• Member Since 12th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 13th, 2023

Jon bucker

More Blog Posts10

  • 477 weeks
    Well peoples... its been fun

    Its been fun, but as time goes on i think it is finally my time to say goodbye to this fandom.

    I wish and hope the best for all of you ive gotton to know along the way and thank you for the lessons you've taught me.

    Stay strong and safe people, take care

    6 comments · 341 views
  • 487 weeks
    New OC

    Hey all, this is a blog thingy i'm using to introduce my second OC. This is kinda rough so fair warning. Its not really a story, its just telling some things about him and his life. And please try to not be to critical or judgmental, please?

    Soo here he is, FINALLY! I hope you all like him

    Name: Doesn't have one, but taken a liking to the names, Shadow and Night Shade.

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    13 comments · 457 views
  • 499 weeks
    Wait... WHAT!?

    Ah never really noticed tell now, but ah actually have 71 followers.

    Ah just wanted to make this and say thank ya to all of ya'll, honestly ah thought ah only had maybe 34, but 71! it blew me right out of the water.

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    16 comments · 361 views
  • 511 weeks

    Howdy ya'll! Ah apologize fer yellen but theirs good reason.

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    0 comments · 335 views
  • 516 weeks
    Story Notes.

    / / /NOTES/ / / This story is me and my life and how I think I would react if I went to equestria. The main protagonist in this story isn’t someone that’s like or portrays as me, it’s me. I made this story with my most honestly self, all the reactions and feelings in this story are my own. That’s one of the reasons this story took so long, always keeping it to my honest self wasn’t easy at

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    0 comments · 394 views

Not sure if its a little late for this but what the hay. · 12:09am Apr 14th, 2014

1. What is your first name: Jonathan (Jon bucker making a whole allot more sense now isn’t it)

2. How old are you: 17

3. What country are you from: Canada eh!

4. What do you really look like, pictures are acceptable: Ugly as hell

5. What do you wish you looked like: No one, ah’m comfortable with myself.

6. How did you come across My Little Pony: My nephew.

7. What is your favorite ship in My Little Pony and why: Ah don’t really have one, but if any AJ and RD. why because they seem that could understand each other and
really look out for one another.

8. What is your least favorite ship and why: again don’t really have one, don’t know much on shipping.

9. Have you admitted to anyone outside of Fimfiction that you love MLP: Yes, my nephews and friends on Xbox live.

10. Were they a family member: A couple yes.

11. Favorite MLP Episode: Ah really really liked “Pinkie Apple Pie” for a verity of reasons, some personally and others more normal, but that’s another story.

12. Who is your favorite superhero: That’s a really hard one, either Spiderman or Batman, Wolverine is cool to.

13. Who is your favorite anti-hero: Dead Pool.

14. Favorite supervillain: can’t go wrong with Joker, he’s hilarious.

15. Favorite anti-villain: Dead Pool

16. What was the last book you read: Don’t really read much.

17. Last movie you watched: Hancock

18. What is your favorite song at the moment: Can’t chose that, to to to many.

19. What song do you always come back to: I Will Wait and Life is a highway.

20. What is your current job: anywhere where work is needed, I don’t really have a job but I work just as hard.

21. If this is not your final job what job do you want in the future: My first job would probably be doing stock or unloading trucks at wall-mart, something active.

22. What is your dream job: Ah really wouldn’t mind working on a farm, ah would love that.

23. At this moment in your life, what is your greatest achievement: Concurring myself and life, facing everything that’s been set before me.

24. At this moment in your life, what is your greatest failure: I don’t really fail, I fall yes but I get right back up, it may take time but I always get up, the only time ah would say one has failed is if they gave up on themselves.

25. Do you have any pets: Yes, a Dog.

26. What is your dream pet: A Phoenix.

27. Do you own any weapons: Ohh yes, anything bladed besides swords, but ah’m workin ta change that.

28. Is there a gun you really want: Old school smith and Wesson pump action shotgun.

29. What Religion are you: Christian.

30. If you could hang out with one person in all of history who would it be: Noah.

31. If you could bring back one person from the dead for one day who would it be: my brother in-law.

32. Are you political: Don’t really know what that means so ah’m gonna go with nooo.

33. Are you married: EeNope.

34. Do you have a special sonepony: EeNope.

35. Have a crush on anyone: EeYup.

36. Care to explain: Just a girl ah’ve met, her name is Bethany, but way ah could describe her she’s basically my flutter shy.

37. Do you consider yourself attractive: Well if you don’t remember question (4) EeNope.

38. If you could spend one day with someone still alive who would it be: That’s too hard a question.

39. Who is your favorite pony: Can’t really say one in particular, but ah can say the whole Apple Family.

40. Any embarrassing secrets you would like to share: Nothing really, yes ah’ve done some pretty stupid things, but not really embarrassing.

41. If you have done any stories/art what is your favorite piece(s): Well ah’ve only made one story, so it be that.

42. Are you a virgin: EeYup

43. What is the craziest thing you have done in your life that you have no regrets about: Run from the cops, don’t worry ah wasn’t doin drugs, never touched the stuff,
but if anyone who’s reading wants ta know just ask, ah’m an open book.

44. What is the craziest thing you have done in your life that you have regrets about: No, there’s no point having regrets over what you can’t change, its in the past,
pick yerself up, learn what you can and move on.

45. Do you have a fetish of any kind: Don’t really know what that means?

46. Do you regret saying this fetish: No because ah don’t know what that is?

47. What are some of your favorite FIM stories: My Little dashie, What's Really the Most Important?, Pony legacy.

48. Favorite Quote: thiers one that ah encountered in harder points in my life, and ah can still remember it clear as day. “The Ones You Love, Truly Love Never Die…
You Keep Them With You, And Like This, They Are Alive.” Ah forget who its by so sorry about that.

49. Did you ever hurt someone’s feelings just to hurt them: No not purposely.

50. Did you answer these questions honestly: Well ah can honestly say, ah have.

Report Jon bucker · 400 views ·
Comments ( 27 )

I wanna know why you ran from the cops, that's gotta be a good story :rainbowlaugh:


No problem:rainbowlaugh:

The most recent one… actually wasn’t that long ago, maybe a few weeks. Ok so all start from the beginning.

One night my nephews came over for a surprise visit, and I was really shocked because its extremely hard to hide things from me without expecting them, it was my nephew Sam (also his little sister who’s awesome but she didn’t stay long) me and Sam have been friends since like 4 or 5 years old, he’s one of my closest friends, basically if we weren’t family we would be, we’re brothers. Anyway, he lives far away so we don’t get to see each other much, and he was at my house for the weekend, he came late Friday night and was staying tell Sunday afternoon. After we stayed up late Friday, and did whatever through Saturday, when Saturday evening came (I say evening because the sun wasn’t gone yet) we thought it be a good idea to go under the highway not too far from where I live and have a fire and blow up some old lighters I had that lost their flints. When we got there we started trying to get a fire going but it was extremely hard because since it was still cold out and there was still some snow, everything was either damp or was just grass, which we could get a fire going with, but we couldn’t build a fire souly alone or dead grass. After trying for around 15 to 20 min, we gave up and started walking back, then we found a dead try that was off the ground and its branches were pretty cry, so we took what we could and started trying with it.
As we were getting the fire lit I heard voices, when I looked out from underneath the bridge, I saw a lady at the top the hill and she looked like she had a phone held up to her ear, I instantly thought she was calling the cops because since I live in a vary drug infested area, she probably thought we were doing stuff like that. I looked back to same and said “Sam we have to go now, put out the fire, put out the fire, put out the fire. Of course his first thoughts and reply were on “why” but when I told him he wasted little time and we started speed walking out of the there. I was a bit shaken but Sam was fine (he didn’t really get why that was a bad thing at that moment) as we were coming up the path and up a gravel hill to the exit, Sam started thinking I was crazy because no cops were around. But just as we were making it to the exit, what pulls around the side street closest to us? A COP CAR! We both said “oh shit” and we instantly turned around and we fallowed the trail that lead up the hill rather than down, but we started walking faster and faster Intel we were sprinting. Then we heard dogs barking and the sound of someone calling to us, that sent us running even faster, I told him to ditch the lighters he was carrying, I did the same, I was running like a bat out of hell but Sam started falling behind me because he didn’t get why we were running, we didn’t do anything. And he was right, but what he forgot is that we had “Knives” on us (you can’t walk in my neighborhood without them especially at night, that’s a stupid thought in itself) if you’re wondering yes, the knives were legal… but the thing is we weren’t, it’s against the law if your under eighteen. When I said that his eyes went wide, kind of like a “Oh shit” face of realization and he instantly started running right up next to me. Thankfully since I know my area inside and out I knew a back rout of that park that lead us to a hole in a fence to the far right of the original entrance, and past that opening you were behind a small hill. The cop wasn’t there after we made the trip around but that night was certainly one for the memory book, i swear i almost crapped myself:rainbowlaugh:

45. Do you have a fetish of any kind: Don’t really know what that means?

Oh, you are going to have a fun time learning what this means! :trollestia:

Its never too late to join the band wagon!

Holy crap, that was... Kinda ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS!:rainbowlaugh:

I need to do one of these.

Ah really wouldn’t mind working on a farm, ah would love that.

Suck it up, you live in Canada. One of the coldest places on Earth.


I found a group on here that's all about that, so now i know what it means:rainbowlaugh: but i don't really have one specific one is the thing.

2009067 The Element of Camping.


Ah like that, it sounds Awesome:rainbowlaugh:

2008208 oh you little anarchist, you. :rainbowlaugh:

2009136 You're not southern, quit acting like it. We may talk like that, but am I typing like it?


I'm not really trying to sorry though, its not really something i can control it just randomly happens, its on and off. theirs another story behind that.


Well the only reason they know is because there what got me started into the fandom when my nephew told me he was a brony, but i have told a few others, only ones i trust though.


Normally, but not always. sure i got that at first but they came around rather quickly, but i guess that's just because their my close friends, also one of them being a brony helps to.

32: it just means whom you side with in the economy and prime minister and government stuff
45: a fetish is something "different" from a "normal" interest, like vore, or giantess, the taboo kinda stuff people are to ignorant to accept

What a story! Not sure if you would like the place I live in. Not many people, and not much happens. Crickets are among the most annoying things around here. But there is lots of farms. To bad I am not like you, I might fit in better around here. Though I do love the quiet.

Got a guy at work who reads Dead Pool comics on his smartphone during brake.
My favorite superheros would be the Hulk, Spiderman, and Ironman
Joker, yea, he’s hilarious! :rainbowlaugh:
I loved the last movie with him done by Heath Ledger. He made one great Joker.
One of my favorite villains I should say is Magneto. He is a complicated one. He dose not see himself as a villain. Dose one see them self's as evil or wrong for killing a few bugs that try to bite and sting? He doesn't.

Got another guy I work with who is from Canada. He talks about it a lot. Though my memory of things is somewhat shot, I can't so easy recall all of what he has told me.

Had someone in my life for about a year I thought of as my Fluttershy. I let her go, long story. Though I am not sad about it at all.

Announcements on being a brony? I don't think everyone needs to know that about me. Though many of who I work with at a lumber kiln working at handling, stacking, and drying lumber knows. I pick and choose who I tell. That also goes with me being an atheist, furry, and a transhumanist. among other things. I am not a one trick pony either. I like to draw, make music, tell stories, work with computer related things, like Ai development, 3D CG art, animations, games, the list goes on. Though one real big drawback to all that. I have no such thing as a mastery in any one of them. Each is more like a hobby or interest I enjoy.

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