• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2013
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Dark Scribe of the 38th Company, Iron Warriors Legion, come to bring the glory of Chaos to the realm of Pony.

More Blog Posts59

  • 5 weeks
    Cult Ponies

    I'm pretty sure people would rather have story updates instead of art updates, but it turns out most artists draw faster than I write.
    Also, uh, due to my last image hosting site failing, I don't actually know what art I've posted before so here we go!

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  • 30 weeks
    Character Roster (Updated)

    I'm re-posting the roster with fixed links and a few updates.

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    4 comments · 656 views
  • 31 weeks

    The automata that started it all...
    The Tykan-Pattern Probe Automata

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  • 33 weeks
    Iron Cavalry

    Ever since the advent of the Strider-class equine battlesuit the commanders in the 38th Company have been thinking up new tactical approaches to using their new assets. The obvious approach is to use them like the Sentinels they were modeled after: for scouting and light fire support. But the Chaos pirates already possessed Sentinels and had not gotten a new field unit in quite some time, so they

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  • 42 weeks
    Praying to the Dark

    "You wanted to know more about us, grayskin?
    Do you want to know why humans turn to Chaos?
    Sometimes we convert at gunpoint. Sometimes we trade our souls for petty comforts or advantages. Sometimes we need to think that there's some kind of greater intelligence and will standing behind this cruel, merciless universe, and wish to align ourselves with it."
    Gaela smiled.

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Great and Powerful Armor · 5:33pm May 20th, 2014

So we're at a point now where two ponies have customized power armor suits, and though I put a lot of thought into Mac's weaponry and equipment (and have other suits planned), I don't have a good idea of what I want Trixie's suit to do.
She'll have magical attack skills too, but I want Trixie's armor suit to have a main weapon and primary sub-system as well. Ideally, they would be powered by a psionic energy converter (I.E. magic-powered), but they don't have to be. Obviously xenotech is available as well.
I have a few ideas, but I thought if I asked around I might find something better or more character-appropriate: for a main weapon I was considering a generic lightning blaster discharged directly from the helmet's horn housing or a fireburst volley launcher. For the sub-system I was thinking something in the area of illusions, like a scatterfield projector or a high-resolution hololith projector.
Then again it might be silly of my to try to tie her weapons and equipment to her role as an entertainer, but that leaves me with even fewer ideas.

Update: Well, in the end I decided to stick to the psionic-powered fireburst launcher and a hololith projector after all. I debated giving her a witchblade or force sword, but Trixie strikes me as the type to quickly lose her nerve in close combat and use her magical abilities to get to a safe distance.

I'll be leaving this blog open to accumulate more power armor ideas if anyone has them. I have a pretty good idea on what I'm going to be doing for the other Centaur pattern armors, but who knows, someone else might come up with something better!

Comments ( 14 )

Hmm, the first thing that comes to my mind is the old heretical trick of slapping a few Eldar soul stones on it. I've read about the advantages one can have from having them on your armor, though those souls would probably be pretty pissed to be around so much Chaos. Actually Twilight would probably be better suited for soul stones in her armor IF she gets any.

Trixie might do well with a salvaged shuriken cannon (or two) since she loves to spray and pray so much with her shooting.

Oh? I am not aware of the advantages of soul stones on armor. What does that do (besides bling it out)?
And I think the dead Eldar would be quite pleased being tacked onto Trixie, actually; with only their emotional resonance to rely on instead of any real perception, they'd probably mistake her for one of their own kind after sensing her ego.

2129231 Well from what I understand, the stones will lend you extra perception in battle guiding your blows with the souls knowledge and experience and even grant you warnings of incoming dangers. Though how much of this you get depends on who you are fighting. They weep when you fight the Eldar and they are extremely valiant when facing Chaos or the Necrons.

I believe a Space Marine chapter master has his armor embedded with them for this purpose though I cannot recall which one right now.

So the stones lend extra-sensory perception, precognition, advice, and melodrama? That IS nifty.
Chaos tends to use soul stones more as arcane currency, and you have a point that the stones would probably be very uncooperative with a Chaos smith, but it's an interesting option.

One more thing before I forget. You probably already know this but I'm pretty sure you need to have Psyker abilities or potential to "hear" the soul stones.
Though it could be interesting if the "Earth" Ponies were able to hear the "Stones" talking. :derpytongue2:
I can't help but think that Pinkie Pie would be able to hear the voices either way.:pinkiehappy:

Also, I could be wrong on some of the things I have said about the soul stones. A lot of what I have said comes from memory of things looked up and discussed with friends years ago.

You know i kee p imagining a scene wherre sweetie belle is arguing with twilight in her library when Twilight says

"You must learn to control your magic OR els it will control you "
and then tzeentch Whispers in Sweeties ear "SHE SPEAKS THE TRUTH, LISTEN TO HER"

That doesn't sound like something I'd write.
It would go more like this:

"You must learn to control your magic or else it will control you."
Don't listen to her. She's dumb. And funny-looking.
"You are kind of funny-looking," Sweetie Belle admitted to the alicorn.
Twilight blinked. "What? This has nothing to do with me! Listen, your magic is-"
"That can't be right, Tzeentch," Sweetie interrupted as she talked to herself, "Rarity says even Twilight must have dated at least ONCE."
Twilight's face went red and her jaw went slack.
Sweetie Belle frowned as she stared at the ceiling. "She did WHAT to Spike?" Then she cocked her head to the side. "I don't even know what that means."
"LESSON OVER!" Twilight screamed.

2131219 what about emotions tzeentch doesnt want his followers to become slaaneshi whores right?

I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. Slaanesh doesn't hold any special dominion over emotions in general, just excess and hedonism. Tzeentch has no specific grudge against Slaanesh, and doesn't really have to worry about his cultists obliviously switching sides.
Also, this doesn't really have anything to do with Trixie's power armor... :trixieshiftright:

Well I gave it a while and no one else seems to have pitched you anything so I got another idea for you.

Wraithbone. Armor that can repair itself by feeding off the psychic energies of its wearer? Sounds like a great thing to give a Unicorn.
Problem of course. Even if Solon has some lying around, he can't actually shape the material himself since he doesn't have any prominent psychic powers. Though I suppose if he got Trixie to help him he could probably rig something up to her horn to harness the energies he would need for the task. Seems like an interesting challenge he would go for.
Pretty much everything I have suggested has come from the Eldar arsenal but that's only because they have so many thing suited to Trixies style and Psyker powers in general. She doesn't seem very close combat oriented so melee weapons probably aren't her thing except in an emergency.

Now Pegasus armor. Now there's where some more options present themselves. Not sure how the wings and flight would work out but for the weapons…
Pair of chain swords that fold out and can be raked through the enemy ranks.
Some sort of invented "Force Hooves" for dive bombing and cracking enemy armor.
Putting a salvaged Tau Kinetic Force Pulse Emitter on it to set off in hit and run tactics. (Oh hey! There's a neat defensive option for Trixie.)
Or hell, strap a couple of small rocket pods and a few grenades to it and turn it into a small fighter bomber.

Warhammer has all sorts of fun options for strapping violent objects to small animals that defy physics.

If you need a psyker to shape wraithbone doesn't trixe have a good 'friend' in the iron warriors. (or at least one whom has the ability to torture an elder slave into doing it) Hint hint. Also if we're throwing out weapon ideas how about a deathscreamer. It's a daemon weapon of Tzeentch and since it is a psyker weapon along with a type daemon weapon of Tzeentch I can't see people lining up to use it because 1)the majority of the people don't seem to worship him and it strikes me the he gods khorne especially wouldn't want you wielding another gods weapon 2) this is a weapon that uses psychic power to send screaming bolts of lightning at your foes but your own. Now it does act as an amplifier for powers but you need them first.

As for why people wouldn't already use it I don't know maybe the daemon in it is really annoying or something.

A Deathscreamer is a good idea, but a little hardcore for Trixie. We're talking a full-on daemon weapon here, complete with rebellious, dangerous will and Chaos God alignment, not just a tricky piece of archaeotech. But a sort of psionic-powered blade or a magic gunblade with the general function of a Deathscreamer would be a nice fit, and more unique than her horn shooting lightning.
As for Wraithbone, that would be a useful material for crafting the suit frames for pegasi, for the sake of weight. It's less useful for any grounded armor suit, since Eldar materials are not noted for their durability, just their light weight and psychic properties.

Good ideas, guys! Thanks!

How about some sort of reconfigured tau fire caste armor and a modified pulse rifle, or even some sort of lasgun. Maybe a flame thrower their flashy and Trixe loves flashy:trixieshiftleft:

Probably a little late at this point but...

You were wanting weapons that interact with psychic powers well. Once again I point to some nifty Eldar stuff. Namely a type of sword they call a "Witchblade" and a "Singing Spear." These weapons are particularly potent when wielded by psykers.



Though you might have already thought of them and just haven't revealed them.

If you have ever played any of the Dawn of War series there are several different examples of exotic weapons of the WarHammer universe presented in them. Some Singing Spears can produce ranged psychic bolts from the user.

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