• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
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Wanderer D

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More Blog Posts1379

  • 1 week
    Author Life Update

    Hello everyone! This is your friendly-but-sometimes-a-hard-ass neighborhood Latias: Wanderer D!

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  • 2 weeks
    Sorry guys

    I apologize for the lack of updates. Although I am writing a bit, I've found myself in a bit of a semi-writer's block. I'll get out of it, but it is delaying the stories.

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  • 5 weeks
    Author update!

    I'm editing stuff! But also incredibly dried out of writing power atm. I'll get going again soon, but just bear with me for a bit. I'm publishing a chapter of XCOM today, then start on the daily writing (not publishing) again tomorrow morning. In the meantime, always remember:

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  • 8 weeks
    Remembering Koji Wada

    Like every year, I like to remember the man/legend responsible for the theme songs of one of my favorite shows of all time on the anniversary of his death.

    So if you were wondering about the timing for the latest Isekai chapters? There you go.

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  • 9 weeks
    Welp, here's a life update

    These last couple of weeks have been a bit of a rollercoaster. Good things have happened, and also bad ones. No wonder I could relate to both Furina and Navia in the latest Isekai chapter. Sometimes pretending things are fine is really exhausting, even if they do get better.

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TSC Discussion time! · 4:09am Jun 8th, 2014

With Wanderer D and Rusty the Brave online, live! The question is... when?

It can be right now... or tomorrow morning at about 1PM EST/10AM PST?

Where is the story going? What are we thinking!? Why the changes, and discussions on both of our fics as well as previous chapters!

Who's interested? And when would be best?

Actually, never mind, we'll do it tomorrow at 1PM EST! Think about what you want to know and you can write it in the blog!

Comments ( 25 )

Not me. I am totally not interested in the slightest.


I am, but either way, I don't get to come. I have to go to bed, then go to Church, and then go to wark. No kwehlaxing allowed for me...

Sweet, that's right after my radio show ends. Gonna be pretty cool then.

just do it now for all I care. i'll be waiting for another chapter anyways

Wanderer D

2185825 The new chapter is done. We're in the process of editing.

2185827 how about at 2:00 Wanderer, because some people including me have church toworrow

I also have no inferest whatsoever.


EDIT: Crap, image link is broken. Imagine a lying Applejack.

i cant think of just one thing! ill just look at everybody elses...

I'm mostly curious about how many more worlds are planned for Sweetie to visit, and if she'll ever add to Akela.

(Also when we'll get another chapter of BTTM.)

Do you know how the story will wrap up already or is that still being determined?

No deep questions. Love the story and would prefer to have the chapters be a thematic surprise.

I guess...
1: Did you have to nix any chapters other than the EoP one?
2: Are there any chapters you have permission for but might have to write without the original author's assistance?
3: if you really really liked a story but it was not part of your original selections, might you write an omake taking place in them (like how some anime have movies that take place during the seriez but out of continuity)?

Have you crossed over with your own stuff yet? (besides WD experiment)
Like, I dunno, 3 Sisters or Empty Room? That sounds like fun.

Let me be honest with you D. Recently, I was asked which fic on the site was my favorite. I had to think hard about that and TSC was vying for first place. But ultimately, I couldn't say that it was my fave.

I love the TSC, rather deeply. I like the feel and the voice of all the characters. However, (here is that inevitable 'but') the last 2 chapters have thrown something of a wrench into the works for me. They were not bad on any technical sense, but I felt that Sweetie was deviating wildly away from the character that you had established. I understand why and I totally agree on her growth and development.

But I lost contact with the character. It felt like I was watching a close copy. There was a hollow feeling to those chapters. I mean no disparaging your skill as an author, and I'm not saying that you've lost a reader for it. In fact I look forward to the next chapters, but it is with the hope that the "real" Sweetie Belle will stand up and take her place at the helm of this fic once more. I believe that you have the skill to do that and still develop Sweetie's character and paint an interesting and engaging story.

But I wanted to tell you what I thought, and not sully the comment section of the fic itself. Those are my two bits, D.


Will Sweetie meet somepony else who is also jumping between dimensions and if she does, will they travel for some time together or is it simply a one-time meeting.

please tell me that you still plan on a E.O.P chapter and while you worked with its author did he drop any hints of an update ever? Like for real anything? just a lil update maybe? some time? Before I die perhaps?

Oh Stories in Stone any thoughts?

What I want to know hm... aren't you worried that Sweetie Belle will become so OP that you won't be able to find any worlds that can provide a real challenge for her?

... How are you gonna end the story?

... No, seriously, how are you going to end the story??

Sweetie Belle has gone through a LOT of character development, and I mean a LOT, so how is this all going to be resolved? When you stated the story, the goal was obvious: Get Twilight back together. But now, even if Twilight is put back together, Sweetie Belle is so far off from her filly self that she might not even WANT to go back to her world! And who can say that she won't turn into Twilight Sparkle once she gets all the pieces together anyways, because the shards are corrupting her! What's even worse is that there's some unknown omniscient force that's bearing down on Sweetie Belle during her adventures, causing all this mayhem and mishap to her? What? How is it going to tie in to the climax? We, the readers, have no clear end to the story, as there is no identifiable number of shards that Sweetie Belle has to collect. All we know is that there are a LOT of shards, and that Sweetie Belle is not done collecting them. That is all. And after Sweetie's character development, how are you going to push her character even further? She's already at the brink of insanity, and she has realized who she truely has become now, so where are you going to go with this? She gonna need a real uplift to get herself out of her sadness. But the thing is, at this point, it's hard to believe that anything is going to help her and something is going to raise her spirits because A: Any bonds she makes with other characters are lost the moment she world-hops and B: She doesn't trust anyone anymore! She hates her sister, she's worried about which Twilight she'll meet next and from her experiences, she has to be suspicious of everyone she meets lest she be tricked to do things she morally disagrees with again!

So, my question is, how the hell are you going to end your story?

... But I guess we'll find out eventually, right?

So instead, I have this question: Which story worlds are you planning to lead Sweetie Belle next?

2187317 I think its gonna be a long way before THIS story's gonna end. At this point, it's kind of early to end it right now. there are still quite a few universes Sweetie's gonna have to visit before this ends.

WD: Any plan on crossing over with one of your own fics?

Would at some point sweetie get an illusion spell to hide her changeling nature?

It seems like Sweetie has recently been going to worlds that are very different, whereas towards the beginning the worlds were only slightly different. Will she be going back to worlds like this?

Is sweetie physically aging?

In a way her changeling nature is already hidden to mortal ponies, it's hidden behind a Mask and only other Lost or the Gentry see her Mein.

Besides the point I was wondering if Sweetie Belle, with all her character development will be able to remain in the body of a child if she ever returns to her world, I mean how long has it been since she started her journey?

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