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She's looking at you. Yes you. And she is judging you with her eyes. There is no escape.

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Today's Chase related happy fun times · 10:16pm Jun 5th, 2014

What are the alignments of the various members of The Chase?

IE, Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Evil.

I am genuinely curious as to how everybody sees different members.

Report kudzuhaiku · 365 views · Story: The Chase ·
Comments ( 25 )

Little do you know I am well versed in the terms of nerd. Currently sitting around while someone makes their character for D&D.


Less chat more splat!

Let's see those alignments!

Bucky: Neutral Good
Derpy: True Neutral
Berry: Chaotic Good

As for the others I'm not really sure

I'm not analysing the characters in such way. To me, they are all capable of doing all of them, it's just they need something to cause them to snap.

The D&D system is way too simplistic and restrictive. And it lacks a "thoroughly messed up" category.

Keg Smasher - Lawful Neutral
Twilight Sparkle - still a nieve Lawful Good, I still remember when I thought I was Lawful Good
Celestia - Neutral Good, always with the good intentions IMO the most evil alignment

2178466 Agree with these and would like to add a few more:

Princess Celestia I feel is closer to Neutral Good leaning Chaotic due to the fact that she tends to act in favor of certain traditions while she flat out changed others.
Princess Luna is closer to Lawful Neutral
Children are true neutral due to lack of life experiences
Twilight is Lawful Good due to her abilities for organization and almost constant adherence to laws and rules until they are seen as evil.
Keg Smasher is Chaotic Good without a doubt.
Any that you would prefer to know about in general?

Keg Smasher is anything but good, and Law by might is the oldest of Laws. So IMO gotta be LN

Celestia believes he would make a good prince.

It's rather hard to place some ofthem, but for Derpy I'd have to label her as Lawful Good. She is very strict with the rules she sets down and rarely wants to go outside of them and is obviously a good pony. Of course it brings up the other title of Lawful Anal that usually matches that alignment as well, and we've seen how well that one could fit. :trollestia:

2178519 Alingments can be somewhat tricky to understand in depth and I truly believe that Keg Smasher is Lawful Good due to the fact that most if not all of his actions were for the benefit for the people that are under his care. From what I gathered everything he has done was in the name of bettering his people.

Yes because his is not held down by morality of what is good and evil. It is what works for his people. If sacrificing generations of foals let's his people live free of the Tyranny of the unicorn nobles then it must be done, if wholesale slaughter of fillies and foals will bring peace and stability to the land so be it.
These acts are Evil and generally abhorrent to good aligned people but if done for the sake of others it becomes justified my those of Neutral alignment

2178561 Yes. He would do anything for the good of his people. How is that not Chaotic Good?

More of how Keg Smasher came to be laird will be posted.

I am guessing that many people are going to be unhappy with certain details.

What are the alignments of the various members of The Chase?

As they look now, not saying they'll remain there:

Lawful Good: Bucky, but he's slipping towards NG. Also Celestia and Twilight, who are both trying to manipulate events to create better laws.
Neutral Good: Dinky, she's still not quite formed much beyond 'be good' in her compass. Also Luna, who just wants goodness in general, but isn't going to incite war or create laws to do it.
Chaotic Good: Derpy, she's protective, but for the right reasons. She's not above hitting someone in self-defense, but she won't track someone down to attack without provocation. Also, Rainbow Dash, who will gladly hit someone in defense of another or an ideal.
Lawful Neutral: Keg Smasher, Sentinel. Both are law-abiding, though Keg only upholds what laws he thinks is good, though it's not always a just action. Sentinel uheld his promise, because it was a promise, not because of who it was to.
(true) Neutral: Discord. He's actually rather balanced now that he has Fluttershy's friendship as a buffer for the rest of the world. HE causes chaos, yes, but he isn't too selfish not to help others.
Chaotic Neutral: Berry, she's willing to track someone down and start a war because she was slighted by proxy. She's in this for herself and her family, not because she wants any particular law or value in place. Just a happy family. Also, Thistle, who just wants to continue her species, and doesn't mind hitting on a stallion with literally no interest in her to get that.
Lawful Evil: The whole of House Avarice, minus Bucky. Goods aren't love, and both parents contribute to a happy, healthy child. Fuckers.
Neutral Evil: Dinky's father. Whoever he was, he had his moment, then left. He was unconcerned with others, but it doesn't sound like he was malevolent about it - just utterly neglectful of other's predicaments.
Chaotic Evil: None I've seen yet.

because chaos and Law are the guidelines for your view on Athority, while good and evil are a moral guideline. Does he have the authority to do these things yes, is it right doesn't matter it benefits others. If his actions are Justified under his Authority than he is Lawful if he acts with moral ambiguity than he is Neutral.


Alas, poor Barley O'Blivion.

Bucky started as Lawful Neutral, but has since slid up and over to probably a Neutral Good. Getting his brain fried by magic overload seems to also have taken the stick in his butt with it.

Berry, Chaotic good with strong Neutral tendencies, same with Keg Smasher. While overall they're good, some of their actions have been less than savory.

Derpy...gonna say Neutral since she's hard to pin down.

Twilight's definitely a Lawful Good. Before Berry's beat down, she was going to work within the system to change the way the foalcare system worked (Granted she was probably unaware of just how twisted it actually was), but when the war broke out, she took drastic, but technically legal, steps to protect Ponyville's people.

A lot of people are putting Celestia as Neutral or Chaotic Good, but I see her as Lawful Good too. After all, she hadn't exactly been doing anything about the situation before Berry upended the table as it were. She WANTED to, but was bound by the treaties, which, while horrible, did keep the peace. Now that the treaties are legally broken, she can act to change things for the better. That's definitely Lawful.

On the flipside, the Avarices are Lawful Evil, hiding behind the treaties and other laws to manipulate things for their own personal gain at the expense of others.

Thistle...I would say she's Chaotic Neutral. She really only cares about continuing her people (whether the ponies of the Isles or kelpies), and is hostile towards outside ways of thinking, especially anything that would not consider her to be an adult, and refuses to do anything unless it's on her terms. (Though we'll see if Derpy swats some of that out of her...)


And still, no Barley O'Blivion.


Or Shining Armor. Or Cadance.

Or Cheerilee.

Or Filthy Rich.

Ok fine, but only going by the context of this story.

Barley is Chaotic Good all the way. And given how well they get along, I'd think Luna is too. Both have demonstrated a large amount of 'screw authority' but without any sort of malicious intent about it.

Shining...I'd say Lawful Good. Yeah, cliche for him, but hear me out. While normally his approval of Berry starting a war, whatever the reasons, might seem Neutral or Chaotic I think he saw it as the ONLY option any moral pony would have taken to stand up to the injustice of the sweeps and other ongoing 'legal crimes' being done by the Avarice's and their accomplices. This is how I would interpret (and again, Cliche, I know) a D&D Paladin's reaction to the situation would be. Also, he was the one fronting that the Sparkles dissolve their house and testify legally as atonement, rather than continue to have ANY part in their family's past crimes.

Cadance...not enough info for an opinion, though with her Celestia upbringing, but leanings towards all things love(which is about as chaotic as you get), I'd probably place her as Neutral Good.

Cheerilee definitely started this story as Lawful Neutral, with her adherence to a purely earth pony sense of conduct but that was purely out of ignorance and as things developed and there's been a lot more cultural awareness, she's slid up towards Lawful Good, if she wasn't there already.

Filth Rich started as a low Lawful Neutral, but after the bee attack opened his eyes, he's definitely made a recovery and is heading towards upper scale on the good/evil axis.

Wasn't sure where to classify him. He's kinda teetering between CN and CG

Before I answer this I need to define those terms. In this type of rating system you are usually talking about the motivations of people. The first half is about willingness to follow the rules, whatever the rules are.... and those rules can be self defined. The second half is about focus, 'good' is focussed on others and 'evil' is focussed on self. Thus you can be evil, but do good things to gain something for yourself and even be a hero to others..... and you can be good but hated because you are focussed on helping others even if they do not want the help. So, having said that....

Bucky - Started off as Lawful Evil. He followed the rules but was very focused on himself. As the story has progressed, I would call him neutral evil. He cares about others, but it is HIS mares and HIS foals.... He wants to make them happy, but relates it to his own happiness. His sense of the rules has been lost as well, at the moment he is a time bomb..... and he is ticking down. Heaven help anyone who touches what is HIS.

Berry, Lawful Good, She is a chaos in society, but it is because she holds to an older set of rules. One that has been largely forgotten in 'polite' society. She cares about others in general and will work to protect them. Of course she also cares about hers, so it could be argued that she too is 'Evil', but I do not see the same kind of possessive nature that Bucky has. She wants what is good for them in their own right, even if it hurts her.

Derpy, Chaotic Good. She cares deeply for others but has no set rules to guide her life. She will do what is needed to protect. Period.

And since you mentioned them specificly....

Shining Armor is Lawful, but we do not know enough about his motives to call him Good or Evil.
Cadence is Chaotic Good, she cares about others but has no interest in the rules.
Barley is Lawful in the same way as Berry, but is kind of all over the place with his motivations. I will call him Lawful Neutral for now.

I know that some will not like these answers, but you have to remember that as we look at Good and Evil in others, we usually define folks by their actions, placing them in our own rules for life and our own set of 'right' and 'wrong'... but that is not about why they do what they do, it is about WHAT they do..... and it is a judgement about or own value systems. A case in point on this is the controvercy over Berry's actions in Canterlot. Many reacted very negatively to them at first, but many have come around as her motivations have become more clear.... but she knew why she did what she did from the start. The change has been in the perceptions of those actions by others.

Oh, I'm not even touching this one. This is how wars start.

2179235 Smart man.

Bucky: Starts out as Lawful Good, but is making his way through Neutral Good territory.

Berry: Chaotic all the way. I'd say she's closer to the Good end rather than neutral.

Derpy: Neutral good.

Dinky, Pina: Neutral, leaning towards neutral good.

House Avarice: Lawful Evil.

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