• Member Since 12th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 6th, 2023


Just a transgirl hoping to read some awesome fanfics and get inspired for writing

More Blog Posts16

  • 518 weeks

    The prescription decongestant is working like a charm, I can actually do stuff instead of lay in bed suffering. So that's my infection on its way out the door.

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  • 519 weeks

    So a few days ago, about the last couple days of June, I started to get a cold thanks to the weather. It hadn't been so bad, I was able to take decongestants and stuff and basically function. But now it's escalated into a sinus infection, and it feels like my sinuses are on fire. No, more like every bit of congestion has turned into napalm.

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  • 520 weeks
    Fanonbusters 01: Are ponies omnivorous?

    Many thanks to Kudzuhaiku for giving me the idea that sparked this blog, and ultimately this series of blogs.

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  • 520 weeks
    Possible blog series?

    So I had an idea while I was laying down just now, about making a series of blogs that pertain to some pieces of fanon that seem somewhat compelling and how realistically it might be placed into the shows actual canon. This would be based purely on evidence given within the show (not the comics as I have never had the opportunity to read them), no matter if themes within certain pieces of fanon

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Fanonbusters 01: Are ponies omnivorous? · 11:58am Jun 25th, 2014

Many thanks to Kudzuhaiku for giving me the idea that sparked this blog, and ultimately this series of blogs.

The theory of the ponies from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic being omnivorous is interesting, since there are a few bits of evidence towards it, and you can quite easily claim that ponies simply prefer the herbivore lifestyle due to lack of killing such a diet provides. We've never seen a serious food shortage in Equestria, either. But how well does this theory hold up under serious examination? Let's take a look at the evidence.

Evidence #1: Sharp teeth

This is the evidence most easily dismissed, particularly on its own. It's more likely that it's stylistic flair than evidence they actually have sharp teeth that they use for eating meat. Makes it more dramatic. However, it's possible the other evidence will make it seem more likely, so I'll come back to it after I've dealt with some more evidence.

Evidence #2: Fall Weather Friends

During her narration of the Running of the Leaves, Pinkie Pie goes off into a tangent about eating hot dogs and what toppings she likes on them. I am very unsure of how to take this one, since it's possible this could go either way.

On the one hand, it could have just been Pinkie Pie being herself, and she was in fine form that day. That is almost certainly the reason that no one seriously questioned the moment, whether in-universe or in the fandom. Spike's confusion further sold the concept.

On the other hand, even if it was simply Pinkie Pie being herself, you'd think one of the ponies would have had a strong reaction to the implication she's eaten meat. Do you know what happens when an herbivore tries to eat meat? It'd be like chasing prescription strength laxative with ipecac. Not pleasant. But no, not a single pony got distracted from the Running of the Leaves.

This piece of evidence really could go either way, so I guess that leaves me to bring up the next one.

Evidence #3: Bridle Gossip

"She's an evil enchantress
She does evil dances
And if you look deep in her eyes
She'll put you in trances
Then what will she do?
She'll mix up an evil brew
Then she'll gobble you up
In a big tasty stew
Soooo... Watch out!"

Correct me if I'm wrong, but . . . didn't she still think Zecora was a pony when she made this song? Not only that, but everyone else also still thought that? And no one questioned that particular lyric?

Don't get me wrong, I can understand why most of them wouldn't have done so. They were too scared to be logical about such a thing. However, Twilight was not only being the voice of reason, but she also had every reason in the world to have brought it up. Pointing out a simple logical fallacy like that would have made it easier to convince them that they weren't giving Zecora a fair chance.

Hell, just from a Hasbro executive standpoint it would have made sense to throw something about that in there! There'd be no harm in reminding kids that the ponies don't eat meat, and it'd be a lesson on rationality. Okay, so obviously they couldn't have had Twilight point it out so soon; it would have made the episode end too early. Alright, then how about towards the end, when everything is clearing up, they have Zecora rhyme about it or something? Here, I'll throw something together that they could have used.

"My breakfast consisted of grass and a leaf,
I would get sick if I ate any beef."

There! 20/20 hindsight would have been kicking those ponies asses if that had been thrown in there. But no, it wasn't, and the absolutely only reason I can think of that it wasn't is that the ponies really are omnivores.

This makes the previous piece of evidence, which was already iffy, lean heavily towards Pinkie not simply being Pinkie on that one. But . . .

I don't know, it's still kind of questionable. I mean, it's only got one solid piece of evidence on its side. And it's not like the show's proven that the ponies could kill for food or anything!


Report Jadelynn_Opal · 348 views ·
Comments ( 15 )

Actually, horses and cows will happily eat meat if they can get it, they simply very seldom actively hunt for it.

I've heard many anecdotes from farmers about how they've seen one of their horses either taking advantage of road-kill, or outright leaning and biting down on say a rabbit or similar.

Heck, remember the reason for mad cow? It may have squicked quite a few people out, but the cows didn't exactly mind the bone-meal feed.

2232889 Well. :rainbowderp: You learn something new every day.

I'd like to know where people got the idea that pegasi eat fish? They're mythical creatures no one really knows anything about. That animation of Fluttershy giving fish to her ferrets doesn't mean anything. Go back a bit when she gives birds some worms, she tries spitting the taste of them out of her mouth. There's nothing suggesting they're omnivorous, nor is there anything suggesting they aren't. I still believe it's artistic flair when the ponies are shown to have sharper teeth.

I have my own theories about the show, but they're mainly about Celestia pulling a thousand-plus year old Xanatos gambit.

Now just repeat to yourself "it's just a show, I should really just relax".


I'd like to know where people got the idea that pegasi eat fish?

Probably the original greek mythology that introduced pegasi to the world at large? I'm not sure. This blog post is irrelevant to that, as it's more about all ponies, not simply pegasi.

Now just repeat to yourself "it's just a show, I should really just relax".

:rainbowlaugh: I think you're completely missing the point of this series. I'm having fun and relaxing by taking this too seriously.

Also, Applejack has a bologna sandwich in one of the episodes. There is a screen cap somewhere.


Also, something I just noticed about your post, . . .

That animation of Fluttershy giving fish to her ferrets doesn't mean anything. Go back a bit when she gives birds some worms, she tries spitting the taste of them out of her mouth.

That clip I showed down there was proof that ponies were willing to kill for food. I mean, hell, if Fluttershy is willing to kill fish to feed her other animal friends, what might other ponies be capable of?

Secondly, your post says nothing about my major piece of evidence, while still saying that there's absolutely nothing suggesting they're omnivorous. Did you even read my blog post or did you just look at the pretty pretty images?


Thanks for the comments. Do be sure to offer suggestions for future articles if you think of any. I know there are lots of bits of headcanon people have that could be analyzed like this, but I can only think of a few right now.

Believe it or not, I did and I'm not too hung up on their diet to actually care.

You talking about this sammich?
That was the season one episode "A Bird in the Hoof"

2232931 Then why did you even read this blog? Why are you commenting? :rainbowhuh::derpyderp1::derpyderp2:

Because I can. :derpytongue2:
I'll leave you alone now.


Yeah, that one.

I feel like Pinkie Pie. Two of my friends are being snarky and I don't know what to do. :pinkiecrazy:

#2: Tofu dogs. The frankfurter could be a bit of griffon cuisine that the ponies adapted to their own tastes.

#3's pretty solid, but I felt I should point out the weak point in your argument.

2232957 Thanks, forgot about the existence of tofu . . . possibly because I try to do so every time I'm made to remember it :pinkiecrazy: but it's relevant in this case. I still think, in light of #3, that the tofu just swings it back to 50/50 though.


and the number 2 is why I have already suspended my "talk about meat" in the other discussion: foreign invention adapted to ponies, like the doorknobs, up to now, excluding unicorn "cheating" magic, only spyke is seen actually using them, yet EVERY DOOR have one of them

and as I already said, there are some proves that ponies eat, if ton fish as well, crustacean, even if in small quantities

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