour - Do Me A Favor


“Tsk tsk tsk, so feisty, that one! #72, retrieve my doctor's bag and a bottle of whiskey, pronto!”
The whole time I was forced to watch gramps beat and strangle Twilight, I could feel something in me... breaking? Crumbling? I don't know how to describe it, but something was most definitely being worn down while that motherfucker was hurting Twilight.
And that something broke when Twilight stopped moving.
Turns out, that something was the thing raping my mind and keeping me docile.
”Last mistake, motherfuckers.


Nearly a week of bottled rage coursed through David as he let out a furious roar and charged #72, closing the distance between the two of them in a fraction of a second.
#72 blocked David's first punch, only to catch a brutal uppercut and a swift right hook for his efforts.
As #72 staggered backwards from the force of the blows, David stepped up to him and slammed his forehead into #72's with a resounding *crack*, grabbed him around the waist, lifted #72 over his shoulder, and body-slammed #72 with a fleshy thud and a sick *crack*.
David grunted and collapsed to his knees as Littlehorn jabbed him in the lower back with a cattle prod, sending enough electricity into him to incapacitate a lesser man. David let out a furious snarl as he looked behind himself to see Littlehorn right behind him, raising the cattle prod for another strike. Moving faster than Littlehorn could react, David dropped to his right hand for stability and nailed Littlehorn in the chest with a powerful kick from his left leg, rising to his feet as Littlehorn was launched into the wall a few feet behind them.
David screamed as he stomped over to #72, and brought his foot down on #72's head. #72 caught David's foot and redirected it away from his head, rolling out of the way as he swept one of his legs under David's, knocking the enraged man on his back. Before David could get back to his feet, Littlehorn grabbed Twilight and held a knife to her throat.
“Move, and I'll give her a smile that stretches from ear to ear!”
David froze as #72 slowly picked himself up, and limped over to his fallen mesmetron.
“Mezz him until the charm needs recharging. I don't know how he broke it, but we can't afford another... incident like that.”
Littlehorn watched with grim satisfaction as #72 fired four magically assisted pre-war mind-control signal pulses into #101's head.
“Now, as I was saying before, retrieve my doctor's bag, and I also want you to grab a child-sized slave collar. Don't tarry, now! We need to punish #101 and his pet for their insolence.”
As #72 left the room, Littlehorn laid Twilight on her back on the table, carefully tying her legs to a small metal loop screwed into each corner. Satisfied with his work, he opened a drawer and pulled out a handful of stimpacks and unbuttoned his suit to inject himself with two, revealing a massive bruise forming on his chest.
“I knew that you would be quite the acquisition, #101. That kick felt like it could've killed one of those damnable super mutants! It's too bad that you're so strong willed.”
Littlehorn caressed Twilight's neck and stomach, before plunging two of the stimpacks into her stomach. Twilight jerked and let out an agonized whimper in her unconscious state as Littlehorn emptied the syringes. Littlehorn clicked his tongue at her as he lustfully caressed her belly.
“If only you would obey, pet, there'd be no need for hurting you so! But, you've made your bed, and now you must lay in it.”


Afterwards, Littlehorn cuts Twilight open, examines her internal organs, and seals her up again. He then has #72 repeatedly strangle her, then slap/kick her awake. Twilight loses most of her will to resist halfway through her asphyixiation session, simply taking the abuse. Once Littlehorn is satisfied with Twilight's conditioning, he then orders #72 to give David thirty doses of his "medicine" (a mixture of diluted radscorpion venom and psycho). Littlehorn drags Twilight into a different room and talks her into completely giving in. When #72 finishes up with David, Littlehorn chains her to a rack, and repeatedly shocks her with a cattle prod, just to ensure that she will obey him unconditionally.

Littlehorn then washes her up, ties her down to a table, injects David with a cocktail of psycho, erectile dysfunction medication, and potent aphrodisiacs, and orders David to rape Twilight. Littlehorn and #72 join in, but they let David do most of the 'work', hoping that forcing him to hurt Twilight in such a manner would be the thing to break his will. Being in estrus, Twilight involuntarily beings to enjoy the constant stimulation, hating herself for the pleasure that her body is feeling. Meanwhile, Pinkie convinces Jericho to come with her and Annie while they try to track down and rescue David and Twilight.

After David's hard-on shot wears off, Littlehorn orders #72 to take David back to his conditioning room and stick him in a sensory deprivation chamber, and takes Twilight back to his bedroom, planning on training her to override her gag reflex and how to behave as his "pet". David breaks free of his mind control measures again, brutally kills #72, and goes after Littlehorn. I'll include that section as well, as it only entails David killing #72.


#72 jabbed me in the back with the barrel of his rifle as my feet obeyed his command. I felt... something, as my feet took me farther and farther away from Twilight, farther away from the broken, beaten and terrified mare that I was forced to rape.
The mare I rescued, the mare I befriended, the mare I trusted with my darkest secrets. The mare that I swore to protect.
Hell of a job I was doing, eh?
I stopped in my tracks as I realized, truly realized for the first time, that the reason this had happened to Twilight, my little Twilight, was because I was enough of a fucking moron to walk into an ambush, without backup.
Everything that had happened to her was my fault.
And with that realization, I broke free once again.
“...now! Move!”
I don't know what that motherfucker was trying to say to me, nor did I care. The only thing I could even process at the moment was the rage flowing through my veins like molten iron.
And one of Twilight's tormentors was standing right in front of me.


Despite his decades of field experience, #72 knew that he didn't stand a chance when David turned around and knocked his rifle from his grasp.
“You woke the wrong dog, motherfucker!”
David growled as he tackled #72 into a soundproofed conditioning room. Still, #72 wasn't going to go down without a fight.
Or so he thought.
Before #72 could react, David grabbed him by his throat and started smashing his skull into the hard concrete floor.
Desperately fighting to stay conscious, #72 pulled a combat knife out of the sheathe on his belt-
Only to have David wrench it from his grasp, and bury it to the hilt in his forehead.
“Not so tough now, are ya?”
David muttered to himself as he searched #72's body. After taking #72's belt, revolver and knives, he grabbed #72's assault rifle, and made his way towards where he had last seen Twilight.


Meanwhile, Littlehorn rapes Twilight one last time, but David bursts in and kills him as well. He recovers Twilight and his gear, then he leaves. He meets up with Pinkie, Annie and Jericho, and they walk back to Megaton.

Here is the section, as it doesn't entail any rape/torture.:


I didn't care that Littlehorn was as good as dead after the first six rounds to the chest, nor did I care that I was wasting ammunition on him. All I cared about was making godamn sure he paid for what he did to Twilight. So I kept firing until the magazine was empty, furiously screaming at him the whole time. Once the rage-fueled haze cleared enough for coherent thought, I dropped my rifle, frantically looking for Twilight. I know I heard her scream, I fucking know I did!
“P-please go away...”
“Twilight? Twilight, where are you? C'mon, we gotta get the fuck out of here!”
I heard her let out a muffled, terrified sob, from underneath the bed.
“Twilight? C'mon, girl, we gotta go.”
I repeated in a softer tone.
“Yeah, it's me, David. Come on, Twi, it's time for us to go home. It... it's over.”
I replied as I crouched next to the ornate bed and lifted the bedskirt up. Twilight was under there, alright, and she... well, words can't describe how my heart fell when I saw how utterly broken she was. She was terrified, timidly sneaking sideways glances at me, as if she was waiting for me to hit her for speaking out of line. Her face, her eyes, her posture, everything about her simply screamed that she was broken.
And it was all my godamn fault.
Twilight shied away from me and let out a tiny, frightened whimper, fresh tears running down her face when I reached for her. She'd had meltdowns before, woken up in a blind, panicked terror before, but... not this. If there was anything left of the studious, awkward, excitable mare that was Twilight Sparkle, I couldn't see it. It was hidden behind those empty, broken eyes of hers.
"Goddammit Twi, look at me girl!"
Beautiful, violet eyes that used to be filled with life, love, curiosity and laughter, now staring at me with a mixture of fear, pain and unwavering obedience. Her gaze briefly met mine, before she squeezed her eyes shut, cringing as if she was waiting for me to hit her.
“I... I-I'm so sorry, Dave, p-please don't h-hate me...”
Sorry? What the fuck could she possibly have done to apologize for? Twilight flinched when I pulled her out, but I ignored it. She needed someone to hold her, and... well, I needed her too. So as soon as I disarmed and removed her collar and the ring around her horn, I cradled her in my arms, rocking her back and forth as I began searching for my equipment. She didn't move, didn't cry, didn't do anything but stare up at the ceiling for a solid ten minutes.
“T-Twilight, I'm so, so fucking sorry, girl, I-I... FUCK!
“I-indoor v-voices, Dave...”
I stopped in my tracks and looked down at Twilight, hoping that I wasn't hearing shit. Her eyes were closed, but she looked better, for what it's worth.
“What was that?”
Twilight blinked as she groggily cracked her eyes open.
“In-*cough cough* I-i-indoor v-voices, Dave.... S-somepony is try-*cough cough cough* trying to s-sleep.”
“Twilight? Talk to me again! How are you feeling?”
“I... I-I don't h-hurt as much, but...”
She sniffled, blinking away the tears welling up in her eyes.
“I... I-I-I don't know how I f-feel.”
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck FUCK!
I nodded, biting back the urge to smash my fists into the wall as I brushed a strand of her mane out of her face.
“O-okay, Twilight. When I find my equipment, if I find my equipment, I'll give you all the stimpacks I had on me, and we'll go home, okay?”
Speaking of which...
“Megaton is fine Dave, i-in case you were wondering. We only lost six people total, a-and we completely wiped out the attacking f-force. I-I helped!”
“Okay, that's good, very good. Uh, why don't you go ahead and try to get some sleep, Twilight? Please?”
My request fell on deaf- or rather, unconscious ears.
“Sleep tight, girl. Sleep tight...”
After searching every single room top to bottom, I returned to the room I rescued Twilight from. Wouldn't you know it, the old fuck had my armour, sidearms and ammunition stored away in there. My minigun was nowhere to be found, but I was planning on coming back to this hellhole anyways. Why? I planned on finding out everything that I could about the old fuck, salvaging everything I could from the place, and taking down anyone associated with him. But only after I made it back to Megaton with Twilight, and left her with Pinkie, Annie, Stockholm and Lucas. Thankfully, the poor mare was so out of it that she didn't notice when I laid her on the bed to get suited up. Well, mostly suited up. I couldn't find her equipment anywhere, so I'm guessing that it was either destroyed, or she just didn't wear it when she came after me. So to protect her from any harm I might run across, I swaddled her in my duster, much like a newborn child. That, and the duster was certainly much softer on the inside than the armour plating on my arms would be.
A quick search of the room yielded more ammunition drums and boxes for #72's rifle and his M29 revolver, as well as a substantial amount of caps in a lockbox and what looked like... preserved ears, right next to an altar of sorts. Both the altar and the ears were fucking creepy, something that I knew would be burned into my memory or years to come.
”Fucking creep...”
Whatever. I stuffed the lockbox into one of the field packs I found inside the old bastard's ammo locker, carefully picked Twilight up again, and started searching for the exit.


Jericho stopped in his tracks, swearing under his breath as he slowly swept the ground with flashlight mounted on his Type 86.
“Fuck! I lost the tracks!”
Annie groaned as she walked up to him.
Jericho flicked his flashlight off and gave her an annoyed glare.
“Yes, again. Tracking footprints in the middle of the fucking night ain't easy, especially when the fucking moon ain't out!”
Annie was grateful for Jericho's help, and even more grateful for the firepower of the belt-fed machinegun he was packing, but she was starting to get sick of Jericho's attitude.
“O-oh, okay... Umm, ooh, I know! W-why don't we stop and rest for the night? I-it'll be like a camping trip!”
But for Pinkie's sake, she dealt with it. The poor mare had perked up considerably when Annie first woke her, but her mood had steadily declined as the day wore on without a sign of David or Twilight.
“Uh, sure, kiddo! Why don't you just lay down and take a nap, and we'll make sure nothing comes and eats ya, eh?”
Of course, it didn't hurt that Jericho, despite being a 'retired' raider, had a soft spot for the mares, Pinkie especially, so he was willing to tone down the whole “hardass waster” routine for her sake.
“Okie dokie lok- brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! Whoa!”
Before Pinkie could lay down though, she started vibrating, literally vibrating. As in, her entire body, like her stomach was a vertibird engine running at full crank.
“What the fuck was that, kiddo?”
Pinkie gasped as her tail stuck out straight behind her, and her body pivoted slightly to face north-northeast, seemingly of it's own volition.
“That was a doozy, the strongest one I've ever had! My Pinkie sense says that it's going to happen at... a junkyard? That's weird...”
Pinkie muttered to herself as Jericho tensed up, quickly scanning their surroundings.
“A junkyard? A-are you sure about that, kiddo?”
Pinkie nodded as another doozy overtook her.
“All I know is that there's a whole bunch of... carriages? No, cars! A bunch of old cars and stuff! Mr. Jericho? A-are you okay, Mr. Jericho?”
“Fuck, oh man, this is bad! Kiddo, you don't want to go there, trust me! I been to the Scrapyard once, and I swore I'd never fuckin' return! That place is bad fuckin' news, I'm tellin' ya!”
Annie could tell Pinkie was starting to get more than a little nervous at Jericho's reaction.
“Jericho, what are you talking about? What's so scary about that place?”
Jericho started backing away, nervously shaking his head as he went.
“Littlehorn and Associates, that's who. That Littlehorn motherfucker, he's fucking evil, and that's coming from a retired raider! Okay, well, my crew wasn't nowhere as depraved as these motherfuckers nowadays, but what I'm sayin' is that motherfucker is bad news!”
Pinkie started to tear up, but almost instantly composed herself. She marched right up to Jericho, and angrily jabbed him in the thigh with an armoured hoof.
“Listen here, mister! I know you're scared, but Davey and my marefriend are at the junkyard, or scrapyard, or whatever, and they need our help! So you can either keep babbling like a scared filly on Nightmare Night, or you can help me help Davey and Twilight! Your decision!”
Jericho took a step back and returned Pinkie's glare. For a second, Annie was afraid that he was actually going to hit the poor mare, but he started laughing instead. Pinkie maintained her glare for a few seconds longer, before breaking down and giggling with Jericho.
“Alright, alright, I guess I was being a bit of a pussy for a second there, kiddo.”
Pinkie held up a hoof as yet another doozy overtook her. When it finally subsided, she bounced over to him and nuzzled his leg, eliciting a smile from the ex-raider.
“Oh, don't be so hard on yourself, Mr. Jericho! Everypony gets scared every now and then!”
“Yeah, you're right, 'giggle at the ghosties', eh? I do feel better now... C'mon, kid! Let's go crack some fuckin' skulls, yeah?”
Annie was, for lack of a better word, shocked stupid as she watched the entire exchange between the two. If Pinkie could do that to a hardened, asshole ex-raider, then it was no wonder the two of them had David wrapped around their fing- hooves!
“Yeah! But first, we gotta find Twilight and Davey! Then-”
“Then, I'm gonna find Littlehorn, stick my machinegun up his ass and pull the fuckin' trigger 'til it clicks! C'mon kid, let's go kick some ass!”
The three of them froze for a moment when they heard David's voice drifting towards them from the north.
“Afraid I already beat you to that, Jericho. I appreciate the sentiment, though.”


Immediately, Annie and Jericho had their weapons trained on me. It was expected, but it still pissed me off to no fucking end. Not because they were pointing their guns at me, but because they were aiming at my center of mass. The area in front of which was currently occupied by a bundled-up Twilight Sparkle.
“Aim those guns elsewhere, or I'm gonna stick them up your asses.”
Annie was the first to lower her weapon, eyeing the bundle in my arms.
“David, what the hell happened?”
“They- we- I-”
I let an irritated sigh escape my lips as I tried to think of something to say.
“I- Look, I'll tell you when we're safe in Megaton. Let's move!”
Pinkie cautiously trotted over, followed closely by Jericho. Odd.
“D-Davey? Is Twilight okay?”
“N- yeah, she- She's fine, just really, really tired. Let's go home now, okay?”
I never was a good liar. Even in the dark, the three of them knew I was lying, Pinkie especially. The look on her face said that much.
“Okie dokie lokie...”
It was a long, painfully quiet walk home.

Anyways, I'm beginning work on Chapter 10 tonight, and hopefully it'll be done within two weeks!

Report Black John · 532 views · Story: Lost ·
Comments ( 17 )

2210954 Thanks! Like I said in the A/N, this is the darkest that this story will get, save for one other occassion (that won't directly affect Twilight. I'm done abusing the poor mare!). It's gonna be uphill from this point, starting with the next chapter. The Capital Wasteland is gonna get a new motherfucking paintjob!


2211085 Just came to be but have a link to "Let the Bodies hit the Floor" by Drowning Pool during the massacre! It'd be fitting ya think?


And this, of course!

The song is gonna be more appropriate for David, and I figured I'd punish ya'll some more with the video!

Also, as you wish!

How is cupcakes punishment? I honestly can't help but laugh at it!
...Does that make me a bad person?

2211245 No. That video is actually pretty fucking hilarious. Some of the faces she makes, I forget that I'm watching a brutal murder!

Ok...I take it back the song "Get Ready to Die" does fit Dave. I was wrong you were right.

Ya got that right!

2211085 ya d:yay:n well better be. Like in said in my story comment, I don't know who you are, but if you hurt Twilight like that again I will find you and I will kill you. :pinkiesmile: In the most horrific way possible. :pinkiehappy: And because I really do quite like your story, I may even make it quick!

2213914 PLOT TWIST: David was working for Littlehorn the while time!

2213945 If that was true I'd find a way to bring my Courier Six in to deep fry his ass and then likely destroy megaton by rearming the nuke and then detonating it in an act of 'cleansing' as she'd never forgive him for this kinda thing.

My courier has a very... very bad history with slaver characters especially the legion went into their camp shot their leader in the head, killed everyone there, there was no survivors just piles of ash, goo, and bloody corpses for like... 20 miles. The Energy weapons really got an upgrade in New Vegas.

2250495 Hell yeah they did! I loved using a,scoped laser rifle to wipe out sleeping legionares! Laser Commander and Meltdown are the way to go!

2250514 Seeing my Courier already has her Energy Weapons maxed out, as well as her science, speech, barter, medicine, and repair... Not to mention the Black Widow perk she could talk someone's pants off better than a succubus and then deep fry them like a true american pyromaniac. (Seeing as Flamethrowers are considered energy weapons I get to enjoy throwing fire, plasma, and lasers around like nobody's business.)

If I recall her s.p.e.c.i.a.l. score was
6, 8, 6, 10, 10, 4, 2
That's her current score factoring equipment and perks if I recall. She's unlucky as hell but, can work out problems like the best of them.

2250546 I'm guessing you utilized a lot of sneak attacks, then? My apex Courier was an unarmed/melee powerhouse, but I'd always carry the Riot Shotgun, too.

2250703 I'm not even done with the main story she's only level 23 or so... her agility isn't really high enough to sneak though I plan on pumping that up when I get the chance, but mostly my companions are just seven kinds of bad ass.

I think littlehorn got off easy...
I can't even begin to describe what i would do if i got my hands on him and it would take extremely long and it would be very VERY messy and so painful that it would hurt anyone to even hear a fraction of it....

so much beautiful blood and gore that i could play with....
so much fun to be had:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

But the thing is, that i wouldn't feel anything when doing it but perhaps joy for giving him a taste of his own medicine and hate for him for doing what he did to others...

Normal slavers i just give mercy.....
In the form of a bullet...:ajbemused:

3254185 Heh, that seems to be the general consensus. I almost feel bad for re-duxing the story, because I know a lot of you are wanting to see what David does to the L&H organization.
Long story short, David was going to crush, kill and utterly destroy everything associated with Littlehorn that he could get his hands on.
I'll be re-introducing Littlehorn & Associates in the re-dux, but they won't be playing such a heavy role in the story as they are now, but you all will get to see what organizations were involved, just how many associates and operators Littlehorn had in the Capital Wasteland, and what exactly was up with that creepy little altar next to Littlehorn's bed.

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