• Member Since 12th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 6th, 2023


Just a transgirl hoping to read some awesome fanfics and get inspired for writing

More Blog Posts16

  • 518 weeks

    The prescription decongestant is working like a charm, I can actually do stuff instead of lay in bed suffering. So that's my infection on its way out the door.

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  • 519 weeks

    So a few days ago, about the last couple days of June, I started to get a cold thanks to the weather. It hadn't been so bad, I was able to take decongestants and stuff and basically function. But now it's escalated into a sinus infection, and it feels like my sinuses are on fire. No, more like every bit of congestion has turned into napalm.

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  • 520 weeks
    Fanonbusters 01: Are ponies omnivorous?

    Many thanks to Kudzuhaiku for giving me the idea that sparked this blog, and ultimately this series of blogs.

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  • 520 weeks
    Possible blog series?

    So I had an idea while I was laying down just now, about making a series of blogs that pertain to some pieces of fanon that seem somewhat compelling and how realistically it might be placed into the shows actual canon. This would be based purely on evidence given within the show (not the comics as I have never had the opportunity to read them), no matter if themes within certain pieces of fanon

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Anger · 7:13pm Jun 11th, 2014

So I just had a couple of hours filled with utter rage. Because I'm totally disrespecting someone by asking them to give me a little bit of freaking courtesy.

I am not fine with kids. Not in the least. This is partially because I know enough about child psychology to know that I don't know enough to not say the wrong thing. And partly because, in my experience, they are horrible little monsters that get into everything and destroy things.

So, a friend of the family, Cindy, has two grandchildren. Phoenix and Lucy. I like them even less than the average child simply because I've been forced to live with them for a time, and in that time, half of my clothes have gone missing (used in various cloth forts by them and never found again), various items of various values have been destroyed/gone missing (last seen in the vicinity of one of the children), and they've generally acted like brats.

Now, Cindy knows I don't like her grandchildren. It is a point of contention between us. I have asked her before that if she is going to bring one of them over, that the least she could do is give me some warning so I can mentally prepare and get my most valued stuff hidden away. All in all, it's a rather simple request. A single phone call.

My mom asked Cindy to come over and help clean the house up a bit for when she visits tomorrow. I knew this was happening. What I did not know was that she was bringing Phoenix over.

Is that why I'm angry? No. I was shocked and mildly annoyed, but since he was already here, I figured the best I could do was make sure Cindy understood that this I would have preferred that I had been warned that he was coming over. I even said it rather politely, given the circumstances. "I'd have liked it if you'd given me some warning he'd be here."

IMMEDIATELY, she raises her voice and starts cussing me out, saying that I'm disrespecting her, especially since she's doing the kindness of coming over to clean up. I couldn't get a word in edgewise because she wouldn't shut up about it. This is when I started getting angry. Especially when she goes "Is that a rule? Is supposed to be a fucking rule? Because that was never there before."

Seriously? I told her before that I would like warning if she's bringing one of the grandkids over. This is not something new at all. And calling it a rule as if it's something I'm trying to enforce with repercussions? What? I didn't say he couldn't come in.

So after that I went upstairs and into my room because I couldn't trust myself to be in the same room with them without doing something that would send me to jail. I pretty much spent the next two hours in there, stewing over the entire encounter with nothing to do because I had gone up in a hurry and left all of my entertainment equipment in the living room, and no way in hell was I going to go down there with her still there.

What I did do was call my mom and vent to her about the situation, since she was the closest thing to a mediator we have. That, and just sit/lay in my room, entertaining extremely gory and sadistic thoughts, safe in the knowledge that I would never follow through on them, no matter how nice the thoughts felt.

So, they leave two hours later, I go down to survey the damage. I was pleasantly surprised to note most of my stuff in the exact condition I left them in. Until I noticed that my stylus was missing.

When my mom got me a Kindle Fire HD, I got a combination stylus/pen to go with it. It's very nice and cost me a bit of money. It was missing, nowhere in the immediate vicinity of where I'd left it, and in its place was a pen tip that looked suspiciously like the pen part from the stylus, broken off.

I called to tell my mom about this newest development, and she tells me that Cindy apparently was primarily upset that no matter how 'polite' I may have thought I had been, I had said it in front of Phoenix, which was apparently inexcusable.


Report Jadelynn_Opal · 231 views ·
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So, there was this one time, I was out in public, and I had my Nintendo 3DS with me, and this kid comes up and demands I give him my 3DS. I tell him no and he runs away crying.

A moment later, a woman comes up, the boys mother, and DEMANDS I had over my 3DS and share it with her son, who DESERVES to play it and had his feelings hurt because I wouldn't share. I was a grown man and I had no business with a Nintendo 3DS, which is for little kids, and he was ENTITLED to play it, because it was meant for children his age.

When that failed, she started shouting that I was a fucking pedophile who was trying to lure in little boys with my 3DS so I could molest them.

There was a confrontation of sorts and I said some things I probably shouldn't, mostly calling her skills as a parent into question.

I left her in tears and made the kid cry too.

I wish I felt bad about it. :fluttershyouch:

2198917 you have no idea.
so I was at my grandparents house in EAST TX
for easter. And we had a whole bunch of family over
most notably we had my young cousins (6-ish)
and since there is nothing to do out there ('cept shoot, which I can't do when the little ones are around) I played games on my Ipad (can knockdown specifically [1100 point highscore]) and my cousin uhhh anabela I think comes and asks if she can play. I ask her if she can play with my little sister instead, she says no and when she asks again, I give a flatout no and ignore her. she as soon as I say no attempts to wrench the ipad out of my grip (very unsucsesfully, I even manage to keep playing at this point) and we continue to fight over it (I mean, she continued to be an annoyance and attempt to take my ipad) until I get it out of her grasp, and sit her in timeout (physically force her) and go sit back down. she gets back up, and does the same thing to my father on our spare ipad and continues to my sister on her mini, and my mother/littlest sister (1) with her phone

and you think your situation was bad

2198970 Imagine if after sitting her in timeout she went and told whoever her parent is and they told you off for telling off their kid and you pretty much have how I feel about the whole situation

well when I was about 10. we held a birthday for my mother (she turned 27 I think) and invited a bunch of her friends and her kids over.me and the other boys promptly set about playing Halo 2, like normal kids.
however my sister and her bitch squad decided to play makeup or whatever in her room, until we wer'e fully engrossed in our game. before sneaking into my room, and destroying everything they could find. EVERYTHING

as a punishment she lost the biggest room in the house, and I moved into there. but I didn't care about that room size doesn't matter to my room space, maximization skills and am still trying to charge my sister for destruction of property

2198979 well I am really good at that kind of thing (practice) so that wouldn't have been much of a problem. her mom did reprimand her lightly, for being such a brat, however I also got a verbal reprimand for punishing her, like WTF?

2198990 I'm not good at dealing with kids due to lack of much experience, and what little experience I have has ended up being the wrong kind of experience.

2198983 Did they get punished?

2199002 them? I don't believe they did, other than verbal reprimandment
and trust me experience makes kids harder to deal with. I have four siblings and constantly want to strangle at least one of them

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